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ChrisValera14 Jan 2013 8:20 p.m. PST

Hey all, I'm looking for figures to game Darkest Africa and Tarzan adventurers. I looked through a ton of TMP threads, but link rot has set in severely and they're all but unreadable. I'm restarting a new thread here, for myself, and for anyone else who wants to game Tarzan and finds this thread in the future.

For me, I'm going for the novels first, lightly pulling from the old serials, and skipping the Disney stuff entirely. I'm skipping the lost Romans though.

I'm having some trouble finding the figures I need.

For Tarzan himself I'm aware of:

Reaper Miniatures 50237: Lord of the Jungle and Familiar by Julie Guthrie


Kojar of the Forest Tribe by Bulp Figures; link

I know Copplestone and Foundry have a not-Tarzan, it's supposedly DA12, but I can't find the actual figure. Link, or product code?

Old Glory has a Tazan type figure, but apparently it's not very good. I'll skip it.

Also what about the "Lord of the Jungle" figure scultped by Dennis Mize for Ral Partha Imports? Is there a picture of this somewhere? What does it loook like? Is it any good? Worth finding on ebay, and how do I search for it? Searching for it just pulls up the Reaper version.

What about Matakishi's project; link

What figures *specifically* from Copplestone does he use to make the Waziri?

He said supposedly Mega Miniatures and Eureka make chimpanzee models, but I can't find it? Any help?

Same with the porters, he said they're from Dixon, but I can't find them on their website,

Also, snakes? Matakishi mentions a snake from RAFM. Where is it? They din't have a section for animals and it's not under Reptilians

GW made a great snake rearing up with mouth open and fangs bared in a Lizard Swarm, back when Lizardmen were first released with the Warhammer fifth edition box set, released in 1996. It's still available as a "Jungle Swarm."

02675 Giant Snake by Reaper Miniatures is a great figure, and so is the cobra snake in 02593 Familiar Pack III

Any other companies make good snakes? Links to specific blister packs?

Figures for cannibals? Copplestone make some great cavemen, and Black Tree design make some great ghouls (the old metal GW ghouls are good too) but that's not quite what I'm going for.

What happened to the Armed Apes from Lance and Laser? Did anyone ever pick up the rights? Can I find them on eBay?

Colobus Monkeys are avilable here; auction

Howler monkeys are available here: link

Giant Gorilla available here: link

Tonga, Gorilla Man by Reaper Miniatures would be great for an adventure; link

65101: Kabaka K'wana, Giant Ape Lord by Reaper Miniatures is the largest ape figure I've seen that's not a children's toy.

02466: Carnivorous Ape by Reaper Miniatures is a good figure, but not a great figure, and would only be worth picking up if there were more poses available.

Crocodile Games makes a baboon with Spear as part of their Icons and Artifacts section; link

Wizards of the Coast made a "War Ape" for their Chainmail game, now OOP, but it's wearing metal armor on its arms.

Raven's Forge made a number of armed primates in their Children of Fantasy line, but the website is out of comission. Did anybody pick up the rights?

Old Glory Miniatures Skraelings (Ice Trolls) would look good painted as apes or neanderthal men; link
Maybe Beast Men of Opar, although I like the way Matakishi did it, with the old D&D Taer figures.

Also, Leopard Men? Does anybody make them? There's Catfolk miniatures in the D&D pre-painted Miniatures line, but I'm trying to stay away from that.

Eureka Miniaturs makes Neanderthal Warriors, although they're not very detailed; link


Copplestone Castings make cavement and cavewomen as part of their High Adventure line, under Lost Worlds; C25 Cavewomen C26 Cavemen C29 More Cavemen; link

Pulp Figures make Neanderthal figures as part of their Lost Worlds and Lost Tribes section; link

Amazon Miniatures made Neanderthals, but they're out of business. Did anyone pick up the rights?

Reaper Miniatures make cavemen, most notably 02400: Neanderthal Champion, 02395: Caveman Pack, 02387: Caveman & Girlfriend but nothing you'd want to buy multiples of.

Esair Bauda make troglodyte miniatures; US distribution through Warpath; link

Finally, natives. I don't know how deep I need to go, a million companies make Zulu figures.

Anybody make good Mayans?

Copplestone Castings make Watuta Warriors as parts of their Darkest Africa line under Ngoni; AFU6 Watuta Warriors

The rest is just too broad, although I like the Foundry stuff.

The line of Dinosaurs is just to broad so…

No word of scale though.

For Queen La, Matakishi picked the Egyptian Sorceress figure, and I have to say, it's probably the best candidate. If you think Opar was like Atlantis, and the ancient Atlanteans were like Egypt, it's the best choice

The Egyptian Sorceress, product code 02485, by Bobby Jackson
is an excellent candidate for Queen La, with Egyptian Priestess and Baboon, product code 03506 by Bob Ridolfi running a close second.

