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Tango0108 Jan 2013 10:04 p.m. PST

The figures are great, just curious, anybody is interested to game with this board?



wolvermonkey08 Jan 2013 11:16 p.m. PST

Love the way they do female minis. The artwork is awesome too.Be nice if they sold an art book on thier site.

sneakgun08 Jan 2013 11:18 p.m. PST

I am skeptical of the kickstarter concept. I contributed to a game and have yet to see my copy that I was promised. So I won't contribute any more until the first is delivered.

Also, isn't the real world ugly and horrible enough aready, do we need more nastiness?

Muncehead08 Jan 2013 11:22 p.m. PST

I suspect an art book is likely soon. Good to see they smashed their kickstarter.

Mr Elmo09 Jan 2013 3:57 a.m. PST

Good to see they smashed their kickstarter.

This was the worst example of an exploitive KS I've seen. Most of the stretch goals were the chance to increase your pledge in order to get more rather than true game upgrades.

They got $2 USD million so clearly some people have more money than brains. It would be interesting to know the the number of BACKERS was radically increasing or just the pledge amounts.

Let's just hope more projects don't try this approach; it was a bit foul.

Aksakal09 Jan 2013 4:16 a.m. PST

To sim derail and follow mr Elmo, a recent crop of ks and big ones have pledge amounts vastly higher than the simple sum of backers x pledge. Now I know you can pledge more than the reward amount picked but in cases it has been a 3x total vs simple sum. To me that starts to look like a lot of close investment, or there are some corp backing. I would like to know the real % of backers who go we'll above their reward amount (which I haven't don't yet, though been tempted)

Norman D Landings09 Jan 2013 4:22 a.m. PST

I like the Gorm. A giant angler-fish/baby with foot-hands? Adorable!

Are they big enough to ride? I'd ride a Gorm.

Seriously, it's space year 2013. We should be making these things.
Never mind curing colour-blindness… we want Gorms!

AndrewGPaul09 Jan 2013 5:44 a.m. PST

I'm not sure I understand Mr Elmo's issue. It's the same method CMoN have followed with Zombicide, Sedition Wars and Relic Knights. You're getting the stuff for less than it'll cost to buy when it's released, so you simply have to decide if that's worth paying the money for upfront.

I personally know three or four people who have pledged $400 USD or $500 USD or more to the Kingdom Death game. I did the same thing for Sedition Wars and Relic Knights; partly becaue I was buying stuff for other people, partly because I wanted the additional miniatures.

At least this one has a longer lead time; perhaps that means it won't be as late as others have been. The other thing to bear in mind is whether that initial $35,000 USD target was truly the target they wanted, of if they were deliberately "lowballing" it to make it more attractive to potential donors. If you get close to your target quickly, it bumps you up Kickstarter's listings, as well as making it much more likely you'll get funded, which in turn means more people will jump on the bandwagon.


This one got a huge hit of donors on day 2 – were they advertising on a popular site? – and then trundled along with 50 new backers a day until close to the end, when all the additional stretch goals (including those added to the basic pledges at no extra cost) start to really add up.

AndrewGPaul09 Jan 2013 5:46 a.m. PST

On the other hand, their attempt at an iPhone game bombed:


Manflesh09 Jan 2013 5:50 a.m. PST

This was the worst example of an exploitive KS I've seen. Most of the stretch goals were the chance to increase your pledge in order to get more rather than true game upgrades.

I don't quite get this statement- not picking a fight, honest, but I don't see how the upgrades were exploitative or cynical. They aren't intrinsic to being able to play the game, so if you think the model is pretty enough to pay for it then you can pledge for them, or not.

Does it matter whether it is a lot of small backers, or fewer large ones, as long as everyone gets what they pay for? Again, honest question. At least this way the small backers can see what's in the works and are eligible for the discounts/perks as advertised. I don't get involved in many kickstarters, so haven't seen any go bad myself, so maybe I don't know the warning signs.

