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"15mm modern cars - upgrading cheapies" Topic

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2,038 hits since 27 Apr 2013
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Yesthatphil28 Apr 2013 9:26 a.m. PST

Or – making the best of a crude model …

This was an extreme conversion and I'm sure most wargamers will prefer a simplified version (but it might serve to demonstrate what can be achieved) …


(Chinese plastic toy alongside 15mm cars from Peter Pig, Quality Castings and QRF – the figures are Peter Piggies)

As you can see, the purple plastic blob from a Chinese bargain bag is a good 1:100, just poorly made, with ill fitting parts and (to be kind) 'sketchy' wheels ….

As the professor shows, we can break it down, model the interior and find some suitable sports wheels …


We can reassemble it and prime it flat black …


… and after a few coats of shiny red paint, it is ready to go on the forecourt (of a Timecast gas station) all nice and ready to be blown up by some passing militia in a forthcoming AK47 game thumbs up!


Although I overindulged this project, it now looks good alongside more expensive metal cars, and adds to the variety of civilian vehicles I can use to set the scene.

The key parts of the upgrade were taking it apart in order to refit the windscreen and putting proper wheels on it.

Modelling the interior would be optional, perhaps grin

The car upgrade is currently top feature on my modelling page (otherwise scroll down for it). It is one of a number of new items.

Thanks for looking …


Redroom28 Apr 2013 10:10 a.m. PST

wheels do make a big difference, nice work


That turned out really nice.

GoGators28 Apr 2013 6:31 p.m. PST

Looks really good!

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP28 Apr 2013 7:17 p.m. PST

Very nice. Of course, I'll never put that much effort into it.

Yesthatphil29 Apr 2013 2:02 p.m. PST

Of course, I'll never put that much effort into it.

Lol … the motorbikes are where the real effort is grin



darthfozzywig29 Apr 2013 2:40 p.m. PST

WOW. Nice work!

I have a bag of those and you've inspired me to go nuts with these.

Yesthatphil30 Apr 2013 7:23 a.m. PST

grin Thanks for the kind comments …

Wheels? … Yes wheels are the key, and one of the easiest upgrades (though on this model they are moulded into the chassis, so you do need to disassemble the whole thing to get at them (to saw them off) …

Tip: I never buy a 'single rear axle' truck when I can buy a twin (say, Gaz AA or AAA): I convert the twin and save the extra wheels; I never buy a readimade wreck if I can wreck a real one myself (and save some or all of the wheels); some modeller stalls even have wheel packs (I buy whether I need any or not) …

In those ways, I always try to have a pile of spare wheels in amongst my bits and junk and can usually find something appropriate when I have a toy car or truck that needs attention.

Or at least, that's one of my excuses for having boxes and trays of junk everywhere (oops! …) …


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