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AgustinSantos16 Feb 2013 4:13 p.m. PST

New Vulcan concept art:


It's actually really strange how their concept art is in a photo-realistic style but their renders and miniatures are not.

Judge Doug17 Feb 2013 12:18 a.m. PST

The Bauhaus concepts were commissioned from a member of the community (who posts on Dakka).

doublesix6617 Feb 2013 11:53 a.m. PST

That Walker is much better the other could be used as a Sons Of Rasputin Walker one they took with them into the bunkers before the fall.

I like the way they are adapting there designs as people put in there input and are not to rigid with there ideas looks promising for Warzone (Mutant Chronicles) again

Durandal17 Feb 2013 8:15 p.m. PST

The other walker/power armour would actually be a great jumping-off point for doing the Order of the Bear for Bauhaus. They wore incredibly heavy armour and their squad support weapon was a twin-linked autocannon. Easy enough to do its Atlas cannons as arm mounts and give the rest of them smaller-scale arm-mounted small arms. The things were basically Bauhaus terminators.

Insomniac18 Feb 2013 2:49 a.m. PST

The latest version of the Vulkan is very nice. So nice, in fact, that I have thrown money at the kick-starter.

It is great that the guys running the project are adapting things as they go… I don't think they had a choice with the first draft of the Vulkan though… it was ripped to bits.

There is some great stuff surfacing for the game on a daily basis and I strongly suggest that anyone who is interested gets on to facebook and joins the group.

brynolf19 Feb 2013 12:27 p.m. PST

That Vulkan update sent my pledge through the roof, and my wallet through the window :P

Manflesh20 Feb 2013 7:23 a.m. PST

You know, the thing I like about this kickstarter (and one of the reasons I am a backer) is that it seems like the proper way to approach the crowdfunding platform. The entry cost is low £30.00 GBP, and the stretch goals are adding in things to buy if you want them. Certain other companies would have set the entry bar somewhat higher (probably twice as high), not notably increased the figure count and then would have added more models in as stretch goals were hit, billing them as free additions whilst in fact they would have been covered by the initial pledge value. I find that a bit sneaky.

Unfortunately I expect the latter method generally provides more funding for the company.


Durandal20 Feb 2013 9:49 p.m. PST

I have to agree. It isn't often that we see a mini-game Kickstarter that isn't backed by an established company. I think this format is great for a small start-up company looking to use Kickstarter to actually fund something rather than using it as a marketing/pre-order platform.

They already have the funding they need to produce Dark Legion, Brotherhood and Cybertronic. So they can use the interest from people looking forward to the former as well as the fervour of those of us who want to see Bauhaus to fund the production of factions they couldn't include with their startup cash.

Lots of options for upgrades but the basic levels are a good value for what you get. This probably wont turn in to one of the insane Kickstarters that the big-boys have done recently, but I don't expect or even want that. I want Prodos to fund the project in a sustainable way and not overreach. And so far their plan is reasonable and well planned out. For all the people whining about this not being Bones 2.0 or another CMON-backed endeavour, I think that this is exactly how a new company's first KS should look.

brynolf21 Feb 2013 5:33 a.m. PST

Seconded. Hopefully this will be the time Warzone survives! And the greedy comments craving more and more freebies is probably not helping. That said though, we can always criticize the licensing fee Paradox is requesting, 'cause that also cuts into the profits and might affect the lifespan of this project.

Paragonicnova22 Feb 2013 5:20 p.m. PST


Apparently UK backers DO NOT GET the feebie miniatures since they get free shipping

Smart move or an alienation?

brynolf22 Feb 2013 5:27 p.m. PST

I wouldn't call it alienation, but it's probably not a smart move, human nature considered. Prodos should re-think that, not because it's evil, but because it's unnecessary to create animosity in the funding crowd.

VND 1AA22 Feb 2013 5:53 p.m. PST

It definitely seems like the kind of thing that could leave some backers feeling bitter.

On the other hand, as someone in the US, I would rather get free shipping than the free hero… I could get two heroes and have change left over for what I'm paying for shipping.

