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"Star Wars mercenary and pirate faction paint schemes" Topic

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Airborne Engineer08 Feb 2013 8:52 a.m. PST

I am looking to do some pirates, mercenaries, or maybe local security forces for X-Wing. I would at least like to have enough alternate scheme vehicles to play them in a tourney (opponent willing) that would allow me to have differentiated ships for blue on blue battles.

I have not really read any of the EU books, heard a few are good and most are not. But does anyone have any canon or close to it descriptions of alternate paint schemes for star fighters. Doesn't even have to be the fighters in the game as proxies could be well proxies.

I think it would also make for interesting scenario play and such but I would like to at least base it on something plausible for the SW galaxy.

vojvoda08 Feb 2013 9:21 a.m. PST

Much more simple is to add beads for each side to the peg. I have a pack of Gray, White, Clear, Ivory, Steel and Black and they do not detract from the stands to designate different squadrons. I see no reason why you could not do that. I got my beads at Michaels, JoAnn Fabric, Hobby Lobby, and Wal Mart. The mixed bag of the colours above was from Hobby Lobby I believe.

James Mattes

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP08 Feb 2013 9:31 a.m. PST

Wookieepedia is your friend!

I haven't gone digging through for pirate paint schemes (yet), but go through the pirate links, follow links to any ships mentioned, there you might find any illustrations that have been done which may or may not be in pirate schemes.

One thing that took me awhile to find is where all the photos were hidden. On the fighter pages, I found that if you click the top photo in the leftmost column, that both brings up a larger image and a scroll bar with more images.

I was just digging through Wookieepedia yesterday finding likely pirate fighters to convert for X-WIng scenario games. Struck gold! I've got several of the old AMT/ERTL Rebel Base Diorama kits from way back when. The X-Wings and Y-Wings were crap as detailed/scale models, but great for conversion fodder now!

With very little work, those X-Wings will convert into perfect scale Z-95 Headhunters. The front end of the Y's will make the front of Toscan Fighters, will take a bit of real modelling to make the back ends.

And the GR-75 Transport in the set scales perfectly as-is to X-Wing for the smaller GR-45 Transport. So I can have a fleet of transports for a scenario game. And with a good sized Pirate Fighter Armada -- a big 3-way battle to find and retrieve the Mc-GFN Droid being carried on one of the transports ^,^

DS615108 Feb 2013 10:19 a.m. PST

In the X-Wing series (wich is pretty good) the pirates use ships knicknamed "Uglies".

The pirates take left over parts of other ships and stick them together. So an X-wing body with TIE solar panels, or a y-wing nose on a X-wing body. That sort of thing.

That would be pretty easy to do, and wouldn't even require painting if you didn't want to.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP08 Feb 2013 10:24 a.m. PST

And no wasted parts after slicing and splicing!

Airborne Engineer08 Feb 2013 10:25 a.m. PST

Haven't had much luck on wookiepedia finding identifiable paint schemes. There is a pair of schemes for two preybirds, vague references to Gorran Horn and later Rogue sqdn using a Corsec themed scheme of green gray and black. But little to no detail.

You idea is the same as mine and from the same source. But I was looking to proxy z-95s as xwings and maybe turning the Ys into YTies and using them. Something you can clearly tell apart and that avoids the blue on blue look.

James, the beads are a good idea and I may adopt that for tourneys. But I also want something just for variety, how many identical ships can you have before if gets stale? I know based on the fleets you have I am probably talking to the guy with some of the largest fleets out there.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP08 Feb 2013 11:26 a.m. PST

Use google-fu you must then ~,~

Just powered up my G-Fu and found this – scroll down and their are paint schemes on various Uglies: link

Eventually, I'll probably splice up at least 1 pair of Uglies to spice up my Pirate Wing.

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP08 Feb 2013 8:02 p.m. PST

Here is a green X-wing




StarfuryXL509 Feb 2013 8:26 p.m. PST

The Star Wars equivalent of the Skull and Crossbones is the Blazing Claw, a common symbol for pirates.


It's not a complete color scheme, but you could add it to your ships to show their allegiance. Here it is on a couple of iconic Star Wars ships:



I've never see the inside of the book, so I don't know if they get into any of the livery, but it might be something to look into if it doesn't go for crazy money.

John Treadaway11 Feb 2013 10:41 a.m. PST

I assume – in future films – at least some ships will have classic WW2 nose art: Micky Mouse; Pluto etc….

John T

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