Personally I really like the Flower Knight as a model, so went in for it as well as a boxed game. I'm actually not enamoured with the way that females are portrayed by this company- I'm not a prude but I think that there will always be a stigma attached to this hobby whilst women are continually sculpted with proportions similar to video games. That said I can appreciate a good sculpt when I see one and the monsters are really excellent. What really sold it for me was the gameplay description videos- looks right up my street.


Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian09 Jan 2013 6:59 a.m. PST

I've backed/am backing SEVERAL 'Kickstarter' projects, from Kingdom Death,(basic game and several 'extras'), to Reaper's 'Bones'…(I got the biker Urban Legend/nekkid Sophie and some extras….Sophie fig is here, other 'extras' by March), to Effigy Miniatures, (basic set), by Tom Mason (March del)
Assimilation Alien host…(by Ed Fortae?) due in March also
Bombshell Babes…..(due to start shipping this month!)

Now, I'd like to compare THAT against, oh, say PRE-ORDERING from some company like….DEFIANCE?

I 'pre-ordered/pre-paid' one set of their boxed bugs and it was almost 5 months before I got them? (some still haven't from what I understand)…and then back in Sept of 2012, I 'pre-ordered' their ALEUTIAN Swamp Worms….which the site showed as due to be shipped in 'October'….and they've pulled down their forum…and there is NO 'timeframe' as to WHEN they might me delivered???

Which 'investment-purchase' is a riskier proposition?

Not Reaper, or Tom Mason or Patrick Keith or Ed Fortae…(who did the STILL unreleased 'worms' for DEFIANCE, but his Assimilation Host figures will work for same use/be here 'sooner' I suspect!)…..

No, in this case….the KICKSTARTERS I've selected seem a 'better deal'/less RISK than….well, you get the idea!

Just my two 'slishes',
Sgt DWW-btod

Mr Elmo09 Jan 2013 7:29 a.m. PST

I'm not sure I understand Mr Elmo's issue

To verify my statement, I looked at the pledge guide. I think my real issue was one of seeing the individual update emails constantly unlocking on a new (added cost) option.

From what I can tell, the add-ons are no worse than other Kickstarters. So, that said, I take back most of my complaints except that (in retrospect) the updates did not adequately say how cool is was to already BE a backer and instead focused on how cool it was to spend more money.

And, of all my backed Kickstarter "preorders", two have shipped and the others have not. With the exception of Ogre, none are late and all are still within their xxx 2013 promise window.

richarDISNEY09 Jan 2013 8:11 a.m. PST

$2 USD mil? What, thats about 7 figures at their normal prices? wink
Before this KS, they had ONE 28mm fig that was close to $30. USD Cost prohibitive.

I like very few of the minis, so overall, pass.

AndrewGPaul09 Jan 2013 8:33 a.m. PST

Of the ones I've backed, Ogre is late. Sedition Wars is late. Relic Knights isn't due yet. Freebooter (on Indiegogo) isn't due yet. Mongoose are shipping stuff out to me on time, although there are a few less fortunate souls.

Judge Doug10 Jan 2013 5:05 p.m. PST

Of the ones I've backed, Sedition Wars is late (but arriving this month), Red Box Games is late. Fanticide was a week late, Judge Dredd is arriving in bits and pieces… Mantic's Kings of War arrived early and Dreadball arrived on time (so far Mantic has the best KS track record). Was backing Kingdom Death but had to pull out, funds got tight post-Xmas. A shame, I really wanted those figures.

Lion in the Stars11 Jan 2013 4:10 p.m. PST

I would like to know the real % of backers who go we'll above their reward amount (which I haven't don't yet, though been tempted)

Think I was about 3x the pledge for Sedition Wars, with all the extras, and about 2x pledge on Relic Knights.

Tango0111 Jul 2014 12:14 p.m. PST

Kingdom Death presents new previews of their Monster game







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