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"German translation for "walker"" Topic

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tberry740305 Feb 2013 4:34 p.m. PST

Does anyone know the German translation for a walker, as in Gear Krieg, Dust Tactics, etc. ?

Gear Pilot05 Feb 2013 4:46 p.m. PST

Gear Krieg calls them Panzerkampfers (PzKpf)which means "armored fighter".

(Major Disaster)05 Feb 2013 5:14 p.m. PST

KampfLaufer is a German term I've heard walkers referred to as.

vojvoda05 Feb 2013 5:48 p.m. PST

German is notorious for calling things for what they are or what they do. A Staubsauger is a vacuum cleaner (dust sucker). Spaziergang is a walk, Spaziergang im All is a space walk. Spaziergänger(in) m(f)is a walker. I am sure some of our German TMPers will be along soon and let us know for sure what an Imperial Walker is in German.
James Mattes

Jakar Nilson05 Feb 2013 5:55 p.m. PST

Names for German mech (copied from an old list I compiled that was last updated in 2006- I'm sure you'll all find a couple from other games/movies/etc. in it)

gepanzerte Klage armoured suit

angetriebene powered

Katzejäger cat hunter

wenig Klage little suit

Kämpfenklage fighting suit

gepanzerte Kämpfenklage armoured fighting suit

Beinmaschine leg machine

Beinpanzer leg tank

kleine Katze little cat

gepanzerter Wanderer armoured walker

Gehenwaffe walking weapon

Gehenpanzer walking tank

Antreibenhosen powered-pants

Antreibenklage powered-suit

Gepanzert-antreibenklage (GaK) armoured-powered-suit

Gepanzertbeine armoured-legs

Panzerritter tank knight

Meiczyslaw05 Feb 2013 5:58 p.m. PST


I think we have a winner. Easily mangled by us English-speaking types to Kampfenklanger. wink

Zephyr105 Feb 2013 9:05 p.m. PST

StrutzenStompen…. ;-)

Wolfprophet05 Feb 2013 10:46 p.m. PST

Katzejäger? Who needs power armour to hunt cats? Just put out empty boxes and they'll gravitate to them on their own. grin

MarAndreas06 Feb 2013 3:06 a.m. PST

The literal translation would be "Geher" – this was used in the original Star Wars translations.

More recently, the preferred term seems to be "Läufer" ("runner") or "Kampfläufer" ("combat runner").

Rudi the german06 Feb 2013 4:39 a.m. PST

Oh mein Gott!

Ok.. The direct translation is Laeufer with a a umlaut. Therefore Läufer.

But the word Läufer is not a military term therefore is it not specific to use kampfläufer or something like it. Then logic dictaes that the unit is classified by it means of transportation and ability to cross terrain.

The military classification of the wehrmacht knows the following catgories:
Fussgaenger ( walking on foot), beritten (mounted), motorisiert (wheeled) kette oder gepanzert ( tracked or amoured) therefore is a mech in the same class as infanterie and must be "fussgaenger". But he would deserve the suffix armoured.

Therefor it would by a = Nachtfalke, Fussgaenger, gepanzert( gelaendegaengig)
In englisch : nighthawk, walker, armored ( all terrain)

The shortform would be analouge SPW (schuetzenpanzerwagen ) or PSW (panzerspaerwagen) or Pz (Panzerwagen) therefore be "PFg " (Panzerfussgaenger)

I hooe that helps….

PS: this would only go for MBT and not for artillery. The classification for artillery is differant and there would be the suffix "zu Fuss" be used. Like 15cm Feldhaubitze zu Fuss indicating a Howitzer on a walking plattform like a quad.

vojvoda06 Feb 2013 6:25 a.m. PST

Panzerfussgaenger sound so Militant! I like it.

James Mattes

Cherno06 Feb 2013 6:48 a.m. PST

Panzerfussgänger is just silly, one would think of a pedestraian strolling through the city with some kind of heavy armor on ;)

I'd say Läufer is the best word, laufen is not neccessarily to run, it can also be used as a general term to mean "go by foot".

WarpSpeed06 Feb 2013 6:58 a.m. PST


Black Guardian06 Feb 2013 9:40 a.m. PST

Haha, this thread is awesome! Most of your "german" suggestions are ranging from hilarious to outright silly and making absolutely no sense ;)

As suggested before, my translation would be "Läufer" or "Kampfläufer" (literally: battle walker). If you want to point out explicitly that it is armoured, "Gepanzerter Läufer" (armoured walker) would be appropriate.

And btw: "Suit" is only translated as "Klage" if you refer to it as a Lawsuit. :D Your "Gepanzerte Klage" would thus mean "armoured lawsuit" – which is, no offense, hilarious but silly :D

The term you´re looking for is either "Anzug" (more precisely, "Kampfanzug") or "Rüstung" (which would be more appropriate for a battle suit, literally meaning armour or cuirass – as in the armor of a knight).

14th Brooklyn06 Feb 2013 12:02 p.m. PST

HaHa :) I've got an idea of the scale, now the Artizen Legionnaires are there :) Thank you Nick :)

Rudi the german06 Feb 2013 1:06 p.m. PST

Just call them "Abteilung 7 Verkehrswesen des Allgemeinen Reich-Kriegsdepartements" like they did if they dont knew what to call it.


14th Brooklyn06 Feb 2013 1:55 p.m. PST

I do not know what happened to my original post, but it read like this:

Being a native speaker, I can only second Black Guarding. Most of the offerings sound like they were were done with a 15year old beta version of babelfish.

For a personal suit I would go for "Rüstung" as well or mechanischer Kampfanzug "mechnical battlesuit". If you are refering to a giant robot type of vehicle. Well that is harder. The concept of such vehicles is very alien to us Germans (which is why I always find wyred WWII German walkers hilarious). The idea essentially only came up with the modern Japaneese comics or indeed the Star Wars movies so the term (Kampf)Läufer usually used in Germn these days hails from the translation in the Star Wars movies. And one needs to remember that in the late 70's amd early 80's they just literally translated English terms, so that is not helpful.

What might help is that in German you usually refer to vehicles by their mode of propulsion. So a Kettenpanzer is a tracked tank, while a Radpanzer is a wheeled tank. So you would only had to pick a word for the propulsion. IMHO the most appropriate in this case would be the verb for walking ("gehen"). Therefore it would be Gehpanzer ("walking tank"), Gehschützenpanzer ("walking APC") and so on.



For some reason it was suddenly replaced by someone elses comment!

Last Hussar06 Feb 2013 2:42 p.m. PST

armoured fighting walking machine

google translates into

gepanzerte Kampffahrzeuge Laufmaschine

Sigwald06 Feb 2013 3:22 p.m. PST

I would have thought Kriegslaufer or war walker would be apt. Guess we'll have to wait for the Germans to deploy them to know for sure what they'll call them

Last Hussar06 Feb 2013 4:21 p.m. PST

Games Workshop probably has already copyrighted it.

Rudi the german07 Feb 2013 12:14 a.m. PST

Manfred Schmidt, the famous technical illustrator of the Tiger vibel and many other technical manuals of the wehrmacht was comic writer after the war and had in one of his comics in the serie "nick knatterton" a mechanized walking robot. He called it "wandelnder badeofen" meaning "walking bathroomheater" as a joke as allied call the panzers "tank".

And this from a person you was the technical illustator of the wehrmacht books… So how silly is the concept?


Greetings and have FUN

Amalric08 Feb 2013 2:08 p.m. PST

I called my scout walker;

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Fun topic.

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