Durandal22 Feb 2013 10:11 p.m. PST

Reminds me of the free copy of Pocket Ogre backers got for $150 USD pledges. But with the small point that UK players can just pay £7.00 GBP and still be paying less than an international backer with the exact same stuff.

No matter what Prodos did there would have been complaints as the first few days were full of international backers complaining about shipping and how there was no point in backing the project if they could get it cheaper from their LGS/online retailer/pusher.

So Prodos throws international backers a bone and gives them a reason to back the project despite shipping and to potentially jump in at a higher level because of it.

Basically, all this is is players at Dark Legion or higher pay £5.00 GBP for shipping and get a character added on. People will surely get Bleeped texted about it despite it not really mattering. Such is human nature.

But I personally think Prodos did a good thing. UK backers are already getting more bang for their buck for free shipping. International backers who have a lot invested now get more of it back in precious, precious miniatures rather than having to dump a unit-box worth of monies on shipping. As I see it the only levels losing out are international backers at Razide and below (which I am one of). But I find it hard to work up much of a worry about it. Hell it got me to consider upping my pledge.

Especially now that you can exchange starters for their cost in extras. As I already have £120.00 GBP in this thing, upping to £121.00 GBP for a character and an extra £6.00 GBP is a nice thank-you from Prodos to their fans abroad.

VND 1AA25 Feb 2013 7:07 p.m. PST

Beta rules are available for free download:


Cards to go with rules:


brynolf26 Feb 2013 8:53 a.m. PST

I like the minimalistic vibe!

billthecat26 Feb 2013 10:09 a.m. PST

Hmmm…. just skimmed the beta rules: essentially the original Warzone, with decks of cards, and models only having two actions each (instead of three)… models in squads still activate one at a time (Bob shoots and moves, then Jim moves and shoots, then Billy shoots twice, etc…)
I was hoping for something a little more elegant, and the cards seem a needless addition (a little too CCG for me, even if they aren't collectible)… Still, nice models, I will probably pick some up for use in other games.

Capt Flash26 Feb 2013 10:29 a.m. PST

Well, just give every model +1 Action across the board. Most likely what I'll do.
But maybe the game needs to benolayed RAW and see how it plays out.

VND 1AA26 Feb 2013 11:33 a.m. PST

I was excited for this. After reading the rules I promptly canceled my pledge. It's just not what I was hoping for and I don't care for their card system at all.

I will admit, that I do like some of their previews for new sculpts, though.

billthecat26 Feb 2013 1:30 p.m. PST

2 actions/ 3 actions is no big deal… 3 plays better for skirmishes, 2 for larger actions… It's the retention of the Warzone/VOR system of individual activation within a squad that is disappointing: this feature was the main drawback to Warzone (and similar games), creating a min/max activation sequence and rewarsd some odd far-fetched tactics (one trooper shooting at a time, until a target is hit, then moving on to the next, etc…) 'VOID 1.1' got around this by having an activation sequence for units within the unit alternation sequence of the game (very simple, think the 40K turn sequence for each unit, with unit alternation: the obvious solution). The Warzone/VOR approach really creates, as noted, some cheese-ball gaming an a very slow-paced/non-tense game. Combine this medium gripe with the (IMHO) unnecesary cards (marketing, okay, I get it, but is this really adding to the game?… Feels like playing 'Magic the Gathering' and Warzone at the same time… more about combos and lucky draws, and less about tactics and miniatures)and I cannot bring myself to even try such rules: A quick ressurection to some mediocre concepts. I wish these fellows luck, as their miniatures are very nice, but I have to be honest in my review of the rules. The project is supported, and some folks will play the rules (even like 'em!), but the lack of 'umph' here may lead to another short-lived Warzone manifestation, I fear…
Oh well… still useful miniatures…

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP26 Feb 2013 6:28 p.m. PST

The cards may be a good or bad thing. I'll see in the final product. I completely agree about the moving each figure point. Reduce the actions and make them by squad. The games will be faster and larger. Both good things IMHO.



