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5,545 hits since 8 May 2013
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steamingdave4709 May 2013 12:02 p.m. PST

Can anyone point me to a definitive source on the infantry uniforms for Duchy of Warsaw? I have Funcken, Digby Smith, Hourtelle and Haythornthwaite. They all seem to have slightly different takes on details such as cuff flaps, piping of cuffs, collar colour, shoulder straps etc. I am painting 15mm AB's and so far have gone with the description in Digby Smith. I have read ( I think in Haythornthwaite) that details varied from regiment to regiment, but he offers little further information except that the three regiments serving in Spain were basically in French uniforms.

138SquadronRAF09 May 2013 12:11 p.m. PST

Try this, I've found it very good:




For the troops in Spain:


The Histofig site has some other pages under 'Duché de Varsovie'

steamingdave4709 May 2013 12:54 p.m. PST

Thanks 138Squadron RAF, those are really great links. Not surprising that different authors are giving different versions.

Prince of Essling09 May 2013 12:59 p.m. PST

Chelminski/Malibran: The Army of Duchy of Warsaw

Uniform Series of the Army of the Duchy of Warsaw by Stachowicz. The five panels show groups of in the period from 1810 to 1813.

Poles in the service of Napoleon – covers the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Vistula Legion, Legion du Nord, Imperial Guard

Album of plates by Zygmunt Rozwadowskiof the cavalry (in Polish). link

steamingdave4709 May 2013 2:08 p.m. PST

Interesting links Prince of Essling-thanks.

Murawski10 May 2013 12:43 a.m. PST

If you want to email via the contact page of then I'll be happy to send you my uniform research file.
Please be aware that uniform wise the Poles were a nightmare – the French used to complain about them! There are contradictory sources out there and in many cases you just have to make a best guess.

steamingdave4710 May 2013 1:46 a.m. PST

Murawski- that's a really generous offer. Glad I am not the only one to be confused!
Email sent.
Many thanks

Murawski10 May 2013 4:21 a.m. PST

Hope the information is of use Dave.

steamingdave4710 May 2013 8:45 a.m. PST

Thanks fellows for all of the useful pointers. Particular thanks to Roger for sharing his research notes with me. I think this little thread shows TMP at its best- knowledgeable and helpful folks willing to share their knowledge.

138SquadronRAF10 May 2013 10:55 a.m. PST

That Dave is why I still hang out here – even if I can upset some people based on my stifle count. ;-)

You might also look at the out of print Osprey MAA book on the Duchy of Warsaw too.

Good luck, I painted a Polish brigade for a friend of mine last year and they were a lot of fun.


Prince of Essling10 May 2013 12:45 p.m. PST

Also very useful is the Nafziger, Wesolowski & Devoe "Poles and Saxons of the Napoleonic Wars"

julianmizzi20 Jun 2013 6:13 p.m. PST

Have you tried sourcing these books ?


I have the two complete sets – they are soon to release the infantry colours . ( I believe two books ) . Yes , they are in Polish , but the color plates , of which there are an abundance , have english text.

Can't recommend them enough !

good luck

julianmizzi20 Jun 2013 6:15 p.m. PST

Here are the two Books on the infantry , to be released soon ( no indicative dates though )

Runicus Fasticus20 Jun 2013 6:37 p.m. PST

Again someone brings up the Poles. I want to raise the Polish division and the Vistula Legion …sigh. One of these days it will happen.
While we are on the subject… did the 4th ,7th, and 9th Polish infantry carry Polish standards in Spain or French supplied standards ?

von Winterfeldt22 Jun 2013 3:57 a.m. PST

the Vistula Legion did not carry Eagles (despite they had the right to do it) but continued to carry the old pre Empire designs

Guy Dempsey jr.'s book it very helpfull on such questions as well.

