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"Khurasan previews 15mm scale T-62 model 1972" Topic

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khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 8:31 a.m. PST

Very pleased to give a first look at our upcoming T-62. It's a model 1972 as that's the tank supplied to the Arabs in preparation for the Yom Kippur war, featuring the largest tank battles since WWII.


The T-55, which remained the most numerous tank in Arab service, has already been designed and is being cast, as is the Type 59 (which I should point out was not used in the Yom Kippur War but was used in Vietnam, the Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War, as well as other conflicts).

The Sho't Kal has also been designed and will be cast as well once some teething problems are worked out.

We hope to have infantry for at least the Israelis and Syrians made soon as well. Stay tuned!

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian22 Mar 2013 8:40 a.m. PST

OMG I think a Battalion order is brewing

Garand22 Mar 2013 8:40 a.m. PST

This is really, really cool! I can't wait to see it "in the metal!"


kallman22 Mar 2013 9:38 a.m. PST

Oh man I may finally have to give in and start that Cold War era project.

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP22 Mar 2013 9:40 a.m. PST

Hmm, an interesting choice after the M-1!

Any news on the T-90?

Troop of Shewe Fezian22 Mar 2013 9:56 a.m. PST

Yay! cant wait!

Dragon Gunner22 Mar 2013 10:15 a.m. PST

If Iran-Iraq War infantry are made I will buy T55, T59 and T62…

javelin9822 Mar 2013 10:48 a.m. PST

Any thought on making the Iraqi T-55 ENIGMA? That one has crossover potential for sci-fi use, as well.

khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 11:09 a.m. PST

Enigmas were just used by brigade commanders so were pretty rare. Not saying no but there are other variants that were more widely fielded that should come first, like the T55AMV or the Iranian Safir, or even the Iraqi T-55s with the French rangefinder, new main armament and side skirts.

marcin250122 Mar 2013 11:53 a.m. PST

It's me again ;)

I'm not quite sure, but there is something wrong with rear hull shape. Its profile looks like 2-part but I believe it should be simple line, falling gently to the rear.

Could the maker of 3D model check it?

Irish Marine22 Mar 2013 11:54 a.m. PST

This is really great!

GROSSMAN22 Mar 2013 1:18 p.m. PST

Great model.

Sparker22 Mar 2013 1:25 p.m. PST

Outstanding! Can't wait!

Lion in the Stars22 Mar 2013 2:10 p.m. PST

Oh, hell.

That weeping sound you hear? That's my wallet, under the bed again, wondering what the big, bad Khurasan website is going to do to it *this* time…

khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 2:14 p.m. PST

Thanks guys -- one feature of all the soviet designed tanks (and their Chinese knockoffs) is that you will get both fuel drums and empty mounting brackets. So you can either just put the drums on the back, or you can attach the empty brackets. (The drums have the brackets cast on as an integral part). The T-55 can also be built as either the earlier mark without the loaders MG, or as a later vehicle with the MG.

evbates22 Mar 2013 4:27 p.m. PST

Any plans for the T-72.

Mako1122 Mar 2013 4:37 p.m. PST

Excellent news, and the design artwork looks nice, but what we really need are BMPs, and other IFVs.

khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 4:55 p.m. PST

BMP was hardly used in 1973. That's the war I'm focusing on right now, though I'm also making some current stuff. (Of course the older soviet era vehicles are all in widespread usage to this day.). Next vehicles out will be the latest versions of the HMMWVs and the T90A Vladimir.

T72 is a great idea but not on the drawing board right now. Next logical choice for 1973 is the M60.

Mako1122 Mar 2013 5:05 p.m. PST

Well, they were available in Europe, and a considerable threat, so you might want to add those in as well, since I imagine there are more than a few of us who'd like to still fight the Cold War there.

They'd go very nicely with the armor you are now releasing, since without them, I'd rather use 1/285th for tank battles.

bishnak22 Mar 2013 5:37 p.m. PST

Wow, I love the idea of this 1973 range. Good work!

I'll definitely be buying, but only when the infantry are released. Too many ranges IMO concentrate on the more 'sexy' vehicles and the infantry never get done.


khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 5:58 p.m. PST

Maybe Rob and as with the Enigma I'm not ruling it out, but as I am making a range for 1973 I need to focus on those vehicles first.

Bishnak, I'm going to ask Mike Broadbent to make the infantry so it's a safe bet they'll be excellent models!

PSADennis22 Mar 2013 6:09 p.m. PST

How about some proper infantry for 1973? These T=62's really look great.

khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 6:15 p.m. PST

What are proper infantry?