Capt Flash26 Feb 2013 9:01 p.m. PST

Well, I,ll try it out and still buy the rules. Keeping in mind that it's still in Beta, player feedback should help the new guys produce what we all want. So I'll keep a positive spin on things and see where we end up. Personally, I love the 1st edition rules, for all it's quirks. We are playing it again lately and just going with the flow. My hope is to get more minis so I'll support there efforts. And yes, I have a tone of minis, Primarily Cybertronic, Mishima, and Algeroth. I'd like to expand Bauhaus and Brotherhood and a little more Imperial and Capital.

Durandal26 Feb 2013 9:49 p.m. PST


Remember, it's a beta, better to watch it evolve and give 'em feedback than not. Pledge or no, you should feel free to comment on the rules. Prodos have be nothing if not responsive to fan concerns.

You may still not get the game you want after talking to them, but if it is something you are interested in then giving them feedback is never a bad thing.

I'm liking that they started from 1st Edition instead of trying to made something from 2nd Edition. A much more streamlined base to work from.

And of course they are already adding in some advanced actions like Rapid Fire (and the ability to use resources to give units a third action; even a duplicate of one you have performed). So they are definitely taking initial fan concerns to heart. That's the thing about beta-tests that are actually beta tests, things can and will change with enough feedback.

But the basics of the system look solid so far.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Feb 2013 12:50 a.m. PST

I agree about Warzone 1st. My favorite edition and not as cluttered with all the extra chrome and changes that Excelsior added in UWZ.

I pledged for the rules. I own so much WZ stuff it didn't make any sense for me to dive in to the figs aspect. So, I will give the rules a fair shake. The thing I loved about 1st was that it had a big battle variant in the back which allowed you to play fairly large games. My idea of fun wasn't 2-3 squads per side. grin



Judge Doug27 Feb 2013 9:04 a.m. PST

It's getting some pretty good reviews from people who are actually playtesting the rules.

I prefer 2 actions (so no move-shoot-move nonsense of 3 actions), and the cards are a breath of fresh air. Since WZ is a skirmish game, most army builds are probably going to be very similar. The cards allow slight tactical changes, etc. Really cool.

I wonder what COM 2D thought it was going to be? Ultimate is totally different than 2nd is totally different than 1st. WZ:R is closest to 1st (closer than 2nd and UWZ)

VND 1AA27 Feb 2013 10:16 a.m. PST

I wonder what COM 2D thought it was going to be? Ultimate is totally different than 2nd is totally different than 1st. WZ:R is closest to 1st (closer than 2nd and UWZ)

2e is my preferred edition. That said, while some of the differences from 2nd Edition bother me, my main beef is the card game aspect. While I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love that, it doesn't really appeal to me at all (and I guess I'm not the only one, since they took a £1,500.00 GBP+ hit on pledges yesterday according to Kicktraq).

Durandal27 Feb 2013 9:39 p.m. PST


Well one person (maybe a couple more as of today). One of the Three Brothers level guys pulled his pledge down from £2,000.00 GBP to something lower (probably close to £1.00 GBP as that day was pulling £700.00 GBP before he pulled). On the plus side, he is still actually a backer (oddly, despite the plunge the number of backers never once went down, and has been going up steadily each day). So yeah, a couple high-level backers pulling out on the slowest days in the last two weeks will look bad. But they are still supporting and we gained another 15 or so backers (worth a combined ~£1000 or so). In the end 15 new backers will be worth more during the final push than a couple of less-than-happy backers who went in for the maximum they were likely willing to spend right from the get go. We'll all miss 'em of course, but the show will go on.

And with all of those who pulled back funding still being actual backers, they may yet come around again as the beta goes on. But either way one can't read too much in to a handful of people not liking the direction of the rules when the other hundreds of backers seem fine with it. They shouldn't be bullied in to change by one guy who pledged £2,000.00 GBP pulling out when the other 500 of us are providing £55,000.00 GBP and most of us seem just fine with it.