Prince of Essling22 Jun 2013 5:53 a.m. PST

According to Rigo plate D-05, the 4th, 7th & 9th carried Polish flags/eagles.
If interested in a copy drop me an e-mail ( with an address that can take an attachments.

von Winterfeldt22 Jun 2013 6:21 a.m. PST

I am speaking about the Vistula legion
for more see

Dempsey : Napoleon's Mercenaries

Prince of Essling22 Jun 2013 7:31 a.m. PST

I was responding to the second part of Runicus Fasticus' post of 20 Jun 2013 7:37 p.m. PST.

Rigo produced drawings of the Vistula Legion (both infantry & lancers) – again if you want a copy drop me a line…

I agree both Dempsey books are excellent!

Sapeur29 Aug 2013 10:38 p.m. PST

Have the complete set of the Karbela books.
Interesting to see that 2 volumes on Infantry will be available soon

julianmizzi04 Dec 2013 2:39 p.m. PST


Just received news that the two infantry books are now available !

We are proud to announce the publication of our next album of the series The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw, which is dedicated to the Infantry.

Book available from 2nd December 2014. Mail order:

The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw. Infantry, national guard, veterans

Publisher: KARABELA D. Chojnacka Warsaw 2014
ISBN: 978-83-61229-05-6
Pages: volume I – 296, 94 colour plates, 1 centrefold, 3 black and white drawings
volume II – 320, 71 colour plates
Format: 34 x 24 cm (9.8 x 13.6 in), hardcover, two volumes in a slip case
Language: Polish, descriptions and summary in English, French and German
Price: 110 Euro

We present to our readers the long-awaited album dedicated to the infantry, national guard and veterans. The book is the part of the Army of the Duchy of Warsaw Series and the first such comprehensive study on the history of all infantry regiments of the Duchy.
The colour plates were once again painted by artist Richard Morawski, while the text was written by Adam Paczuski, museologist and expert in the iconography of the Napoleonic era. Due to the breadth of the subject the album was divided into two volumes and contains, in addition to the extensive text, 165 colour and 3 black and white plates as well as one centrefold presenting the organization of 22 infantry regiments of the Duchy of Warsaw during the years 1806 and1814. On 123 colour plates Ryszard Morawski illustrates silhouettes of 327 officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers. In addition, another 42 colour plates show elements of uniforms, weapons and equipment. Each colour plate is captioned in Polish, French, English and German. Ryszard Morawski also created spectacular initials and drawings for the book.
Adam Paczuski presents the story of the Polish infantry starting from the end of 1806. He analyzes thoroughly the subsequent reorganizations of this formation in the army of the Duchy. In the first volume, the author describes the history of the Polish division in Spain and infantry's contribution to the victorious war against Austria in 1809. The second volume contains an extensive study of the involvement of the Duchy of Warsaw infantry's in the 1812 campaign as well as Saxon and French campaigns. In addition, the reader will gain in-depth knowledge about formations that supported infantry – the national guard and the veterans. The author portrays the everyday life of an infantryman (conscription, training, life in barracks and in the field, organization of the regiment etc.). He also describes in detail the uniforms, weapons and equipment of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers as well as their combat tactics.
The final section of the second volume contains the bibliography, alphabetical index of names and extensive summaries in English, French and German.

Yours sincerely

Danuta Chojnacka

julianmizzi04 Dec 2013 2:41 p.m. PST

Here is the link from their website .

And I also Note the typo in their correspondence above.

Book available from 2nd December 2014.

Ducel104 Dec 2013 5:22 p.m. PST

So they are available now??

julianmizzi04 Dec 2013 8:23 p.m. PST

looks it .

Sapeur05 Dec 2013 7:27 a.m. PST

Copy ordered.!!

Ducel105 Dec 2013 6:07 p.m. PST

I contacted the publishers and they confirmed the date was incorrect, it should have read 2013.
I couldn't place my order fast enough!

Sapeur12 Dec 2013 11:34 a.m. PST

My books arrived today.
Expensive but worth it.

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