The Angry Piper | 01 May 2013 9:16 a.m. PST |
As in, how many editions have been released since these, and how much have the rules and composition lists changed? Example, The above version of the Guard codex doesn't include the Manticore or Valkyrie, but are the rules for the army/game substantially different? |
Ran The Cid | 01 May 2013 9:24 a.m. PST |
Those books are from 3rd/4th edition. 40K is currently in it's 6th edition. I have no idea how much the rules have changed in the past 2 editions. |
GoneNow | 01 May 2013 9:36 a.m. PST |
I am no longer "in the loop" on 40K, so I can't help you there. But that Orc army book for WHFB is from 6th, the newest is a hardback from 8th. There has been some major point cost changes for a lot of units. Some units have changed which category they belong in (as in Core, Special, Rare). I don't think there are any units in that book that no longer exist, but there are several units that exist now that didn't exist then. The spell lists have been revamped and the magic item list is now just a fraction of the size. If we were just meeting up for friendly games, I wouldn't care if you were using that book. But if your looking for a competitive list, that book is too outdated for the creep factor. Your 4th book link is empty for me, so I can't comment on it either. |
jbenton | 01 May 2013 10:13 a.m. PST |
I can't speak to the others, but the Tyranid codex is pretty badly out of date; points costs, available options etc. are all quite a bit different in the most recent (5th) edition codex. |
15mm and 28mm Fanatik | 01 May 2013 2:19 p.m. PST |
They're totally worthless. I have the IG and Tyranid ones myself. Not even worth the cost of listing them on ebay. You can try trading them with players who prefer earlier editions of 40K though, but for most people it's always the 'latest and greatest.' |
The Angry Piper | 01 May 2013 2:58 p.m. PST |
Not interested in selling them. I was just going to make up a new IG chapter for fun, and was wondering if there would be a huge difference between IG rules then and now. The other books were really just a curiosity. I don't play GW games anymore, and if I do, I will use the editions I own already. General consensus seems to be the older editions are better, right? |
ordinarybass | 01 May 2013 6:57 p.m. PST |
"Older is better" Not so much for 40k Unfortunately. Except for those who pine for Rogue Trader or 2nd edition, most folks seem to think that 6th edition (the current edition) is the best of the 3rd-6th progression. Still not an amazing ruleset by any means, and like all 40k, it still relies heavily on special rules but I like it better than the previous 3 renditions. Among other things, it tweaks shooting just a bit and introduces a weak but interesting form of overwatch (firing into a charge). Sorry. I've got lots of previous edition codicies. The old books can be useful for some fluff (though most gets repeated each book) and art, but other than that, there's not much good to say for them. |
jbenton | 01 May 2013 7:19 p.m. PST |
I'm with ordinarybass on this one. Sure, I miss some of the silliness that was in 2nd edition. But if I'm going to sit down and play 40K as a game I'll take 6th over previous editions. |
The Angry Piper | 02 May 2013 1:52 a.m. PST |
How much different are the guard in 6th? Aside from the new toys, are point costs still consistent? Do they still have access to skills and drills? |
Admiral Yi Sun Sin is my Homie | 02 May 2013 4:48 a.m. PST |
The Angry Piper, The short answers; "A bit different as they have access to flyers and more Lehman Russ variants. Little things like that. ", "No" and "No" Download Battlescribe and install the 40k army files. From there you can build an IG force and compare the points and available options. If you want to get into the nuances and details of the army book with the new rules then you'll need both of those since the special rules won't be described in the Battlescibe Army Roster. |
The Angry Piper | 02 May 2013 6:16 a.m. PST |
Thanks Admiral! I was wondering how I was going to waste time at work today. Usually I surf TMP. Now I can build all my armies with the new points cost without buying the codex. This should keep me busy for a while. :) |
ordinarybass | 02 May 2013 7:05 a.m. PST |
Don't have the books in front of me so I can't comment on points. However, skills and drills are gone. However, now the command structure now gives you "orders" which are basically bonuses to units if the commander can pass a leadership test. Higher level officers have more/better orders, and some special characters have unique orders. Battlescribe is a nice program. Being open source, it usually takes a couple months for a new codex list to be free (or mostly free) of errors, but I use it and like it alot. I'm not a fan of GW policies/prices/etc., but if you're considering playing 40k, the new codex is very nice and you can always pick up a copy of the boxed set mini-rulebook (which has the complete rules) for 10-20 bucks via TMP, Bartertown or Ebay. |
skinkmasterreturns | 02 May 2013 9:36 a.m. PST |
Good old 6th ed WFB Orc and gobbos were my favorite.Lots of great games with them.:) |
Prince Rupert of the Rhine | 02 May 2013 10:19 a.m. PST |
Personally I'm happily still playing 4th edition 40k always had fun with it so why change? I also like 1st edition 40k but 1st edition is a very differnt game. The Codex pictured above was great fun for coming up with different themed regiments and I'm still using it. |
Admiral Yi Sun Sin is my Homie | 03 May 2013 5:26 a.m. PST |
The Angry Piper, You're welcome! I enjoy army building when I'm bored at places I don't want to be at as well.  PRotR, I prefer Warzone myself.  I have enough Bauhaus for a GW IG army though. I was that nuts collecting them. Now, I'm into Fireteam Andromeda for 15mm and 28mm Sci-Fi.  |