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khurasanminiatures29 Jan 2013 12:57 p.m. PST

We're happy to preview the British Police Firearms Unit set for our 15mm ranges -- although they are made for our zombie apocalypse range, they reflect the dress and equipment of many British specialist firearms units so would be suitable for Modern and Pulp gaming as well. They have a mix of pistols and assault rifles, and wear bullet-proof vests. There are four males and two females.


Next out will be the American police, hopefully in a few weeks, but we hope to have these armed British out in the next few months. Thanks for looking!

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP29 Jan 2013 1:36 p.m. PST

From what I can see, those look very cool, and I think they would lend themselves well to head swap conversions as well!

Goober29 Jan 2013 2:20 p.m. PST

What hats are they wearing? CO-19 tend to wear baseball caps when they are called out as a firearms support unit. Armed regular police do wear the peaked hat, but would be wearing normal police uniform (including the stab vest these days) rather than tactical wear.

khurasanminiatures29 Jan 2013 3:13 p.m. PST




Jemima Fawr29 Jan 2013 3:14 p.m. PST

Sorry, I'm sure they're lovely models, but they look nothing like British armed police, who (depending on level of threat) look like this:








And my personal favourite:


Jemima Fawr29 Jan 2013 3:18 p.m. PST

I see we've used the same photo. :) You'll note that the SD cap is only worn in 'friendly armed copper on the beat' mode, with stab-vest only. If they've gone back to kit up wih full body-armour, they'll also stick a helmet on.

Shotguns are generally only used for blowing off hinges, breaking windows so that CS grenades can go in, etc. All the UK Forces pretty universally use H&K MP5s as the main weapon, with heavier H&K or SIG assault rifles as an option if the opposition has body-armour or is behind cover.

Nick H29 Jan 2013 3:25 p.m. PST

Are the two figures on the right wearing Tommy helmets?

khurasanminiatures29 Jan 2013 3:26 p.m. PST

I've just noticed that the sculptor (who is British!) decided to add knee armour, I've asked him to remove it.

The two rightmost figures are female with the round bowler hat of working dress.

BaldLea29 Jan 2013 4:37 p.m. PST

One of those pics is from Leicester Square. Lucky the zombie hunting cops didn't turn up a few years back when I did a zombie walk there:


I'm the bald one near the bottom left of the first pic; behind the chap eating a hand.

I didn't realise the Daily Mail had a picture of me…scary!

Rodrick Campbell Fezian29 Jan 2013 5:15 p.m. PST

Nice putty work. I knew exactly what the hats were representing as son as I saw them.

I'm curious about the wide stances. I noticed that on the last set you previewed also. Were they for ease of sculpting or casting?

john lacour29 Jan 2013 6:58 p.m. PST

tell me the last pic before the funny one, does'nt say "here comes world government. like it or not".

Fatman29 Jan 2013 8:56 p.m. PST

OK other than the knee pads, which you've addressed I like them.


RovingJewel29 Jan 2013 9:46 p.m. PST

With a head swap these will be awesome for some Vault security team!

Victor Kravenhoff29 Jan 2013 9:57 p.m. PST

awesome models, I like them knee pads and all :D since they are for a post apoc scenario, cool can rule (at least in my opinion) rather than realism.

khurasanminiatures29 Jan 2013 10:02 p.m. PST

Thanks Victor but the pads are off!

AVAMANGO29 Jan 2013 11:05 p.m. PST

I would like to see a closer photo of these minis as im thinking they could double up as near future British officers or even as special characters if painted up as such.

Barks130 Jan 2013 12:25 a.m. PST



Eclipsing Binaries30 Jan 2013 9:14 a.m. PST

Those look great, but as another UK resident I'm really not sure about those Tommy helmet/bowlers. None of the headgear worn on the minis would be seen in any sort of serious incident. I'd be more interested in the minis with the baseball call style headgear or the proper helmets.

khurasanminiatures30 Jan 2013 10:32 a.m. PST

There actually aren't any Tommy helmets in the set. They wear working dress, which is a peaked cap for male and a bowler hat for female officers.

I've got two separate sets of armoured law enforcement coming up -- a snatch team with riot shields and a team with assault rifles and gas masks, and also have the zebra kilo set for the zombie apoc range, so there's really no point in duplicating that on these models as well. These were made on the same premise as the US police -- in working dress/patrol uniform.

Adam name not long enough31 Jan 2013 1:40 p.m. PST

R Mak Davies…I believe that in all of the forums that we have shared, back to the heady days of Wargames Directory, I have never contradicted you on anything factual! Even in your pictures you show more HK53s than MP5s, and manage to get an G36 in as well.

MP5s are slightly passé, the majority of police firearms officers (MOD police) use MP7s and G36 is on the rise across the country.

