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"3mm Napoleonic strip depth?" Topic

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springsnow11 Jan 2013 1:05 p.m. PST

Hi gang, could anyone tell me the depth of a 3mm
Oddzial Osmy Napoleonic strip (both infantry and cavalry)?



boy wundyr x11 Jan 2013 1:16 p.m. PST

This is just based off memory, but it's about 2-3mm for the infantry, maybe 7mm for the cavalry (single horse – x3 for the whole base). I think the width of the infantry stand (20mm) is the same as the depth of the cavalry stand, so 20-21mm for the cavalry works.

forwardmarchstudios11 Jan 2013 1:20 p.m. PST


A little over 2mm. You can fit 9 of the Napoleonic infantry strips onto a 20mm square base. I hope that helps.

The cavalry are about 6mm deep.

Woof, I really need to get cracking on my ACW stuff so I can get to the Napoleonics. I got 50 60mm x 40mm Litko bases for Christmas but thats only enough to do up about 2500 of the 7000+ ACW figs that I have. I don't think that I'm going to go with 60x40mm bases for Napoleonics. Probably I'll do 40mm x 30mm with those. 6 bases per battalion.

I also need to figure out where the heck I'm going to store all these things.

BTW, if you're just trying out the O8 figs for the first time, I would reccommend experimenting a bit with the way you base them up before you settle on anything. Painting them is actually pretty straight forward, but getting them too look good on the base is the real challenge. I still haven't quite figured out what I'm happy with and I've tried all kinds of configurations and basing techniques.

springsnow11 Jan 2013 1:52 p.m. PST

Perfect guys thanks a lot. I do plan to experiment with my
bases. One of the options is to built "micro" bases, maybe
1*1cm, to put on bigger bases like what is done with 6mm
minis and grande armee bases.
Need to put some more thoughts into this when i get the
minis :)

boy wundyr x11 Jan 2013 3:36 p.m. PST

The infantry stands will be pretty tough to cut to fit onto 1x1cm bases, knives don't work on the metal, you'll need side-cutters. The cavalry is ok as it's grooved for cutting into individual figures.

I've cut a bunch of my ACW in half, so it can be done, but the metal O8 uses is different than anything I've run into. Files and sidecutters are the tools you'll need.

Macunaima11 Jan 2013 3:37 p.m. PST

Cigar boxes, FWM. Cigar boxes work great!

Also, let me emphasize that you are right on the basing advice. Painting is fine, basing… Complicated.

The more I do it, the more I lean to a simple lightly gritted base, painted green and drybrushed slightly lighter green, with litte floking, maybe none. At least for the Black Powder stuff.

forwardmarchstudios11 Jan 2013 6:01 p.m. PST

Cigar boxes are a good idea… something to keep the cat off of them…
I started off flocking mine, but the Woodlands Scenics flock is just too dark. I'm about to try out painting and dry-brushing ballast by itself. Something to make the bases stand out more. Fortunately/annoyingly, I only have one brigade of 750 ACW figs actually painted up yet. Rebasing the entire unit is going to SUCK. I do like how my artilery battery came out though, but the effect that worked for that unit doesn't really work with the infantry for some reason.

I'd also like to do some small-ish units, especially with the Napoleonics, so I can have a little travel-sized FPGA or Black Powder set. But even with that, what size do I go with? I've got no idea. Maybe 1x 40mmx 20mm base with two 20mm x20mm "wings" so I can make a column? For travel games that'd be neat, but for my big project I really want to be able to have proper, 9 rank deep columns with proper spacing. Erg. I wish I was on the East Coast again so I could hit up the GF9 base-buffet… do they even still do that?

Narratio11 Jan 2013 8:55 p.m. PST

It looks like you can get 64 figures in 3 ranks on a 40x15mm base. So a 4 or 6 base unit in line will be 160 to 240mm wide. Ground coverage looks good.

It's not the Sam Mustafa way as the frontage/width ratio is out but I think it looks good.

forwardmarchstudios11 Jan 2013 11:04 p.m. PST

If the unit is 240mm wide and only 15mm deep that is pretty darn close to being the correct depth. You can also pull off correctly spaced columns- with a distance between companies in column of divisions equal to the frontage of a division. It looks pretty awesome when you have several battalions lined up that way. Now, that being said, if you are doing this on the game table you might have some serious space considerations, especially if you push out skirmishers. Once again, doing the high figure ration thing, even with 3mm, creates some logistic problems that you could only really solve in a large convention or club environment.

It's a tricky scale. Fortunately the O8 Naps are selling pretty well it seems, or at least a lot more people seem to be doing them than the ACW ones. Eventually someone is going to figure out a "best" way of doing it. Next pay day I'm going to make an order from Litko of every conceivable base one could use, and then sit down one day and put together all sorts of infantry units to see which one looks best. And then there is still the ACW stuff to do…

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