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641 hits since 11 Jan 2013
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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HarmonWard11 Jan 2013 6:55 a.m. PST

The Second Saturday of the month is nigh and we have a great slate of games and other events scheduled at for our Hobby Day at 1127 North Anaheim Blvd. The hall will be open Friday night for gaming, painting and building and table setup. There are a number of historical miniatures games scheduled including DBA, Flames of War and Check Your 6!

Event Name: Board and Card Games
Your Name: Aaron Jamison
Event Start Time and Date: Sat. Jan 12th – All Day
Number of Players: 16
Table Size: 2 – 30" x 8'
We bring piles of games, but bring your own to share. There are also games stored at the hall we can use. Chris Beilby added "Aaron, I'll be bringing Netrunner, Grind, and Star Wars: X-Wing"

Event Name: Check Your 6!
Your Name: Steve Reid
Event Start Time and Date: Jan 12th 10AM
Number of Players: 8
Table Size: 6x12
Check Your 6! is an exciting and well researched game of WWII Air Combat. Take to the skies in a Hellcat fighter to protect the fleet from the air forces of Imperial Japan.

Event Name: War of the Ring (Games Workshop)
Your Name: Harmon Ward and Brian Bradford
Event Start Time and Date: Jan 12th – 10:00AM
Number of Players: 4
Table Size: 5x6
J.R.R. Tolkein was born on Jan 3rd, 1892. To celebrate we are have a Games Workshop War of the Ring game. Bring your own army or just drop by and learn the system

Event Name: Eclipse Phase
Your Name: Christopher Beilby
Event Start Time and Date: Saturday, Jan. 12, 5:00 PM
Number of Players: 4-8, plus GM.
Table Size: 30" x 8 Foot
Eclipse Phase is a roleplaying game set in a Transhuman, post-apocalyptic future. All players should bring 2 10 sided dice. The quickstart rules are available free at rpg.drivethrus… . The quickstart rules also include a brief overview of some of the concepts and setting of the game. Players should provide two ten-sided dice in contrasting colors, paper, and writing implements. Characters will be provided.

Event Name: The Hobbit Epic
Your Name: Christopher Lundgren
Event Start Time and Date: Jan 12th late afternoon
Number of Players: ?
Table Size: ?
I recently purchased the Epic Rules set for the "Hobbit" This is the fun campaign rules for Hero Clix. In the spirit of the upcoming movie, I thought that people might want to join in an evening game at the next Hobby Day. I'm looking for feed back and interest level. If I get enough I will bring it to next month's Hobby Day for the evening portion.

Event Name: Pathfinder Home Brew-Running 3.5 mods revamped for pathfinder
Joren Holden
January 12th start 9am-1 or 2pm
Number of Players: max 6 players, current total 6
Table Size:2 6 X30, seven chairs needed
Pathfinder Home brew will return after a holiday hiatus. Currently the players have hacked and slashed themselves through the witchwoods near the town of Drellins Ferry. After cleaning out the ruined Vraath keep of a Bugbear sorc and his lackeys, the players have located a bigger problem. The horde of the red hand of doom is on there doorstep. What will be there next step to quell the advance of the horde. Posts will follow if any spots open up to join. So far 6 player max.

Event Name: De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) and Hordes of the Things (HOTT)
Harry Dudrow
Jan. 12th 10am or so
Number of Players – 8
Table Size: 4'x8'
These fast-play rules allow entire armies to be represented by less than 50 figures. The booklet also includes a campaign system, and over 200 army lists. DBA was the first game in the DBx series, which now includes DBM (a more complex version of DBA), HOTT (a fantasy version), and DBR (a renaissance version).

Event Name: Advanced Squad Leader (ASL)
James Aikens
Jan. 12th 10am or so
8 Players
2-30"x6 tables
Advanced Squad Leader is the completely reorganized and re-designed version of the original Squad Leader system. While ASL is "advanced," it actually is a simpler game than the original Squad Leader became after the first gamette. This three-ring binder is the basic rules for the entire system, and provides the ultimate combination of playability and detail. Full-color charts and beautiful pictures make this the most readable of rulebooks – and includes a full-service index as well for quick reference. And ASL is more than "squads" – the system includes the rules for everything from machine guns to bazookas, tanks and ordnance weapons, paratrooper drops, glider landings and beach assaults. And much more. This set of rules is constantly kept up to date by expansions included with the modules.

Event Name: Flames of War
David Dunn
Jan 12th 10 AM or so
8 players
Pool table top
Tim Knapp and sons are carrying the HMGS banner to AZ for a big Flames of War tournament. David Dunn will be running the games at Hobby Day in his absence.

Zeelow12 Jan 2013 10:05 a.m. PST



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