PSADennis22 Mar 2013 6:16 p.m. PST

Dang that whole reading thing always gets me…

Jemima Fawr22 Mar 2013 6:23 p.m. PST

There were lots of T-62s used even as recently as Georgia (albeit heavily upgraded).

khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 6:25 p.m. PST

Actually Mark some pictures I saw of the 62s in Georgia showed them virtually the same as this one! grin

khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 6:35 p.m. PST

Example: besides the hurriedly-applied slat armour, look like straight T62 M1972s to me:


Joep12322 Mar 2013 7:30 p.m. PST

Thanks for producing these and the Israeli tanks too Jon.

Greg B22 Mar 2013 8:46 p.m. PST

Can't wait to see this stuff actually for sale! This is great news.

khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 8:54 p.m. PST

Me too! I'm hoping to get the T-55 and Type 59 as painting samples soon so I can get them to Troop of Shewe, aiming to have them painted up for display at about the same time I have the production castings.

PSADennis22 Mar 2013 9:14 p.m. PST

I hope I did not offend you with my comment. My apologies if I did. What I mean is infantry with the correct equipment for the armies that fought in the 1973 war.
I have been collecting miniatures for this conflict for many years and am really excited to see what you produce. The T-62's are a GREAT start.

khurasanminiatures22 Mar 2013 9:35 p.m. PST

No, not at all! I just didn't understand what you meant by proper infantry.

Lion in the Stars23 Mar 2013 1:49 a.m. PST

The T-62's are a GREAT start.

I agree, though I prefer Israelis with Merkavas to M60s and Centurions.

Eli Arndt23 Mar 2013 6:57 a.m. PST


I just hope you'll keep up the momentum on modern vehicles because these are great so far grin

Fred Cartwright23 Mar 2013 7:15 a.m. PST

Now you have the basic T-62 any chance of the updated version with "bra" armour and laser rangefinder over the barrel for Afghanistan and beyond?
The third picture has a good view of both the armour and the laser rangefinder.

Jemima Fawr23 Mar 2013 7:24 a.m. PST


Excellent! Even better news! :)

Fred Cartwright23 Mar 2013 7:57 a.m. PST

Oh and Skytrex/OG do quite nice T-72's and BMP=1's if anyone is desperate for them.

khurasanminiatures23 Mar 2013 8:50 a.m. PST

Well, Fred that upgraded T62 certainly makes sense, but I have to do this one step at a time. I'd like to make the North Korean version of the T62 also, as I've mulled the idea of doing them as a modern OpFor.

If I eventually do a T72 it will start with the bargain basement vehicle without any ERA. There have been lots of 72 upgrades (and let's admit it, the T90 is just the 72 on steroids) but almost all the fighting done by the 72 in its long and chequered career has been done by your basic 72M1. That includes right up to today, in Syria, as well as the recent war in Georgia (at least the Georgian 72s were basic M1s IIRC).

Fred Cartwright23 Mar 2013 11:02 a.m. PST

Make any Soviet/Russian types you like. I'll buy them whatever. :-)

Sparker23 Mar 2013 2:50 p.m. PST

Me too!

Eli Arndt23 Mar 2013 3:53 p.m. PST

I'm in there too. But I am hoping that somebody will make newer variants that might noth ave seen real war but which would factor into what-if fights.


Splod8923 Mar 2013 11:34 p.m. PST

Oh man, I wish you had have gone with 20mm for this one.

VonTed08 Apr 2013 6:05 p.m. PST


khurasanminiatures09 Apr 2013 9:40 p.m. PST

The design was just printed on a perfactory machine. I assume I'll have them by the weekend.

Then the pewter pieces go to one caster and the resin pieces go to another. Then I get proofs from both which, if they are good, go off to the painter to be finished for sales display. Then I wait for the production moulds to be made and the production castings. Then can I start to sell them. grin

kabrank10 Apr 2013 2:43 a.m. PST

Hi Khrushan

The Georgians also use Ukranian SIMI updated T72 [inc ERA]

Amroth10 Apr 2013 6:58 a.m. PST

Any plans for Israeli M51 Super Shermans?

The T-62,T-55 and Centurions are great but I have a soft spot for the old workhorses, and they can work across several conflicts.

VonTed10 Apr 2013 9:44 a.m. PST

So what, another few days. Tops?


khurasanminiatures11 Apr 2013 7:50 p.m. PST

And the print! grin


Sorry for the blurry pic.

Grishka09 May 2013 6:28 a.m. PST

sell it already ! :)

no plans for an ERA upgrad pack ?

Hayden09 May 2013 6:46 a.m. PST

maybe i will use these in my AK47 republic armies!:D still resisting to build 15mm cold war forces for gruntz:D

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