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"Khurasan previews 15mm scale T-62 model 1972" Topic

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Chatticus Finch29 Jun 2013 9:28 a.m. PST

Okay dude, seriously, you need to stop teasing us with these!

If you get around to making a bunch of different ex-Sovet/ Modern Russian equipment and troops, Chinese troops and more modern US troops, you'll have me hook, line and sinker! I kid you not, I have been dying for someone to do these kind of models in the quality you bring to the table, and I can only hope and dream you do equipment like artillery/ rocket artillery pieces and AAA and SAM systems as well!

Mehoy Nehoy30 Jun 2013 6:42 p.m. PST

It's nice to see somebody tackling the T-62 (and so well!) but I already own plenty of the older Soviet tanks in 15mm. I'd rather spend my money on upgrade kits – ERA, slat armour, etc – to modernise them. And as the older tanks are already available from a number of places like Old Glory, QRF and Peter Pig (and, soon, Zvezda), I'd also like to see somebody tackle the more modern iterations of other vehicles, such as the BMP-1P. Again, these could be upgrade kits rather than all-new minis.

This isn't a criticism, Khurasan. Just adding my two-penneth to the pile, for any minis-maker that might be reading this…

Hazza31B01 Jul 2013 3:06 a.m. PST

BMP-T nuff said

(I make fun of others)01 Jul 2013 7:45 a.m. PST

And as the older tanks are already available from a number of places like Old Glory, QRF and Peter Pig (and, soon, Zvezda),

Ah, something not even released yet is one of the "already available" pieces? grin

Frankly, of all the 15mm models of older soviet equipment that are currently available, there's basically one that's a quality kit -- the Peter Pig T-55. I for one am glad that quality kits (if that is indeed what they turn out to be, but from the Khurusan M1A2 I think it's a safe bet they will be) are finally being made available.

Mehoy Nehoy01 Jul 2013 4:23 p.m. PST

Although the Zvezda T-72 hasn't been released yet it is supposedly 'any time now' so I'm already counting it as yet another one on the market. My point was that certain minis are readily available and yet some, like the BMP-T, are not available at all.

mwnciboo03 Aug 2013 2:07 a.m. PST

I think some nice new versions of old Israeli Tanks would be appreciated,

1. M50, M51, M51-AMX turret, AMX-13, etc.

If you are at a loose end…Odd European tanks & IFV might be interesting.

2. Pz 68, IKV 91, S-Tank 103, S-Tank 104, SK-105 Kürassier, 4K4FA, PBV 302.

Just a bit of info because I know these vehicles are lacking or non-existent in 15mm.

Mako1103 Aug 2013 2:52 a.m. PST

Geez, you'd think they'd be able to get the color right!

Don't they know all tanks are green?

Seriously though, a nice looking vehicle.

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