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"How Many Large Ships On The Table?" Topic

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richarDISNEY24 Apr 2013 11:51 a.m. PST

So, as a late birthday gift, some of the fellows in my club gave me all four of the Wave 2 ships.
Way cool!

But the problem is that I got all of those ships when they were first released.

Good. I can use another TIE Adv and and A-Wing, but…

Do I need two Falcons and Slaves?

How many of the larger ships do you field in a game?
Just one of each or multiples of them?

To me, it seems that more than one really clogs up the table… IMO.

Mako1124 Apr 2013 12:26 p.m. PST

The solution is simple.

Just use a bigger table.


Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2013 12:32 p.m. PST

I like having multiples for larger scenario games.

Personally, I don't like flying any of them in 100 point dogfight games -- especially the Falcon, there's no particular challenge to it. Don't fly into asteroids or off the board and just roll dice at enemy within 30cm. Yawn.

But depending on your playing preferences, you might enjoy flying them in dogfights. Squads with 2 Falcons or 2-3 Firesprays can be competitive builds.

If you like that sort of thing :P

DS615124 Apr 2013 2:37 p.m. PST

Use two tables.
Use a load of asteroids.
Run a Double-Blind game.

For me the major issue in running those is the required duplication of unique models. You seem to have that part resolved already.

vojvoda24 Apr 2013 2:43 p.m. PST

I have seen a bunch of write ups with two Firesprays and one YT-1300. I agree it might be too crowded for anything more than 150 points per side on a 3X3 regulation table.

Other than that you can always send/sell them to me!

James Mattes

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2013 2:53 p.m. PST

I use one Falcon because there is only one. I don't care for the Slave 1 (and it never did anything in the original trilogy but fly), so I don't have that.
Now, if they do the Imperial Shuttle, I might consider more than one of it.

P.S. There's only one TIE Advanced, too— it belongs to Vader. Nobody else gets one, so there are never any more on my table.

FFG is probably not as keen on my approach, but I do buy multiples of the common fighters— 'cause it ain't a fighter wing if somebody doesn't have a wingman!

Ghostrunner24 Apr 2013 3:08 p.m. PST

Parzival – you flaming purist!

Is this all a game to you?!?

Ewan Hoosami24 Apr 2013 4:34 p.m. PST

So in that case you can only re create fights from the Battles seen in the movies which also means that if the result differs it is either wrong or its "fiction"…… (*{}*)

Farstar24 Apr 2013 5:02 p.m. PST

There are supposedly lots of YT-1300s flying around. We just only ever see the Falcon. I'd say give the second one a bit of paint and just use the standard cards with it instead of Chewie, Han, or Lando. Same goes for the Slave-1.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2013 5:54 p.m. PST

So in that case you can only re create fights from the Battles seen in the movies which also means that if the result differs it is either wrong or its "fiction"

Ha! Hardly. It just means I like what I like. You'll note in other threads I'm a fan of the TIE Avenger, the TIE Defender, the Assault Gun Boat, and the TIE Phantom, none of which have appeared in any scene in any movie. What I like, though, is the flavor of the films. That flavor makes certain ships iconic and "special"— among them, the Millennium Falcon and Darth Vader's TIE Advanced. So I prefer that approach. Doesn't mean anyone else is wrong for laboring the table down with YT-1300s or Firesprays or TIE Advances galore. Buy what you want, play what you want and enjoy the game.

There are supposedly lots of YT-1300s flying around. We just only ever see the Falcon.

True, but the Falcon has a lot of "special modifications." I seem to recall some bit of notation that even the location of the cockpit was supposedly unique (though that would be quite a bit of "special modifications" for one guy and a wookie to pull off).

Like I said, I really don't care if someone else plays with a table full of YT-1300s. I just use the one true Millennium Falcon (which the movies always treated as "unique" within the Rebel fleet).

PS to Ewan: What was that symbol supposed to be? A TIE Advanced?
Let's see what I can do:

|=O=| |=O=| |=O=|

|=O=| <=O=> [=O=] <=O=> |=O=|

|=O=| |=O=| |=O=|

You don't know the power of the Dark Side!

CorSecEng24 Apr 2013 6:49 p.m. PST

I'd start inventing scenarios for two YTs or Firesprays. You could use the YT for its actual purpose. It is a cargo ship. Well when not modified by smugglers and certain wookies.

