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CorSecEng08 Dec 2012 8:31 p.m. PST

Anyone else have templates that are not the same size from box to box? My 2 speed turns are off. I spent like 30 mins trying to figure out why it was different then the other 3 turn sizes and finally got up and grabbed my other set. This one fits with the other sizes. The odd ball isn't off but much but the x and y distances are a bit different for some reason. Checking the new one and its the same in both directions.

I wonder if they had to modify the die. First set was from close to release date and the new set is from a few weeks ago.

Almost done digitizing these dumb things.

fee weasel08 Dec 2012 10:25 p.m. PST

Mine are the same size but they should be from the same print run. Purchased at Target at the same time.

Mako1108 Dec 2012 11:42 p.m. PST

From what I've heard, the templates sold separately in the Gaming Night kits are off-size.

This is the first I've heard about templates in the boxes differing from each other though.

If true, that is a MAJOR EPIC FAIL, sure to cause at least some minor controversies in the upcoming tournaments, if they don't sort out that issue beforehand.

They are scaled in millimeters, so I can't imagine how they'd be so careless at the production facilities to allow that to occur.

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian09 Dec 2012 5:24 a.m. PST

They're being printed in China. Quality control issues are not exactly unheard of when you're working at a distance like that.

CorSecEng09 Dec 2012 8:21 a.m. PST

It's about a mm off. Not a massive game changer but still concerning.

AndrewGPaul09 Dec 2012 4:13 p.m. PST


It's really not. At worst, you just need to make sure you only use one set between all players in any given game. It's not going to massively affect anything. errors caused by players accidentally nudging the ships or templates is going to affect things more – especially when moving one ship over another.

Mako1109 Dec 2012 4:48 p.m. PST

A mm isn't a big deal.

If it was more than that, as I've been lead to believe for the Gaming Night kits, then there could be an issue. Supposedly, the difference between those and the ones in the game boxes are more noticeable, but I don't recall anyone mentioning how much they were off by.

CorSecEng09 Dec 2012 7:00 p.m. PST

I bet the game night kits are 12" long and the cardboard ones are 300mm. Difference it only 0.2" but that will be noticeable when compared to each other. Very Easy mistake.

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