Jon…I have to agree with the tenor of comments here. Cracking figures, but they miss the British Bobby aesthetic. Either armed but not tactical (peaked caps but not shed loads of ammuniton or tactical gear) or looking like 'major league door kickers' but with HKs instead of M4s. In 15mm an HK looks different to an M4 but a 53 and a 5 are almost indistinguishable.

For those who wonder at the lack of knee pads, they tend to be integral or worn under the coverall.

Jemima Fawr31 Jan 2013 2:23 p.m. PST

They're like Sherman sub-types – they all look the same to me ;o)

Umpapa31 Jan 2013 4:27 p.m. PST

First time I was in GB it was many years ago, and I very admired the fact that policemen were armoured only with baton and reputation. It is a bit sad, that even British policemen have to wear MPs. Signum temporis, sad, really sad. I miss that world Bobby.
Great figures, as always, though.

khurasanminiatures31 Jan 2013 5:07 p.m. PST

That is still the case Umpapa! Only special units are armed, to deal with gun/knife violence, etc.

Angel Barracks01 Feb 2013 6:38 a.m. PST

Normal plod deal with knives too.
Twas one of the reasons my wife left the force, only so many times you can be attacked before you decide it is not worth it.
Especially as the plod are all about detecting crime rather than preventing crime.

GNREP801 Feb 2013 1:09 p.m. PST

tell me the last pic before the funny one, does'nt say "here comes world government. like it or not".

actually nothing to do with world govt and more to do with health and safety and scaring the opposition – I've been out with the non-armed but similarly kitted up tactical units (except they wear NATO riot helmets) and their tactics were impressively simple – out of the van at the top of the terraced street, indian file down hugging the walls and then 90 degree turn and straight in through the door with lots of shouting – everyone controlled in about 20 seconds. Handover to us and away. Within 10 minutes the change in personnel takes away most animus and the bloke arrested was telling his wife to "let them get on with their job and just go and buy another phone" when she started going on about taking her mobile. Also in the area i work if you can't within that time get a conversation going about football, then you have got problems!

GNREP802 Feb 2013 7:22 a.m. PST

As said though the legs wide apart stances do look a bit odd

Gasmasked Mook22 Feb 2013 7:51 a.m. PST

While I very much like the idea of British police in this scale, I do think that the models' poses look a little off.

SCO19 is not quite the same as the American SWAT – they will usually be found standing at the entrance to a Tube Station or simply walking down a busy street. On occasions when they are called upon to storm buildings and perform counter-terror ops, they will be wearing the full ballistic gear and helmet (i.e. we can just use SWAT figures). I personally see more use in figures which are on patrol, guarding a VIP or other slightly more passive poses.

Plus, it gives off a more professional air to have a group of bobbies casually strolling towards the zombie horde, waiting for the zeds to get in range while their ill-disciplined civilian allies wave their guns in the air. The British police's reputation is one of unflappability after all.

McWong7322 Feb 2013 3:16 p.m. PST

That, and being bribed by the media iirc.

Gasmasked Mook22 Feb 2013 6:59 p.m. PST

I see your point but I would rather stick with the positives concerning the armed men who I encounter every day. Plus, I don't see a lot of US SWAT teams modelled with doughnuts…

GNREP824 Feb 2013 7:49 a.m. PST

That, and being bribed by the media iirc.
given that that's a handful out of 150,000 its no more fair than saying that wargamers have a reputation as soap dodging geeks :-)

SouthernPhantom28 Mar 2013 10:27 a.m. PST

When I was in London, I don't remember any of the armed officers I saw wearing full tactical gear. It was more along the lines of the photos Khurasan and Davies posted than a SWAT team over here. The most you'll see cops in my city carrying are Smith & Wesson M&Ps.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian28 Mar 2013 1:06 p.m. PST

Plus, I don't see a lot of US SWAT teams modelled with doughnuts…

Jon, take the hint for your next US SWAT team set… evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

P.S. You could even be more specific with your SWAT team figure as a member of a Northern CA agency; just substitute a croissant for the donut!evil grin

bluebirds4029 Mar 2013 6:07 a.m. PST

cool minis

Cacique Caribe17 Apr 2013 8:14 a.m. PST

Wow. And here I thought they were only allowed to carry a stick and a little whistle! :)


EvinW8917 Apr 2013 9:52 a.m. PST

Cool to see pics of MP5's chambered for 5.56 rounds in use.

GNREP817 Apr 2013 2:27 p.m. PST

Wow. And here I thought they were only allowed to carry a stick and a little whistle! :)
actually truncheons went out a long time ago – ASPs (don't rack it in on a tiled floored!) or PR21s etc now

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