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"Cyberpunk Hacker, Netrunner miniatures in 28mm?" Topic

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TheDesertfox16 Jan 2013 11:08 p.m. PST

I have some Foundry, Copplestone and old Grenadier Kill Zone miniatures. For a cool Cyberpunk style game I want some netrunner/hacker minis too. Who make such miniatures? Are the old Ral Partha Shadowrun minis 25mm or can I use them with my other 28mm miniatures?


Pictors Studio16 Jan 2013 11:37 p.m. PST

Try Infinity. They make some hackers and if you want some cyborg types their Aleph range will probably have what you are looking for.

After that you might want to look over the Nomads faction, they have a lot of figs that would be perfect for cyberpunk games.


tnjrp17 Jan 2013 4:16 a.m. PST

TheDesertfox 16 Jan 2013 11:08 p.m.:

Are the old Ral Partha Shadowrun minis 25mm or can I use them with my other 28mm miniatures?
The Rap Partha minis are a bit variable in size IIRC, some are "real 25mm" and other are closer to "real 28mm". In general, they will look petite to small compared to Copplestone, moreso with Foundry. Should fit better with Killzone. OTOH Infinity minis are taller and, being perhaps a little on the idealistic side of realistic in proportions, usually thinner than "real 28mm" figs.

Projected upcoming Shadowrun: Sprawl Gangs from CMON might provide minis that are a better fit with modern stuff but obviously there's no way to tell yet. And anyway I don't think they are to be expected earlier than late 2013.

Goober17 Jan 2013 6:22 a.m. PST

Prince August also do a nice Cyberpunk range. They do a hacker sat at a desk with a terminal in front of him. Nice Diorama piece, but I couldn't see it based up for skirmish games, really….


SgtHulka17 Jan 2013 6:33 a.m. PST

When I started playing Infinity a month or so again, I pulled my old Cyberpunk, Future Warriors and Shadowrun figures to use as proxies. I found that they all work well together, scale-wise. They all have a different sculpting style, however.

The Infinity figures, despite the "idealized proportions" someone mentioned, are sculpted more like scale models than miniatures. Ral Partha share that characteristic, so even though Ral Partha are slightly smaller overall, they look okay together.

Grenadier (who made both Shadowrun, Cyberpunk and Future Warriors figures) are as tall as Infinity figures, but are bulkier because of the sculpting style. I really think mixing them together is looks fine.

You should know, however, that the Infinity "Hackers" don't really have decks/keyboards the way the old Cyberpunk figures do. Instead they just have a pose with an arm out or something onto which you're supposed to glue a clear acetate "hologram" of what they're hacking. You could pretty much do the same thing with any figure you already own.

I can't speak to Copplestone or Foundry b/c I don't have their figures. Iirc, the old Street Violence figures were pretty much the same size as the Future Warriors line, but I'm not completely sure. And one would think that Copplestone's new figures would be the same scale as his old (Future Warriors) one, but like I said, I haven't seen them in person.

Goober17 Jan 2013 6:54 a.m. PST

Further to Sgt Hulka's comments, the Prince August figures are 25/28mm so would look small next to a modern 32mm, but they mix OK with the old Grenadier Cyberpunk figures and some of the Copplestone Future Wars. They do look small compared to the Foundry Street Violence, though.

Caesar17 Jan 2013 7:15 a.m. PST

Aberrant have several hackers:


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