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saltflats192922 Dec 2012 9:02 p.m. PST

Had my first game of this today and of course some questions came up.
1. Ion cannon: Unsure how this works. The Y wing gets three dice to hit with it but it can only do 1 hit and ion effect max? Does the target still get to roll its defense dice or is it auto hit if the "explosion" rolls come up?
2: Darth Vaders 2 actions. If he sets up a target lock as one of his actions and it carries over to the next turn does he then get 2 more actions or does maintaining the target lock count as 1?

Thanks for the help.
I posted a few pics on my blog if anyone is interested although it isn't much that hasn't been seen before.

Mako1122 Dec 2012 9:28 p.m. PST

Not 100% sure on the first question.

However, I think the target gets to negate any attacks you succeed with, using defensive measures (Focus, Evade, etc.), and then if one or more hits still apply, you get a ONE hit on the shields (regardless of the actual number of hits), and the Ion effect, causing the person to move their fighter strait, at a speed of 1 (this also doesn't count as a green maneuver, even if the turn template says it should – counts as a white maneuver instead).

Also, Critical Hits count as a ONE Normal Hit on the Shields.

As for the second question, he gets another action besides the target lock in the 1st turn – like firing on the target, if desired.

In the next turn, he gets two more actions, since maintaining a lock from turn to turn is free, if I understand the rules correctly.

Once you get a target lock, you can't lose it, unless there is an event card that says otherwise. You can use it, abandon it, or keep it (even if the target moves out of your firing arc, and out of firing range).

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian22 Dec 2012 9:32 p.m. PST

1. You roll the Ion Cannon shot and defense rolls against it just like any other, but after determining how many hits and crits actually connected, the result (if greater than 0) is reduced to 1 regular hit and the application of the ion token effect.

2. You don't use an action to "maintain" a lock at all, no matter who you are. Target locks remain in effect until either they're used, or the ship that established the lock decides to establish a new one. Oh, or if the locked target dies – that breaks the lock too.

As for the second question, he gets another action besides the target lock in the 1st turn – like firing on the target, if desired.

Firing isn't an action – I think maybe you mean "like taking a Focus action, which could be used when firing on the target of the Lock if desired" there.

Anthon22 Dec 2012 10:19 p.m. PST

1. When firing the Ion Cannon, you roll to hit as normal, and opponant rolls defense die as normal. If after all the hits/crits and evades are resolved and you have hit the target, regardless if you ended up with 3 crits or 1 damage on the target, he will take 1 damage,(no crits) and an Ion token. Note that it does not bypass shields, if he has shields, one is removed instead of a hull point, but he still receives an Ion token.
2.Yeah, he still gets 2 actions, as long as they are not the same action that game round, even if its a free action. He placed that target lock the previous round, so he gets 2 more…He can be tough :)
Thank you for the pics, love to see others games and boards!
Kind regards

nazrat23 Dec 2012 7:33 a.m. PST

That's right, the Ion Cannon does NOT apply an ion token if the shot only removes a shield!

Ghostrunner23 Dec 2012 9:52 a.m. PST

That's right, the Ion Cannon does NOT apply an ion token if the shot only removes a shield!


If an Ion cannon scores ANY hit, the target gets an Ion token.

A lot of people have been saying differently… I'm not sure why – there's nothing in the rules about shields blocking ion effects.

If someone can point to a game ruling (as opposed to some movie/novel based reason), I would like to see it, since there seems to be a lot of confusion on this issue.

David Manley23 Dec 2012 11:40 a.m. PST

I looked on the FFG rules forum and there was a question about this. The ruling there supported Ghostrunner's point – any hit causes the ion effect. If the target has shields then 1 shield point is lost and the ship takes no actual damage, but the Ion effect on movement is still applied.

nazrat23 Dec 2012 4:06 p.m. PST

I stand corrected. Thanks, and we played it your way today in our Blockade Runner scenario. Fun stuff!

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