But yeah, if 2nd Edition was your bag, then this might not jive well with you. For me though, 2nd Edition was the nadir of my enjoyment of Warzone. Had better minis, but no soul (and some of the worst fluff retcons I've ever seen). But to each their own. Ultimate was kind of the streamlined and improved version of 2nd that tried to inject a bit of soul back in. Resurrection can be the version all of us hard done by 1st Edition players were waiting for!

That said, give the beta rules a go without the cards. If you want to simulate the resources, then just give both sides a pool of three "Command Points" that refresh every turn. This pool is used to power innate abilities of units, not just playing cards; so keeping the initial resources is somewhat important, but easy to simulate sans cards. Without the cards it is basically slim-line 1st Edition in every way.

VND 1AA27 Feb 2013 10:36 p.m. PST

They shouldn't be bullied in to change by one guy who pledged £2,000.00 GBP GBP pulling out when the other 500 of us are providing £55,000.00 GBP GBP and most of us seem just fine with it.

I don't disagree. I dread what the rule set would look like if everybody who unhappy with some aspect of the rules and had the money to spare got their way. Prodos has a vision of what they want their game to be, and if they give up on that to please few vocal critics I believe they'll end up with a game that nobody will like.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Feb 2013 12:19 a.m. PST

Where are the stats for the various units so I can try it out? There weren't really any units listed in the Beta.



Durandal28 Feb 2013 12:56 a.m. PST

They are in the package of cards. They gave out three generic stat-lines (Hero, Squad and Monster) to get some tests going.

Basically take two 5-man squads with one heavy weapon, one hero and one "monster" on a 40mm base and give it a few runs. I think they are at the end of the card document.

The unit-reference cards are pretty snazzy and contain all the info you need.

Durandal28 Feb 2013 8:13 p.m. PST

Anyone who hasn't seen the announcements elsewhere, the official forums went live:


And they have a preview of the next iteration of the beta (they'll be holding off on full release to allow everyone to get a few play tests in with the current set).

The main ones that caught my eye:
- Rapid Fire action (+1 ROF, -2 Range Skill to all shots, 2 actions)
- Sentry (max of two models per squad, allows them to react to current active enemy squad with a variety of actions)
- Weapons with ROF>1 will get the "spray" rule that allows them to spread shots to secondary targets.
- Units can be given a third action by spending one resource.
- Special weapons that are killed have a chance to be recovered by nearby squaddies.

Sound quite interesting, but I am content running more playtests under the current set. It is amazingly fun for being so simple right now. Should be great once it gets a few more moving parts added on (really excited to test the reaction mechanics).

Manflesh02 Mar 2013 6:44 a.m. PST

I was in for just a starter set and pdf rules, but am liking the models enough to raise to 2 boxes and the proper rules soon. Mainly because I can't just pick between Dark Legion and Bauhaus!

I never got into Warzone when I was younger, so I have no idea as to the rules. I'm in favour of simpler ones though, and cards are no hardship for me.


VND 1AA02 Mar 2013 8:50 a.m. PST

I found the game I was hoping that Warzone: Resurrection would be in the form of Urban War: Strike Team Actions. That has softened my disappointment with the rules Prodos are working on, and lead to me reinstating my pledge to pick up some of the minis.

Edit: Also, now that it's clear that anything in the pledge rewards can be exchanged for credit, there's really no downside for me. If I decide that I still don't like the final version of the rules, I can swap the rule book and card pack out for more minis.

Durandal05 Mar 2013 2:48 a.m. PST

For all those feeling forlorn over Bauhaus shoulder pads, rejoice (I was a fan of the originals too, but these are nice).


And apparently they updated their V-Ranger concept as well.


Sad to see the old concept go (it looks really clean and orderly), I'm glad they kept the guy's idea for angular shoulders and the re-designed Panzerknacker and other weapons. But hopefully this pleases others and they can stop dropping money on redesigns of stuff, that can't be cheap.

brynolf09 Mar 2013 6:22 a.m. PST

That Ranger concept shows a lot of promise. Hopefully they'll manage to turn it into a couple of neat sculpts.

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