Additionally, the vampire queen that comes with the Crypt of the Vampiress blister pack, product code 02990 by Bob Ridolfi might be another good chocie, as the figure is both evil and seductive. The vampire tet could be clipped off with little effort. TMP members seemed to like that one, although it looks a bit too much like Vampirella and the line to me.

Alternately, you can also select some of the various succubus figures from Reaper Miniatures to represent Queen La if you leave the wings off, but this will involve some putty work to putty over the spaces where the are meant to attach to the figure itself.

"Taxxis" from Hasslefree miniatures might be another good choice, assuming you can do a weapon swap; link

Illustration of Opar

Illustration of the Beast Men of Opar


Tarzan images:

Sheena Queen of the Jungle

La shows up:


La seeks vengeance


Tarzan vs La and the Beastmen of Opar

Tarzan map, shows where Opar is


The Devil in Iron

Tarzan book cover, with long hair
The shoulder length hair "look" is from the much later Frazetta paper back book covers and from Barry Smith comic books.

More Tarzan images


Cover to the Jewels of Opar

Probably one of the better covers of La Tarzan and the Beastmen of Opar

Queen La (NSFW)

La in a chainmail bikini and knife

Pellucidar's Dian the Beautiful:


Perhaps Opar was like Egypt?


More images of La




Age of Conan images:

More inspiration for Opar, particularly the underground areas:





More info on ERB's work

Skeets Supporting Member of TMP14 Jan 2013 8:38 p.m. PST

Tin Man Miniatures has a "Tarzan" figure as well:

ChrisValera14 Jan 2013 8:50 p.m. PST

Good catch, I didn't think of that.

I get all the Barsoomian characters, but one question though, who are Cave Girl, Princess Livia, Kaldor Swordsman and Jalara Assassin supposed to represent?

bandit86 Supporting Member of TMP14 Jan 2013 11:35 p.m. PST

They have a Jungle lord too and it is very nice the Tin man figures are fantastic and you might want to look at some of the Bronzeage stuff

Skeets Supporting Member of TMP14 Jan 2013 11:57 p.m. PST

ERB wrote a book "The Cave Girl" I believe and that figure may be derived from that. Princess Livia may be not-Thuvia, a character in one of the Martian books. The Kaldor's were a martian "race" of crab-like creatures that used genetically engineered red martians that were headless. They could used these bodies by attaching an appendage to the spinal cord to control the body. Jalara Assassin is just member of the Guild of Assassins, though I don't recall any female assassins in any of the books.

bandit86 Supporting Member of TMP15 Jan 2013 12:40 a.m. PST

Northstar makes a set too.

gisbygeo15 Jan 2013 3:17 a.m. PST

Re: 'The Kaldor's were a martian "race" of crab-like creatures that used genetically engineered red martians that were headless. They could used these bodies by attaching an appendage to the spinal cord to control the body. '

It was the Kaldanes, not the Kaldors. I think it's just a generic swordsman he called Kaldor.

Huscarle15 Jan 2013 4:06 a.m. PST

Foundry DA121 is the pack with Tarzan & Jane link
Ral Partha's Jungle Lord 03-088
Reaper also have some Savage Beauties link and a Jungle Queen & girl
The RAFM snake comes from their CoC range
BTD do a giant cobra link

religon15 Jan 2013 5:14 a.m. PST

I shared a conversion I made for a Weismuller Tarzan on this thread…

TMP link

(A naked BTD Pict with a head from a Reaper "Ivy Crown" archer.)

Matakishi15 Jan 2013 6:14 a.m. PST

Eureka chimps
Mega Mini chimps seem to be oop
Coppleston AFU6 Watuta Warriors


Dixon FL6 Native bearers carrying loads (4 figs)
Also, plenty of African animals and stuff from NOrthstar including this set.

ChrisValera16 Jan 2013 12:09 p.m. PST

Adding to my own info dump, Architects of War make dungeon vermin, some of which (most notably the rats) might make good jungle creatures


Another point Otherworld miniatures

has Giant Ants, Giant Crabs, Giant Crayfish and various Cavemen Warband figures.

PrimiPili16 Jan 2013 8:31 p.m. PST

I recently bought Juwana O'not on ebay for use as a witchdoctor in a similarly themed African fantasy army inspired by Matakishi.

Rowena, Barbarian Shaman, from Reaper could be a good figure for use in Africa also. She has a nice head-dress and short staff.

My Tarzan and lions are both Northstar and my natives are Warlord Unmarried Zulus. I need some shooters, and Northstar's Cannibal Archers might fit the bill.

Cacique Caribe07 Feb 2013 3:44 p.m. PST

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