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"6mm Baccus cavalry shots." Topic

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1,176 hits since 17 Jan 2013
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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grambo17 Jan 2013 5:10 a.m. PST

Here are a few shots of some 6mm Baccus cavalry I'm currently painting on commission. I believe these armies (Rome v Carthage) will eventually exceed 3000 figures and should look most convincing on the tabletop once complete. To date I have completed the massed Roman Legions, auxiliaries and cavalry, the Carthaginian heavy and medium infantry and now these units of Carthaginian medium cavalry plus Spanish and Moorish lights. I have another nine units of the Moorish lights to complete the cavalry! I think the elephants (which will come later on after loads of Spanish and Moorish light infantry units) will be an impressive 22 models and the bases will be scattered with javelin armed skirmishers for effect.

Hope you like the images, I think they demonstrate the mass impact of 6mm figures.






Inner Sanctum17 Jan 2013 5:24 a.m. PST

As usual from this company, you can find many ranged of 28mm with less detail and animation.

elsyrsyn17 Jan 2013 5:48 a.m. PST

Lovely work on some great figs from my favorite 6mm company!


Dale Hurtt17 Jan 2013 6:55 a.m. PST

Looks impressively massive!

I am still trying to figure out the comment about 28mm figures.

Caesar17 Jan 2013 7:02 a.m. PST

Great stuff.

I am still trying to figure out the comment about 28mm figures.

I'm pretty sure the poster meant that 6mm models from Baccus have more detail and animation in poses than many 28mm ranges out there.

grambo17 Jan 2013 7:45 a.m. PST

Thank you chaps :-) I'm going to slightly 'tone down' the shields for the three 'moorish' units shown in the top pic to reflect the hide covers. I'm actually a 'Napoleonic man' myself – 6mm of course – but I'm gradually understanding more about these forces and have been guided by excellent painted samples and references from the customer.

What I personally like about this scale is not only that every casting is an individual so they do stand close scrutiny, but you also get a more realistic feel of commanding large forces. Only a lucky few will ever be able to order an attack with 200 model cavalry in the larger scales, but in 6mm it becomes an affordable possibility.

yorkie o118 Jan 2013 7:43 a.m. PST

Very nicely done, they look great.

smacdowall21 Jan 2013 11:34 a.m. PST


grambo06 Feb 2013 9:14 a.m. PST

Thank you. Here are some more shots of some units I recently painted for my customers collection, no less than 12 units of moorish light cavalry! I tried to get the effect of the loose hanging costume, hanging from the shoulders. Now its into some beautiful Spanish scutarii figures – Baccus of course – 13 units of them no less, and I have to say I've been really inspired by some of the work in this gallery, I've been browsing the scutarii pictures in all scales. Some superb painting.

Hope you like the pics, please remember you are viewing them much larger than they actually are!






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