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"Yeah, this whole "sold out" thing for Wave 2 is bull" Topic

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Lord Ashram05 Apr 2013 8:02 a.m. PST

Man, that IS annoying. How in the heck can EVERYONE be sold out?

Not used to seeing "sold out" on stuff I want. Very irritating.

SMPress05 Apr 2013 8:09 a.m. PST

What are you looking for? I am not sold out of anything at the moment…


Lord Ashram05 Apr 2013 8:16 a.m. PST

Would love an A Wing and a TIE Int…?

BTW, just clicked on your link… I didn't know who you were:)

Also, I didn't see them on your site…?

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP05 Apr 2013 8:28 a.m. PST

Huge demand. Not quite so huge a production run.

Hazards of doing production in China. Everyone is thrilled to buy the game and expansions at such a good price. But not so thrilling waiting for production and shipping delays.

It's worth the wait.

Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP05 Apr 2013 8:41 a.m. PST

Yeah – in the UK it never even made it onto the distributor's stock lists – they apparently sold out their entire allocation in pre-orders. Given the phenomenal demand I'm sure there'll be another print run, but patience is the order of the day – rarely a wargamer's strong point…. ;-)

Dom (who definitely "needs" more TIE Interceptors – only got one, what was I thinking?!)

Lord Ashram05 Apr 2013 8:42 a.m. PST

Yeah… I mean, I am okay waiting, but in this day and age, the idea of something not being at my fingertips drives me a bit nuts:) Honestly I shouldn't even be spending any more money, and normally I don't, but the lack of demand makes me want to!


I am weak.

CorSecEng05 Apr 2013 8:49 a.m. PST

FFG thought the Falcon and Slave ones would sell like crazy. They probably used the same model that they do for the LCGs. Everyone would buy one of each big expansion and one of each of the little ones.

However, X-wing is very different. Most players want 1 falcon/slave and at least 3 a-wing/interceptors.

I think you can find the bigger expansions but the small ones where gone long before they hit stores. The local game store didn't even clear all the pre-orders.

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian05 Apr 2013 8:51 a.m. PST

Our local store knows how to preorder better than most, and still has decent stock levels. The only thing that was even low this week was the Falcon.

SMPress05 Apr 2013 10:23 a.m. PST

I was waiting to put them up on the site. I sold out of Interceptors and A-wings at Cold Wars, but have gotten more in since then. I had pre-ordered from three different distributors, and allocations from each came in staggered.

Anyway, I have them all in stock, and will be updating the web site tonight to show them…


nazrat05 Apr 2013 11:33 a.m. PST

The local store has tons of A-Wings and both big ships but sold out of TIE Interceptors on the day he got them. And he WAY over-ordered on them, too!

basileus6605 Apr 2013 12:29 p.m. PST

I still have A-Wings and TIE-Interceptors in stock, as well as Slaves and Millenium Falcon, but I am sold out of Y-Wings and Advanced TIEs.

CmdrKiley05 Apr 2013 2:07 p.m. PST

My FLGS said that her distributor will only ship out 6 units of each model at at time. So the most she can get on the shelf is 6 of each.

Mako1105 Apr 2013 2:11 p.m. PST

I concur.

Will have to press ahead with other alternatives in the interim.

Gabriel Landowski Fezian05 Apr 2013 3:58 p.m. PST

He who controls the Spice controls the Universe….

Lord Ashram05 Apr 2013 4:19 p.m. PST

Hey Andy,

I actually tried that email address and got a bounce back… can I get in touch with you via message here? I am interested in a few ships:)


SMPress05 Apr 2013 8:22 p.m. PST

Lord Ashram, responded to your PM.

What I have left of wave 2 has been added to my site. It may take a few minutes for the system to make it show up, mine isn't refreshing yet when I try to look at it, but it is there on the data side…

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP06 Apr 2013 3:46 p.m. PST

Received a gift card to one of my FLTSs this week. Dropped by today— they had the Slave 1 and an MF, but nothing else. And no really interesting board games, either (the rest of their stuff is all GW). Sigh. No spending the gift card today. frown. So, as anecdotal evidence, they're low. But their game guy was out, and no one else there knew when they'd get a shipment in (it's a toy store more than a game shop). Who knows— they might be stocked up on Monday.

Panzergruppe06 Apr 2013 4:13 p.m. PST

Hey SMPress! You need to have a good hard look at your international postage rates mate. $29.95 USD to airfrieght two squints to Australia is just BS freight gouging.

Mako1106 Apr 2013 5:16 p.m. PST

Actually, if they want proof of delivery, which you need with Paypal, then that sounds about right for Priority Mail service.

Otherwise, the seller may be left holding the empty bag, so to speak.

