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"Best 15mm Early imperial Romans??" Topic

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Gunner Dunbar Supporting Member of TMP28 Jan 2013 7:22 p.m. PST

Hi guys, as if I don't have enough lead in my stash, I am considering making an Impetus early imperial Roman army, I am still tossing up whether to go 28mm or 15mm, if I went 28mm I would go with Aventine, but 15mm has the advantage of price, space, and painting time, so who has the best 15mm Romans? the best I have found so far is Warmodelling, the dynamic poses are awesome, I have heard they are on the large side, and a little limted (e.g. no cavalry, Pretorians etc), are there any other ranges that fit well with warmodelling, are there better ranges?


ancientsgamer28 Jan 2013 7:40 p.m. PST

AB miniatures has a limited range.

Corvus Belli are the best IMO. They are the same size as Essex but better proportioned. You can freely mix Essex and Corvus Belli.

The AB might work with the Warmodeling. Keep in mind that the AB range is for 9 A.D. and does not come with lorica segmentata.

Gunner Dunbar Supporting Member of TMP28 Jan 2013 7:50 p.m. PST

Hi Ancientsgamer, so Covus Belli won't mix with warmodelling? just looked at their range, not bad, maybe they are the better option.

Jamesonsafari28 Jan 2013 8:41 p.m. PST

Corvus Belli hands down.

ancientsgamer28 Jan 2013 9:18 p.m. PST

Corvus Belli is very close to true 15mm in size… probably 16mm in size. Warmodeling are 18mm in size from my understanding. Won't mix well in the same unit. By the way, I admit to using multiple manufacturers in different units all the time. Usually works well.

Keep in mind that you are looking at painted Corvus Belli figures more than likely. Hard to tell details in many cases without seeing unpainted.

I have Corvus Belli and AB. I also have Old Glory, Essex and had Warrior miniatures at one point. Corvus Belli are the best balancing availability, proportions and detail. AB have a charm all their own and are proportioned very well; they just don't don't have all the cavalry and some foot that you need.

Ivan DBA28 Jan 2013 9:55 p.m. PST

Corvus Belli. They are like Foundry, but in 15mm

War In 15MM28 Jan 2013 10:31 p.m. PST

I used Old Glory for the majority of my army but supplemented them with Corvus Belli and Essex. You can see them at link

Fat Wally28 Jan 2013 11:13 p.m. PST

Corvus Belli are nice apart from the pack of Eastern Archers doing an Ancient representation of 'Riverdance'.


Jeremy Sutcliffe28 Jan 2013 11:17 p.m. PST

I'd say Corvus Belli. Ended up with one unit as I finished the army, having otherwise used Essex and some Chariot. What I'd particularly say though is go for figures with Little Big Men shield transfers. It's the "shieldwall" that makes the look on the table top. (CB and Essex both have them)

Swampster28 Jan 2013 11:58 p.m. PST

Another vote for Corvus Belli. I think OG fit well with them – I have some OG figs in the 'anti-Dacian' armour which match pretty well.
Warmodelling are good though very big. If they do some cavalry though will hopefully be on their new horses which look good.

vexillia29 Jan 2013 4:16 a.m. PST

Given the support for the Corvus Belli EIR range I thought a few pictures would help:




Full range in stock –

Martin Stephenson
Vexillia: Wargames Miniatures & Accessories

Mirosav29 Jan 2013 6:23 a.m. PST

Another vote for Corvus Belli. If only they would put release some more miniatures one day.

Nickpes29 Jan 2013 11:18 a.m. PST

Corvus Belli for me too. Warmodelling mix well with Corvus Belli if you have them in the same army but on seperate bases for infantry

steamingdave4729 Jan 2013 12:37 p.m. PST

AB all the way for me. Beautiful sculpts, paint like a dream. I have Old Glory, Magister Militum ( old Chariot range) Corvus Beli and Minifigs! But would swap the lot for another 60 AB legionnaires.

Old Glory Sponsoring Member of TMP29 Jan 2013 1:35 p.m. PST

But are they really 15s -- any of them --???? Are they 16s, 17s,18s, etc ??????
Russ Dunaway

Eclipsing Binaries30 Jan 2013 5:35 a.m. PST

I have some 15mm Romans on my blog. I've used a mix of Corvus Belli, Essex, Donnington, Magister Militum, Warrior, and maybe a few others….

Eclipsing Binaries30 Jan 2013 5:37 a.m. PST

Oh, and Bueda do a great range of 15mm Roman tents and camp equipment, not to mention great marching camp walls.

Tumbleweed Supporting Member of TMP07 Jul 2013 5:32 p.m. PST

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