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"Why no armour during the apocalypse?" Topic

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Adam name not long enough25 Feb 2013 12:00 p.m. PST

Showing incredibly bad form…I'm going to answer my own OP question before anyone even speaks. At least you will all then have the chance to lambast me.

I've seen lots of criticism of Z films for many things. The main one I want to address is armour, but having spent much of today sorting legal problems it could just have easily been about why government forces won't commit genocide because of an illness that slightly mirrors a horror film!

So, armour? Why do the heros take so long (if ever) to don it. Why don't they walk around all the time with it on?

Many of you will have worn the smallest amount of armour paint balling, how hard is it for the umpires to make you keep your mask on in a 20 minute game? You could easily loose an eye?

Less of you will have worn combat body armour for extended periods – it is a pain that you don't want to keep up indefinitely.

How many have gone through days of wearing full riot gear? Not many who haven't spent a marching season in Belfast.

The real reason they don't wear armour is because they couldn't lead lives if they did. Not in any degree of comfort.

Personal logo Mserafin Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2013 12:24 p.m. PST

I've always thought a set of motorcycle leathers would be good anti-zombie armor. I'm sure I couldn't bite through it, so I very much doubt a zombie could.

Ron W DuBray25 Feb 2013 12:26 p.m. PST

well all you need for anti-zombie armor is a good leather coat helm gloves boots and a pair of riding paints, I personally have these. I also own chain mail and plate armor I can live in any of them for weeks on end and have. If there is something you can't do in your armor (besides swim) that you can without it is because its not fit to you right and you have not trained in it right.

Irish Marine25 Feb 2013 12:29 p.m. PST

I thought you meant ARMOR like in Tank Armor. Thats what I've wondered about no tanks or APCs to just roll over zombies or hell the bigass Snow plows some states have you could do a lot of damage with a few of those.

Prince Rupert of the Rhine25 Feb 2013 12:32 p.m. PST

This is sort of armour I want if the zombies come knocking


mjkerner25 Feb 2013 12:35 p.m. PST

Lol, who needs armor, when all you have to do is walk fast, fer chrissake!

NOLA Chris25 Feb 2013 1:06 p.m. PST

Leathers and Lacrosse gear!
(big padded gauntlets and helmets with good protection and visibility)
goalie stick or pool scoop to hold them off
(basket over the head and long pole)
and a Middie to bash in the cranium…
cooperation equals survival,
solo fights are not recommended

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2013 1:19 p.m. PST

Metal armour is heavy, hot and also hard to make

Personal logo Endless Grubs Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2013 1:43 p.m. PST

I could see a revival of pseudo samurai armor--light weight, lacquered, functional. . . .

Space Monkey25 Feb 2013 1:45 p.m. PST

Thinking back over the scads and scads of zombie bites I've seen in movies the vast majority seem to be on ankles, wrists and neck/shoulder. I could take care of those area right now with some duct tape and cardboard.
Probably wouldn't look 'cool' though.

Meiczyslaw25 Feb 2013 2:15 p.m. PST

Metal armour is heavy, hot and also hard to make

The armorer I'm working with for heavy list makes a coat of plates using plastic plates instead of metal. Light-weight (for armor), easy to fold, and works great. Fairly easy to make if you've already got the leather coat.

You still want metal helmets to blunt the extra inertia from the heavier impacts -- hockey helmets are great against pucks and unintentional sticks, but too light to take a lot of punishment.

(In terms of making armor, the guy who's got everyone's respect is the one who makes the floating gorgets.)

I could see a revival of pseudo samurai armor--light weight, lacquered, functional. . . .

Depends on how "psuedo" it is. Lacquered leather is nasty stuff, and (when done right) not much lighter than metal. This is the best on-line manual for making the stuff in English: link

leidang25 Feb 2013 2:16 p.m. PST

Because if the protagonists were smart slow zombie movies would be pretty boring.
Just like any other book or movie.

Amityville Horror for example

House "Get Out!"
Dad "Come on kids, we best be on our way"

End Credits

The Angry Piper25 Feb 2013 2:24 p.m. PST

I also own chain mail and plate armor I can live in any of them for weeks on end and have.

Sir, allow me to be the first to say…


The Tin Dictator25 Feb 2013 3:20 p.m. PST

I would think that a plastic Star Wars storm trooper outfit should be sufficient to keep from being bitten. Light weight and hard enough to protect against teeth.

Although the helmet would need to be changed to something with a bit more visibility.

Stepman325 Feb 2013 3:40 p.m. PST

I would think firefighter turnout gear. I work as a fireman in a large city and I have no problem wearing my gear. It limits me very little and im sure bite proof. Weve had firemen bitten by dogs with no puncture of the gear itself, though bruises have appeared to the skin. It's re-enforced knees and elbows and shoulders along with my helmet does well with protecting me…

Personal logo optional field Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2013 4:25 p.m. PST

actually the tank thing makes a LOT of sense. I'm surprised it isn't use more in movies, but it really does take the guess work out of things.

