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"Saving Lives in Serenity: Can a Fanboy ..." Topic

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1,763 hits since 14 Jan 2013
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP14 Jan 2013 11:43 a.m. PST

… and Physics Change a Movie?

Interesting article here.
These guy didn't give up about Hoban "Wash" Washburne.



Hope you enjoy!.


Dynaman878914 Jan 2013 12:16 p.m. PST

They really really really need to get a life.

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP14 Jan 2013 1:53 p.m. PST

Interesting and sad. Wash is still dead. Great picture by the by.

platypus01au14 Jan 2013 1:56 p.m. PST

I really hope he didn't do that on work time….

Streitax14 Jan 2013 3:04 p.m. PST

To an engineer, work is his hobby and his hobby is work. I feel the same about statistics and miniature gaming.

Jovian114 Jan 2013 3:31 p.m. PST

It was a death well before it's time, a tragic end, to a great character. In the end, even if they bring back Firefly, it will be virtually impossible to recover from the closure provided in Serenity to the storylines created in the original series.

Mako1114 Jan 2013 3:35 p.m. PST

Surely it'll be easy to have him come back, since cloning will have been perfected by then, or perhaps his twin brother, with the same/different name will be found.

See George Foreman for a real life example of children being named the same (his sons all named George). Truth is stranger than fiction.

Wolfprophet14 Jan 2013 4:01 p.m. PST

Wash is gone. Do not pull a Gundam 00 with a magically appearing identical twin to replace his dead brother or a clone. That's lazy, awful writing and will lead to too much of that "It's not really him" needless drama Bleeped text that's worthy of a 3rd rate Soap Opera.

Then again, it's Joss Whedon….. How many times did Buffy die?

Katzbalger14 Jan 2013 4:10 p.m. PST

The person calculating also misses the fact that penetreation calculations are not just based upon energy, but also material properties of the object striking and the object being struck, along with other factors.

Still, fun little read.

I aim to misbehave.


Dynaman878914 Jan 2013 5:50 p.m. PST

> How many times did Buffy die?

One time too few…

sykoholic00114 Jan 2013 6:29 p.m. PST

If the comic books that came after the series are considered "canon", Wash is indeed dead. However, Zoe is pregnant with his daughter. Apparently, the story of "Serenity" takes place before she is aware of her pregnancy so, sadly, Wash dies without knowing he's going to be a father.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP14 Jan 2013 6:52 p.m. PST

Meh. As far as I'm concerned Serenity simply falls under the category of IDH, like what they did with Zach's character in Bones, and the entire prequel trilogy of Star Wars etc., etc.. IDH. Dumb decisions by Hollywood writers fall that way for me— IDH: It Didn't Happen. Try it— it works! wink

More realistically, as it is, I think Whedon may have been looking for a way to get fans to stop bugging him about getting FIrefly back on the air as an episodic show. He was happy to return to the characters and make a movie for them, but he was clearly done with it all by that time, so he wrapped it up, killed off two major characters (without ever explaining Shepherd Book's background), dropped the whole "hands of blue" stuff and shut it all down. He had moved on, even if fans hadn't.

But hey, they're his characters— if he wants to do the whole Reichenbach Falls thing, he can!

Skrapwelder15 Jan 2013 12:03 p.m. PST

This is what happens when you say things like: "I am a leaf on the wind"

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP15 Jan 2013 12:21 p.m. PST

Good one Skrapwelder!! (big smile).


leidang15 Jan 2013 4:42 p.m. PST

Book was just like the assassin sent after River in Serenity. A covert operative for the man that had finally had his illusions and beliefs shattered and had to walk away. No intimate details but their characters very much mirrored each other.

wargame insomniac16 Jan 2013 10:35 a.m. PST

I would have loved to have seen Firefly at least given whole first season run, and ideally a second season to explore the characters. Exploring more about Blue Sun and Shepherd Book's background would have been great. However that was folied by Fox screwing around with the scheduling, moving around it's timeslot and even scheduling it against Superbowl.

Given that Season One and any further episodic series was killed off, then the movie Serenity was the best possible way of drawing it to a close. It at least gave us a measure of finalisation of main plots lines. Some discontinuities between end of series and start of movie but can live with them.

Much as I would lover a return to the 'Verse, I can't see it happening. Both Wash and Shepherd Book have been killed off and any new film would need a whole new plot line as the old one mainly wrapped up by Serenity.

Plus I think Joss Wheedon is somewhat preoccupied by other projects now. Given the choice between another Firefly movie and another Avengers movie, I know which one I would choose!!



capncarp20 Jan 2013 8:52 p.m. PST

Here's a little ditty I put together because one of my fellow Browncoats is convinced that Wash Lives!

Long Live Wash
(with a nod to Pete Townshend and the Who)

Our boat needed a pilot, Hoban Washburne had some flash,
He lit up our control room in Hawaiian shirt and `stache.
Warrior-woman was bothered, but why she could not say,
Against her captain's orders, Zoe wed him anyway.
Tops in flight class, he coulda had it posh,
Wash is dead, they say,
Long live Wash!

Long live Wash, he makes Serenity fly,
Long live Wash, no one can take his sky,
Long live Wash, he ain't dead, it's a lie!

With Kaylee in the Engine Room while Wash is doin' the drivin'
They work so well together, they can even pull an "Ivan",
An interview with Niska left him with his own "war story"
Fighting's not his first choice, but zen-flying is his glory.
His offbeat wit is difficult to quash,
Wash is dead, they say.
Long live Wash!


Firefly hurtles through the dogfight,
Landed hard, both engines shed,
Reaver spear comes through the cockpit,
Watch him soar…Wash is dead, Wash is dead, Wash is dead….

Alliance thinks Serenity's no longer got her guidance,
We're lettin' them believe it--we're all sworn to silence.
An empty grave's dug next to Mr. Universe and Book.
He's in the smuggler's cubby-hole, where no-one'd think to look,
Blastomere transplants, in River's cryo-box,
Wash is dead, y'say?—HAH!
Long live Wash!

Long live Wash, long live Wash, long live Wash,
Long live Wash, long live Wash, long live Wash,


all rights reserved by Cap'n Mark, skipper of the "Shiny Apple"

Amalric07 Mar 2013 8:05 a.m. PST

Nice ditty CapnCarp.

The Missues and I have been rewatching Firefly again, damn good stuff.

Now how makes a good crew in 28mm?

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