Besides a 3' by 3' board is boring.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2013 7:56 p.m. PST

Grand Admiral Thrawn used a YT-1300 in a ploy to pretend it was the Millenium Falcon.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2013 9:14 p.m. PST

Light Freighters are very useful. I'm currently working on slicing and splicing 4 of the Falcon models from old AMT/ERTL Rebel Base Dioramas. These are a little smaller than the FFG YT-1300. I'm converting at least 1-2 of them into Nova Drive 3-Z Light Freighters (these are the easiest conversions. Maybe 1-2 YT-1000, and maybe one YT-1200 if I decide to get a bit more involved in fabricating the drives.

Definitely looking forward to including a pack of 3 Bounty Hunters in a big scenario.

I'm willing to go along with the game fiction of more than 1 TIE Advanced. The game needed Darth Vader. But a model that's only used by one unique pilot wouldn't be good for the game, it needed other viable options.

AndrewGPaul25 Apr 2013 2:47 a.m. PST

Parzival, if you field the Falcon with Han flying, Chewie as co-pilot and the "Millennium Falcon" title card, that should be sufficiently better than the YT-1300 flown by the Out Rim Smuggler.

As to the TIE Advanced, I distinctly remember getting jumped by half a dozen of the things in the X-Wing computer game. grin Having said that, I do find it a bit … wrong … to field one not flown by Vader (and without Mauler Mitherl and Backstabber alongside, for that matter).

Ewan Hoosami25 Apr 2013 2:50 a.m. PST

No it was supposed to be a silly duck face but formatting stuffed it up.
Btw my comments were meant to be tongue in cheek if subtle humour is lost on those that may be a little autistic.

I'll match those Imperial buckets with a force of own

:>=<: :>=<: :>=<: :>=<:
…..:>=<: :>=<: :>=<:….
…….:>=<: :>=<:………

"The Force is strong in this one" (*{}*)

vojvoda25 Apr 2013 5:17 a.m. PST

Well as far as the Tie Advanced goes I have 8 and planning on 9. Every self respecting Star Wars Geek must have a squadron of all the major fighters. Don't even ask how many Tie Fighters I plan to end up with!

I will still take any ships guys have as extra off their hands after depreciation? grin

James Mattes

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP25 Apr 2013 7:44 a.m. PST

Hey, don't bogart all the unwanted ships -- I'd like some too! So far, the only full squadron I have is TIE LN's

Ghostrunner25 Apr 2013 9:54 a.m. PST

I've been keeping the numbers pretty low in case FFG re-prints the fighters with different cards.

Although, now that I've started re-painting, I want to get more just for that purpose.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP25 Apr 2013 10:54 a.m. PST

In the immediate future, I'ld like to get a 5th Interceptor so I can fly a 100 pt squad of 5 Avenger Squadron. But that means I'd need to get a 6th one too, so they're all in wingmate pairs….

But do I get 2 more English ones now, and then get 6 German ones later to field half a TIE Abfangjäger Staffel?

I can probably keep to one Spanish TIE Avanzando ^,^

Farstar25 Apr 2013 10:57 a.m. PST

I seem to recall some bit of notation that even the location of the cockpit was supposedly unique (though that would be quite a bit of "special modifications" for one guy and a wookie to pull off).

Remember that the Falcon was Lando's ship before it was Han's, and Lando seems to be one of those folks who can come up with resources when he needs them.

The YT-1300 seen briefly on the starport pad on Naboo has the same cockpit configuration as the Falcon, suggesting that either the Falcon herself has looked that way for a long time, or that there are other YT-1300s with the offset configuration. Given how many other ships we see with irregular or offset shapes, I have no problem with the second option being true even if the first is as well.

The lore across 30+ years has suggested strongly that the Corellians are well known for designing and building ships that look like collections of spare parts assembled randomly. The YT-1300 in "stock" configuration is the distinctive horned disk and a Bridge module attached *somewhere*, with just enough drives to get around. The Falcon's trick is that it still looks like a stock model, but isn't one.

Anthon26 Apr 2013 5:04 p.m. PST

Use them as smugglers/pirates. Create a scenario where an Interdictor Cruiser pulled a pirate force out of hyper-space and then launched its fighter compliment. If you don't have enough fighters, use off board turbo-lasers to simulate the cruiser's turbo's firing whenever they have a clean shot. Make up some rules, put them on the board, and have some fun !!!
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