I don't think it's possible to insure international shipments through the Post Office any longer, unless they go via Priority Mail (could be wrong about that, but I don't think so).

Granted, today's international postage rates are crazy, but it's not his fault.

Panzergruppe06 Apr 2013 6:01 p.m. PST

Mako11 Oh so when I get stuff from other sellers in the US using Paypal and its larger and heavier more expensive and its half the price and like last week and I signed for it and it was half the postage price. You tell me its not this guys fault. There are two ways to answer a question. Using facts to support your answer and there is a guess. Which way did you answer?
Insurance postage of $29.95 USD for an item that cost $29.90 USD is stupid. I have been buying all of my hobby items from OS for over 15 years and have never lost a thing. Tracking is crap because if you ever took notice of a package sent with tracking, the tracking stops at the final US airport before its put on an international flight. I have tracking items that I have recieved and signed for months ago that are still apparently at Chicago.
Its all good for for a seller to want insurance but the buyer who is actually paying for the service should be given the courtesy of a choice knowing the risk lays with them. If I bought something that would cost me several hundred dollars I may consider insurance, but that should be my choice not the sellers. Oh yeah and to top it all off the three or four times when I wanted something bad enough to pay stupid postage prices on two occassions the US seller sent it budjet without tracking or insurance and I was totally gouged.

Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP07 Apr 2013 2:34 a.m. PST

The buyer who is actually paying for the service should be given the courtesy of a choice knowing the risk lays with them.

All well and good in theory, but the customer's not the one left out of pocket if it goes missing – they can say they don't want it insured, then stick in a Paypal complaint anyway, and it's the seller who ends up losing out – the risk *doesn't* lie with the customer, at least if Paypal's being used.


PS – Charmed by your original post; you may get more helpful replies to "have you looked into alternative shipping options as the cost looks rather high?" as opposed to "You need to have a good hard look at your… BS freight gouging."

Mako1107 Apr 2013 6:41 a.m. PST

Postage rates were just recently raised again, but not in the last week.

If he cannot provide proof of delivery, and you claim you didn't receive the items, he will be out money (most likely), and the goods too.

1st Class mail is much less expensive, for small, lightweight items, but I don't believe they can be insured anymore, as mentioned previously, for international shipment.

If he wants proof of delivery to you, that requires PM service.

Sorry you are so angry about the situation, and the rates.

I can't blame you, since I don't like the new, higher costs of international shipping either.

I'm equally sorry though, that I bothered to comment, now as well.

Lesson learned.

SMPress11 Apr 2013 5:31 a.m. PST

Sorry, didn't see this until today, probably too late for anyone to be reading it any further.

I use Priority Mail for my shipping. This is a service from the USPS, or United States Postal Service. It is useful, as they offer flat rates for shipping, so it is easier to know what to charge people.

As to gouging, that's the US government, not me. In most cases, it costs me more to ship to other countries than what I charge. Not in all cases, but most.

Here is a link to the USPS site, you will see that to ship a medium flat rate box to Australia, the cost is 59.95


Click on "Priority Mail International – Retail" to see the prices.

I spoke to UPS and Fedex about opening an account for shipping overseas, and they were both more expensive because I am not shipping large quantities of boxes every week.

If you don't like my shipping rates, I am OK with that, but don't accuse me of gouging. Had you ordered something from me, I likely would have lost money on the transaction. You state the items you wanted came to 29.90, which means I would make about 13.45 on the items, if you don't consider any outside costs of maintaining my business, like web sites and rent and so forth, that's just a straight up profit betweent he cost of the item, and the amount it would sell for. Then, I would pay 59.95 to ship it, while you were only paying me 29.95 for shipping, leaving me with a loss on the shipping of 30.00, or a total loss on the order of 16.55
I don't know how anyone could call that gouging. If you don't want to pay the shipping rate, just don't order… Sadly, it has become increasing difficult to sell overseas as the shipping costs have been spiraling out of control.
This is the rate change that took place in 2013:

Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Box
(Canada) 12.95 19.95
Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Box
(Other countries) 16.95 23.95
Priority Mail International Medium Flat Rate Box
(Canada) 32.95 40.95
Priority Mail International Medium Flat Rate Box
(Other countries) 47.95 59.95
Priority Mail International Large Flat Rate Box
(Canada) 39.95 53.95
Priority Mail International Large Flat Rate Box
(Other countries) 60.95 77.95


ARMY Strong12 Apr 2013 6:07 a.m. PST

Can you put aside A WIng and TIE Int for me I can stop by and pick them up over the weekend if that's OK.

Marc the plastics fan14 May 2013 6:20 a.m. PST

Well answered Andy

Dasher15 May 2013 5:56 a.m. PST

If I weigh in on this I am going to get Doghoused for sure, and it won't make a damn bit of difference, so why bother?

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