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"Prussian territories in 1806 ?" Topic

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Comments or corrections?

MichaelCollinsHimself29 Apr 2013 10:17 p.m. PST

Does anyone know where I can find definitive and reliable information and/or maps of the territories held by Prussia in 1806?

With Thanks,


Prince of Essling30 Apr 2013 3:13 a.m. PST

See link



Spreewaldgurken30 Apr 2013 4:01 a.m. PST

It's complicated, as the map above nicely shows. In the 1803 imperial settlement, Prussia acquired a number of small princely and church lands, as well as various dependencies that remained theoretically independent (i.e., they didn't pay taxes to the King of Prussia, nor contribute soldiers to his army), but were nonetheless "administered" by Prussia, in the sense that the Prussians could station garrisons there, they used Prussian law administered by Prussian judges, were part of the Prussian toll and tariff system, etc.

Some of these were sizable, such as the principality of Hildesheim, for instance, with over 120,000 inhabitants. Others were tiny. The little County of Wernigerode, for example, with 11,000 people, was 5 miles across.

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP30 Apr 2013 7:14 a.m. PST

Did they ever actually take control of Hanover during their negotiations with Napoleon in early 1806? I was never clear about this.

summerfield30 Apr 2013 7:37 a.m. PST

Prussia occupied Hanover in April 1801 and withdrew in November. It was a poisoned carrot dangled in front of Frederick William III that he chose not to take. Hence the perilous dance that he made until 1806.

My understanding is that the Prussians did not subsequently occupy Hanover. The French did in 1803.

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