jowady | 08 Mar 2013 11:33 p.m. PST |
I just bought a box of these and found out that they have an option for round shields. Now while my study of the Normans has been fairly extensive it never got down to this sort of thing, I mean most of what I actually know of Norman weaponry stems from the Bayeux Tapestry so I am used to seeing my Normans with Kite shields. Of course though since they are descended from the Vikings I guess that I shouldn't be all that surprised at round shield still would use of the round shield be limited to the days prior to the Norman conquests of England and Southern Italy? Also who makes good shield decals in 28mm for Norman Knights, as well as Vikings and Anglo-Saxons? For those following along this is the start of my War Bands in 28mm. I took the groups advice and have bought Gripping Beast Vikings and Anglo Saxons as well as my aforementioned Normans. Thanks, John |
Swampster | 09 Mar 2013 2:26 a.m. PST |
It will make them more or less suitable for various areas of the earlier 11th century, not just Normans. Germans seem to have kept the round shield for longer. One possible means for the Normans to have adopted the kite shield is from the Byzantines in S. Italy so the round shield would be suitable for their initial operations there in the very early 11th century. |
Caliban | 09 Mar 2013 2:40 a.m. PST |
Little Big Men for transfers and flags: link They don't make any specifically for Conquest figures, but you'll probably find a decent enough match. The catalogue is organised by manufacturers – just look within those categories for the types you want. If you're interested, I have a blog post with their banners and transfers for Gripping Beast Saxons here: link Should give you a good idea. I'm working on the Normans right now (Crusader miniatures), but they're not yet presentable. Good luck! Paul |
cherrypicker | 09 Mar 2013 2:49 a.m. PST |
I think BAttle flag make some :-) |
Cardinal Hawkwood | 09 Mar 2013 3:35 a.m. PST |
mostly Conquest plastics, with Crusader shields link |
janner | 09 Mar 2013 3:38 a.m. PST |
Nice work Cardinal – shouldn't you be locked away voting on a new Pope or something ;-) |
Caliban | 09 Mar 2013 3:55 a.m. PST |
With all those Normans he can decide on the new pope
lovely work, Your Eminence! |
soldieroftheline | 09 Mar 2013 5:21 a.m. PST |
I think BAttle flag make some Here: auction |
TamsinP | 09 Mar 2013 7:10 a.m. PST |
Battle Flag do a set which I think were designed for use with the Conquest Norman knights, but they are for the boss-less shields you get in that pack. They also do Viking etc transfers for round shields some of which might be usable for Normans with round shields. |
Jimula | 09 Mar 2013 2:36 p.m. PST |
As another option Veni Vidi Vici do these: link |
jowady | 09 Mar 2013 2:48 p.m. PST |
Thanks everybody, you've given me some great ideas. |
Cardinal Hawkwood | 09 Mar 2013 4:16 p.m. PST |
well the Normans actually did take a Pope prisoner and used him for their nefarious pruposes link link much more interesting than the ones who went to England, the way to deal with Popes link |
Caliban | 10 Mar 2013 2:02 a.m. PST |
I'd love to refight Civitate – the Normans in Sicily and Southern Italy gives more uses for the figures. Could you get away with Saxon Huscarls for the axemen fighting the Normans at Civitate? Saves trying to source more figures, apart from maybe some command stands to give them the right flavour
WillieB | 10 Mar 2013 4:50 a.m. PST |
In case you prefer bossed shields. Know those revolving punching tools? I believe they are made for punching leather and cost only a few Pounds/Euros. Punch out a disc in .050 plastic then go one or 2 sizes smaller ( probably the smallest size punch) and punch out another dics in .030. This will end up concave. Bit of liquid poly to glue them together ( also smooths the edges of the smaller disc) and you've got a perfect shieldboss which you can glue OVER any existing decal. |
Cardinal Hawkwood | 10 Mar 2013 7:06 p.m. PST |
I just cut the bosses of some other shields or used the infantry bossed shield..I think it was very very silly of conquest not to have bossed shields very very silly indeed.. |
LeonAdler | 12 Mar 2013 12:38 p.m. PST |
The subject of bossed Norman shields is a vexed one thats confronting me as I do prep for the 10mm range. On a cavalry man the boss is not of the same utility as it is for an infantryman. On foot it can be used to smash at the opponent as a weapon in itself. On horseback the left hand is used to hold the reins so using the shield offensively like that not so easy. Bosses can become 'snaggs' the junction between the shield and boss can be a 'shot trap' if the shield is purely defensive. I'd guess bosses used earlier to reinforce a wood shield, later when metal faced/improved shields became available the boss became redundant. Round shields around a lot ( Bretons supposedly favoured them)from Caroligian times onwards, probably as the western knights went from throwing/stabbing to couched the kite became of more utility. Its a having to make a choice, in my case will do both to cover the options, one of the advantages of metal castings over plastic fortunately. L Nice job Hawkwood :o) The Swabians are swordsmen not axemen |
BigRedBat | 12 Mar 2013 1:27 p.m. PST |
Caliban | 13 Mar 2013 2:45 a.m. PST |
Thanks, Leon, the second hand references I came across assumed the Swabians were axemen – probably due to wargaming conventions about two handed cutting weapons. Oh well, back to the drawing board on this one