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Dragoon106409 Apr 2013 7:35 a.m. PST

I'm new to the WWII war gaming and have a question regarding British uniforms. I have the book on the Tommy and most of the pictures have the web gear "blancoed". Most painting guides says use khaki for the web gear. Just curious what color should you use for blancoed equipment or do most just go with the khaki.

Some Chicken09 Apr 2013 7:45 a.m. PST

I use Vallejo "English uniform" for battledress with "Iraqi Sand" for blancoed webbing, packs etc. In my opinion khaki doesn't look right at 15mm/20mm scale and Iraqi sand is better. However both are 'correct', and popular, so it comes down to personal taste and the look you are after.

Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Apr 2013 7:47 a.m. PST

Blanco came in a variety of different colours, so varied depending on unit, date and theatre, and could be omitted entirely, which would typically leave a pale sand colour. There's a fair bit of info here:

TMP link

(The most common late war shade.)

(List of shades produced; the main wartime ones were):
No. 61 Buff – renamed from Khaki Blanco shade number 61
No. 103 Khaki Green (Light) – renamed from No. 103 "Khaki Blanco"
No. 97 Khaki Green (Medium) – rename from No. 97 "Web Blanco"
KG3 Khaki Green (Dark) – renamed from Khaki Green No. 3

Dragoon106409 Apr 2013 8:01 a.m. PST

Perfect, thanks y'all for this info.

Jemima Fawr09 Apr 2013 2:45 p.m. PST

Every old soldier I've spoken to says that they just took a stiff brush and scrubbed the bloody stuff off as soon as they were in the field.

Except for one who served in Burma, who took a six-inch brush and painted his webbing jungle green or black – whatever he had spare after painting his Universal Carrier for the umpteenth time.

Trockledockle11 Apr 2013 12:42 p.m. PST

If you look at late WWII black and white photographs you will often see that the webbing is lighter than the battledress but not always. I assume that the men in the latter have used the KG3 blanco. There are a few colour photographs and the webbing is a couple of shades lighter but not the difference between British Uniform and Iraqi Sand.

However, I use the same colour scheme as Some Chicken but I have to admit that this is really an an aesthetic decision as I think it looks better. The SHQ guide ( link ) uses Humbrol Desert Sand no 93 which is a much darker colour and probably more realistic. They also recommend Iraqi Sand ( ! ) as a Vallejo equivalent. They are your figures so do what you like most.

Footslogger13 Apr 2013 2:34 a.m. PST

I go for quite a contrast between the battledress and the webbing, just to make it noticeable in 20mm. Probably more than in real life.

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