The Beast Rampant25 Feb 2013 4:56 p.m. PST

As it's not intended to stop an arrow or a bullet (or really even hand weapons for that matter), it would not be impractical, nor be hard to make.

I would definitely wear gauntlets and some form of gorget.

vojvoda25 Feb 2013 5:55 p.m. PST

Did anyone see the Walking Dead last night. Milton or what ever his name is was wearing a combination of duct tape and cardboard. Just saying any good level of protection that works is only good if you are going to wear it.

James Mattes

Dynaman878925 Feb 2013 7:07 p.m. PST

> how hard is it for the umpires to make you keep your mask on in a 20 minute game?

I ALWAYS wore my mask anywhere near the field, I wouldn't trust many of those yahoos any further then I could throw them. One idiot dropped his grenade launcher (shotgun would be better term) and it went off – every paintball hitting the guy walking in front of him.

Ark3nubis26 Feb 2013 5:08 a.m. PST

All the sites I have been to (about 10 or so for me) here in Blighty have the rule that masks are on till you get past the safely screened zone back at base camp, and after the markers/guns have been stacked and racked. Outside of that area you are in the 'live' area, any stray shots can come from anywhere.

Yeah lighter protection from bites is the main order of the day I believe, duct tape or plastics as mentioned, for 'daily' use. Anything heavier should be kept for definite engagements with armed humans.

Wouldn't stab vest amnd similar type material be best worn (light and stab/teeth proof?) The key to surviving any ZA would be mobility and stealth, the ability to achieve that would be impaired if wearing true body armour.

Klebert L Hall26 Feb 2013 6:26 a.m. PST

Because the general premise of zombie movies doesn't even begin to hold up if you apply logic.

Broadsword26 Feb 2013 7:02 a.m. PST

People in zombie movies usually don't watch zombie movies.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP26 Feb 2013 7:53 a.m. PST

Well … if troops wore full body armor (or like EOD suits) and AFVs were about … it wouldn't be much of a Zombie movie … Of course I'd enjoy it … wanton slaughter of the mindless lumbering walking undead … where do I sign up ?! I'm not much of a zombie-phile. But I watch TWD, just for the entertainment value. Like slowing down when you pass a car or truck accident … morbid curiosity … sorry to say. And I agree with Kle., add logic to the situation and the whole premise goes to Bleeped text

Ten Fingered Jack26 Feb 2013 9:00 a.m. PST

Tanks,AFVs…anyone remember the Battle of Yonkers?

Patrick Sexton Supporting Member of TMP26 Feb 2013 9:32 a.m. PST

"anyone remember the Battle of Yonkers?"

The Battle of Yonkers was a failure in the novel because the plot dictated it to be a failure. I think tanks and APCs would be much more useful in real life.
If real life included the walking dead.


Prince Rupert of the Rhine26 Feb 2013 10:08 a.m. PST

LOL just read about the battle of Yonkers here


it seems HE doesn't effect zombies???

COL Scott0again26 Feb 2013 4:01 p.m. PST

"> how hard is it for the umpires to make you keep your mask on in a 20 minute game?

I ALWAYS wore my mask anywhere near the field, I wouldn't trust many of those yahoos any further then I could throw them. One idiot dropped his grenade launcher (shotgun would be better term) and it went off – every paintball hitting the guy walking in front of him."

We ran a game where the umpire was the one who took off his mask and walked toward where he knew the fight was going to be. Wouldn't you know the idiot was surprised and upset when he was shot in the forehead by a defender. It was probably at least partly my fault I ran right past the umpire with ALL my gear on blasting away at a cluster of defenders who were not in position, the guy who survived my first salvo returned fire towards me and missed hitting the ump. Somehow he didn't see it was his responsibility to protect himself.

Bad taste joke follows (you don't have to read it if you are easily offended):

As far as zombies go they seem to be everywhere in real life- brain dead shambling humanoids who eat others to survive. It is however still illegal to shoot them, because some of them vote.

Stealth100027 Feb 2013 12:49 a.m. PST

For a few zombies armour is good but if they climb on top of you they will crush you and they will rip the armour off. Armour works for small encounters but if hit by a lot of zombies you will be toast even in armour.

Matsuru Sami Kaze01 Mar 2013 7:59 a.m. PST

You're in an Abrams M1A1. You have spent three hours running over 2,000 Zeds. Exhausted heat rounds and most of your MG ammo. There are now 3,000 dead Zeds out there. Sweet. It is 93 Georgia summer degrees out there. Your runner has just run out of gas. Another 900 Zeds just walked and shambled up to the treads. Another herd of Zeds is coming uo behind that one. No answer to the platoon or battalion frequencies. Checked your side arm. One in the chamber, 16 in the clip. Gunner, loader, and driver ask together, "What?"

Apache 605 Mar 2013 12:38 a.m. PST

Bulldozers would be every bit as good as armored vehicles, and I think way more common and available then AFVs in most places.

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