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Rottenlead02 Mar 2013 2:05 p.m. PST

Some news here that the Gruntz Imperator has dropped in price on the Critical Mass Games web site. A £2.00 GBP drop on an excellent mult-part kit. I thought I would share the news with some nice photos and details about the mecha. Details on this link: link

The artwork for the concept was created by David White an expert in the mecha industry and then sculpted by orko-one. Orko sculpts using a very traditional method of carving down from blocks. So each leg and component is reduced down from solid blocks of part-baked super-sculpy. So rather than building up from components he uses a tools to scrape and sand down the finished components.

This is an example of the Imperator painted by Craig from Critical Mass Games.


This is the Gruntz 15mm Barracks app (Available in the Wargames Vault) showing you how to build a Mecha and you can print the final card. The Imperator model shown has been painted by SpacemanSpiff. You can build combinations of mecha in the Barracks app, with various hull sizes and classes of weapons and the points are calculated automatically.


On the general subject of Mecha, you can find various options out there in 15mm scale (or close enough to match the scale).

I use other garage-sculpt models from Orko_One mixed with the excellent Museum scale Battltech mechs from Iron Wind Metals or RalPartha Europe in the UK.

Here is the Imperator in action during a Gruntz game after the destruction of a light Arc Force walker.


Here is the Hasslefree Miniatures walker which is a very fine mech and perfect for 15mm (sorry not yet connected to its legs!)


Some of the models sculpted by Orko_One: Sadly the Thanatos was lifted from my bag at a Wargames Show before I finished painting it :(


Another one of the Imperator in a showcase with some GZG models. I created the Imperator for Gruntz but it can be used with any game… :) You may notice the lights on the shoulder pads. These are 1/35th scale model lights for tanks which catch the light really well.


I airbrushed 2 of these Hellhound models and one went back to Orko.


The Timber Wolf (AKA Madcat). I bought this one from RalPartha Europe, a really nice multi-part metal kit and they do 3 other models in the range. Also available from Iron Wind Metals in the US. Art Crime models are in the foreground.


Don't forget to check out Gruntz – now in print form on the Wargames Vault and available with the Barracks application for creating reference cards for your forces. link


John Bear Ross02 Mar 2013 2:14 p.m. PST

I have been hectoring Kev White for a while to do some more in 15mm, and suggested he market that Grymn walker towards 1/100th scale as well as 28mm. Glad to see that it works so nicely.


John Bear Ross02 Mar 2013 2:25 p.m. PST

And you might want to remind folks that if they purchase the Imperator through CMG and also pledge the Zas Kickstarter, they can bundle their free shipping if they're willing to wait for the Zas stuff to arrive.



Rottenlead02 Mar 2013 2:28 p.m. PST

Sounds like a plan. Just thought – I should have asked Craig to pop the Imperator into the Kickstarter as a pledge option. Too late now! :) It was sadly listed as pre-order only on the CMG site for the last year, so as you can imagine sales have been very low (I have yet to cover my production costs – actually still a long way from covering production costs).

LordNth02 Mar 2013 3:14 p.m. PST

The Imperator is a fine kit. I like how it can be assembled standing or walking with either leg forward.

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP02 Mar 2013 3:30 p.m. PST

It is an amazing looking kit. The paint job on it in those pictures is just awesome… I especially love the grey version.

I know what my next mecha is going to be…

Rottenlead04 Mar 2013 2:15 a.m. PST

I feel much less happy about my grey/white version than I was. It is OK as a clean urban looking enforcer style paint job but I actually prefer the ones painted by Craig at CMG and Spaceman Spiff. But thanks for the comments.

clkeagle04 Mar 2013 8:04 a.m. PST

I prefer the white one. Gonna try something similar when I get around to ordering a couple.

-Chris K.

Mad4Minis29 Mar 2013 9:29 a.m. PST

Where would one go about buying these Battletech mechs?

Id like several, but theres one in particular im after, a Stone Rhino. A gentleman I know from other forums (Jon, Paulson Games) tells me it comes from the same person/people as the ones shown above.

Any help is appreciated.

AVAMANGO29 Mar 2013 9:54 a.m. PST

The original Stone Rhino pictured on the cover of the 3055 Battletech Technical Readout was produced by Ral Partha and then Iron Wind Miniatures in 6mm scale for use in Battletech but its now OOP. There is a garage version cast in resin scaled at 15mm floating about but i am not sure who cast or produced it.


Mad4Minis29 Mar 2013 10:36 a.m. PST

I know of it very well. Its my avatar on another forum (under the same name) and I have the 6mm version. I want the 15mm kit. badly. I actually know the member of this site to contact, but since I cant seem to find a way to PM him, I figured Id post up here and see if he chimed in.

bluebirds4029 Mar 2013 1:44 p.m. PST

very cool pics.

John Treadaway29 Mar 2013 2:05 p.m. PST

Sad to hear you had something stolen at a games show, inrepose. That truely sucks.

John T

Times of War30 Mar 2013 7:01 a.m. PST

Normally kids like to steal stuff, but I have seen adults who are not poor stealing inexpensive items.

LordNth30 Mar 2013 6:41 p.m. PST

I think I can help LordNth**AT**comcast**DOT**net

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