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"Painting guide for 15mm North Koreans (Peter Pig conversion)" Topic

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SirFjodin18 Mar 2013 2:28 a.m. PST



I found this photo of North Korean military and I am wandering can I use these Peter Pig figs for them (minor differences is OK in 15mm).


But my question is does these photos are actually field uniform? Does Koreans use camouflage?

I need photos! Please :)

GeoffQRF18 Mar 2013 3:25 a.m. PST

Differences in wood colour on those RPGs.

VonTed18 Mar 2013 4:40 a.m. PST

Helmet on the mini is a bit different….

And do not forget the NK Chorus Line of DOOM!

SirFjodin18 Mar 2013 5:01 a.m. PST

Does anyone have North Korean Army squad and platoon organisation?

pzivh43 Supporting Member of TMP18 Mar 2013 5:02 a.m. PST

Those are some beefy dancers!! I thought the NK were starving??

SirFjodin18 Mar 2013 5:05 a.m. PST

And what helmet colour should I choose? I found camo and plain green helmet photos? Does that different branches, or just field and parade helmets?



YouTube link

SirFjodin18 Mar 2013 5:55 a.m. PST


Worker-Peasant Red Guards can be converted using these heads. Not perfect proxies, but in 15mm it'll do.



But where to find how many troops in their squad? And how many RPG, RPK?

VonTed18 Mar 2013 6:21 a.m. PST

You got to figure that a million man strong army in a poverty stricken nation has to cut corners somewhere….

I would go with zero camo for the troops. Use camo if you do the commando/elite types…?

Irish Marine18 Mar 2013 6:39 a.m. PST

Here this website is great because it lists so many camo uniforms from around the world.


whoa Mohamed18 Mar 2013 6:43 a.m. PST

Try the standard Chinese (which had/has ) great influence of the DPRK. or even the standard soviet squad..
Sqd Ldr w AK
Asst Sqd Ldr w AK
Gunner w RPK
4 riflemen w AK

M1Fanboy18 Mar 2013 7:50 a.m. PST

Bit dated from 1997, but it probably hasn't changed THAT much. Page 125 has what you are looking for.

PDF link

Mapleleaf18 Mar 2013 9:20 a.m. PST

From Reuters March 2013



Special Forces ( ?) 2010


It looks like the camouflage pattern is rare and restricted to special forces. The majority would probably fight in the brown uniforms.

And just for a bit of fun North Korea's most recent Mobile Launcher Iran has repotedly ordered a thousand


Artraccoon18 Mar 2013 9:38 a.m. PST

M1, you are probably right as far as organization goes. Centrally Planned States like the DPRK aren't much into change or organizational innovation.

Flipping through my old( 1982 ) copy of FM 34-71, it would seem that not much changed between 1982 to 1997.

SirFjodin, as far as RPG stock colors, they can vary in DPRK models. From reddish to pale(almost pine) in color.

My friend has an old DPRK RPG-2( sent to North Vietnam as aid) and it's got dark, reddish wood on it's stock.


Keep in mind those were parade weapons, well polished and nose cone painted red, and for some reason the DPRK regime just loves pale wood. It's found on display weapons, state furniture, buildings, etc…it's probably codified in the Juche doctrine somewhere

GROSSMAN18 Mar 2013 11:50 a.m. PST

Nice cankles on the gals. They look pretty healthy considering there is no food in N Korea.

SirFjodin18 Mar 2013 3:24 p.m. PST

Thanx a lot to ALL! VERY USEFUL! I will start painting figs right now and share photos soon!

SirFjodin18 Mar 2013 4:32 p.m. PST

I think I found squad size. Page 142 of this PDF link book that was posted by M1Fanboy tells number of weapons per platoon and squad:

AK Rifle 27
Pistol 1
AK Rifle 9

Pistol 1

Does that means that North Korean squad is 14 men (9AK, 3RPD, 2 RPG), platoon 3 squads +1 officer with pistol and 2 radio/telephone operators?

If yes, they have big squads. US Marines have 13 men squad but the devided in 3 fireteams + squad leader, and I am wandering does North Korea do the same or use huge squads with inflexible doctrine.

Mako1118 Mar 2013 4:46 p.m. PST

Gotta love that spring green camo for those troops.

Blends in almost perfectly with the background terrain!


SirFjodin18 Mar 2013 7:48 p.m. PST

More details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Infantry Platoon

1 commander with T-64-68 pistol
3 infantry squads
1st team
squad leader with AK-47
rifleman with AK-47 and RPG-7
rifleman with AK-47
machinegunner with RPD
2nd team
team leader with AK-47
rifleman with AK-47 and RPG-7
rifleman with AK-47
machinegunner with RPD
3rd team
team leader with AK-47
rifleman with AK-47 and RPG-7
rifleman with AK-47
machinegunner with RPD

SirFjodin18 Mar 2013 8:01 p.m. PST

A bit different from this
AK Rifle 9

If each RPG guy have AK, so we have 9 AK in squads. But First list shows us 3 RPD and RPK in squad, and other 2 RPG and 3 RPK… For wargaming I stick with list from previous post. 3 fire-teams (2 AK, RPG, RPD)

so Nort Korean squad is 12 guys.

khurasanminiatures19 Mar 2013 5:10 p.m. PST

Nice cankles on the gals. They look pretty healthy considering there is no food in N Korea.

There's food for the military. And with North Korea's "military first" policy, it's going to stay that way.

SirFjodin19 Mar 2013 10:30 p.m. PST

WOW! They have camo at 6:00. I dont understand a word, so I have no idea are they special forces or regulars.
YouTube link

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