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normsmith21 Dec 2012 8:10 a.m. PST

Hi, I am between houses at the moment, with everything having gone into storage – booooo

Anyway, to save my sanity, I called into a model shop today and bought the Italeri ACW Union Artillery box, just to have something to handle / look at etc.

I am usually 6mm and 10mm so have not really looked at the 1/72 scale but opening this box did give me a nostalgic pang for my teenage years of handling sprue's

I just wondered if anyone had put together a couple of armies using this range and what your experiences have been? Any photo's,of your bases would be good. Many thanks, Norm.

normsmith21 Dec 2012 8:13 a.m. PST

I should mention that this was the only box in this range that the shop had, so I did not get a chance to see what other figures might look like.

Pijlie21 Dec 2012 8:34 a.m. PST

I have several armies in 1/72: both sides of the AWI, all three participants of the Western Europe WW1, SF/modern for Tomorrow's War and lots of colonial and pulp stuff.

Some pictures below:






More on my blog and links found there:

Pauls Bods21 Dec 2012 10:12 a.m. PST

The AWI figs look great Pijlie…I canīt find any more pics of them on your blog..a direct link please :-D

thabear21 Dec 2012 1:22 p.m. PST

1/72 figures are very nostalgic for me also , i have several armies for Ancients ACW , Sudan , WW1 and WW2 and Napoleonic , they work fine for any ruleset , please excuse the size of the images , cheers Tom

normsmith21 Dec 2012 2:43 p.m. PST

Thank you for taking the time to post images.

Pijlie22 Dec 2012 2:31 a.m. PST

The AWI figs look great Pijlie…I canīt find any more pics of them on your blog..a direct link please :-D

They are on my FLickr site. Starting with this one you can just leaf through them.


Obviously I have had a great time in building my 1/72 armies. I do use other scales for other periods, depending on who plays them in my vicinity, but 1/72 has a special nostalgic part in my heart. Some of my WW1 Germans really are the figures from the seventies my parents bought me as child. 30+ years on they still hold the line!

Pauls Bods22 Dec 2012 4:06 a.m. PST

Thanks Pijlie. Great mix of figs and nice to see the Airfix washingtons army getting usage.
@Thabear..impressive range of armies!

Pijlie22 Dec 2012 8:33 a.m. PST

should mention that this was the only box in this range that the shop had, so I did not get a chance to see what other figures might look like.

As for seeing what 1/72 ranges look like there is no better site than this one:

thabear22 Dec 2012 12:02 p.m. PST

I should add , those Afghan looking figures with AK's are actually a mix of Esci Nth Vietnamese and Soviet Spetnaz with some green stuff for tunics and head wear .

cheers Tom

hurrahbro22 Dec 2012 2:14 p.m. PST

Yep, those plastic ranges have a lot to offer.
Like most plastic ranges, you will have gaps, but in this case they are minor (some of the Guns, some of the more unusual units with more flamboyant uniforms). Also Kennington Miniatures fill them quiet nicely and like the SHQ Miniatures ranges for WW2, has a sculpting style to fit in very nicely indeed in with the plastics.


Shark Six Three Zero22 Dec 2012 6:41 p.m. PST

I have different ranges collected. WWII, Sudan, Modern, and ancients.


Scroll to the bottom to see the Sudan range in 1/72.

Pauls Bods23 Dec 2012 11:17 a.m. PST

Nice Sudan Army Joe. It would be good if they (HaT) got the rest of the colonial range moving towards production

number424 Dec 2012 6:40 p.m. PST

Here's a few of our Antietam game using exclusively 1/72 plastics. Mostly Italeri and Imex with a few Airfix veterans in the ranks





Olaf 0303 Jan 2013 6:03 a.m. PST

I have a large collection of 1/72nd ACW. It is a mix of plastics (Imex, Italeri, ESCI, Revell) and various metal figures (like RSM). They look great on the table and you can have very large battles in this scale.

I have some pictures on my camera but not sure how to post them here.

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