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Day Two at Iron Dream Tournament 4

The tournament continues, while side games proliferate...

3,019 hits since 7 Dec 2012
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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javelin9807 Dec 2012 10:25 a.m. PST

After a lot of valuable feedback, I have retooled my 3mm line of minis to be more comparable with those from PicoArmor, added some details, and reduced the pack sizes to keep the prices down. I also mounted everything on sprues. Here are the three I had initially shared on TMP, plus some new and improved stuff!



Anti-Grav Task Force:



GEV Task Force:



Tracked Task Force:



Wheeled Task Force:





Air Support Force:








skinkmasterreturns07 Dec 2012 12:57 p.m. PST

I think those are awesome! These would be a way to play FWC that is really affordable!

Covert Walrus07 Dec 2012 1:10 p.m. PST

Love this stuff – Would love even more the VTOL Gunship in 6mm :)

Tempting me to develop a campaign game just to use them as map units :)

AronBC07 Dec 2012 2:07 p.m. PST

Very very cool. Will there be any infantry or power armor?

javelin9807 Dec 2012 3:51 p.m. PST

@CW: Sure, just let me know how long you want it to be! It's pretty easy to scale things up and down.

@AronBC: Yes, I'm planning on making both; I just need to be able to work them out so that they'll print in WSF. I can post some pics of my works-in-progress, but they aren't real pretty!

javelin9807 Dec 2012 4:03 p.m. PST

Oh, and there will also be BOLO-style supertanks sometime in the near future, and I have a fair number of sci-fi-ish buildings that need to be finished, including a couple office buildings, ammo bunker, fuel depot, field hospital, barracks/apartments, nuclear plant, refinery, comms center, and orbital defense laser.

BigDan Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2012 5:59 p.m. PST

Very nice indeed. I am thinking you could do a credible Hammer's Slammers style game as well as not-Ogre with these.

Ravenseye07 Dec 2012 7:28 p.m. PST

izzat sketchup you are using?

Eli Arndt08 Dec 2012 6:59 a.m. PST

Those look very nice indeed.


javelin9808 Dec 2012 8:12 a.m. PST

Here are some shots of the very-much-works-in-progress infantry:




@Ravenseye: Yep, just the free version of Sketchup 8.

Kirk Alderfer09 Dec 2012 10:28 a.m. PST

Again and again and again…outstanding !

javelin9810 Dec 2012 7:00 a.m. PST

Here is another GEV unit, which I fondly think of as "Hallett's Mallets".






commanderroj10 Dec 2012 8:14 a.m. PST

Now i really really like those new "Mallet" GEV's, and those 3mm infantry are superb! Have you had a printed copy and seen how the infantry come out? i take it that the space between the legs is thin enough to carve out easily, for those of us who are just to anal for words?!

javelin9810 Dec 2012 9:22 a.m. PST

Thanks! The Mallets were just for fun, but I like how they turned out. I haven't been able to print the infantry yet, as there is still too much cleanup of internal walls and whatnot to finish before Shapeways will accept the upload. The small wall between the legs is for strength and could certainly be removed with a rat-tail file (or even just a large needle), if you so choose.

commanderroj10 Dec 2012 12:37 p.m. PST

Did you have any further thoughts on the slitherer i mentioned in your earlier thread on this subject? i am quite excited about some 3mm armies and the possibility of even more room to manouever on the table and maybe a different kind of rules set.

javelin9810 Dec 2012 1:32 p.m. PST

Completely forgot about those! Thanks for reminding me! I have a project for another company on my table right now, but I'll put that one in my queue.

Also, I'm going to put together a sample pack that has one of everything on it. That should be fun!

AronBC10 Dec 2012 3:25 p.m. PST

The infantry look very servicable. Yay! Just what I need another sci-fi scale . . .

commanderroj11 Dec 2012 11:42 a.m. PST

Completely forgot about those! Thanks for reminding me! I have a project for another company on my table right now, but I'll put that one in my queue.

Also, I'm going to put together a sample pack that has one of everything on it. That should be fun!

Thats great. Thanks I will be picking up some regardless later on next year, but i especially look forward to seeing some Molga like, slithering uniqueness eventually.

The infantry look very servicable. Yay! Just what I need another sci-fi scale . . .

Dont think of it as another scale, just a diferent kind of game, and more scope for manouever tactics on the same size cloth. At about 13 Euros an army, whats not to like?

javelin9817 Dec 2012 9:22 a.m. PST

Just a quick update: I put together a sample pack that includes one of each vehicle currently available in my line-ups:


I've also been talking with an established minis company about producing these in white metal, so hopefully that will come to fruition.

billthecat17 Dec 2012 11:00 a.m. PST

Those look great…. but I just don't understand the appeal of 3mm stuff…. approaching 'bumpy counters' for me. I hope this works out, however, as many folks seem interested.

javelin9817 Dec 2012 1:12 p.m. PST

I thought that as well, until I ordered a sample pack of 3mm moderns from Picoarmor. There is a surprising amount of detail there.

steve atkinson17 Dec 2012 1:59 p.m. PST

The amount of detail on Marcin's 3mm [Picoarmour] puts a lot of 6mm to shame , either WW2 or Modern . I have bought the 3mm Grav armour and Hover battalions , haven't painted them up yet but they do look pretty good , I am impressed and look forwards to range expansion .
As an aside , look at Marcins 3mm Napoleonics,detail plus .

Covert Walrus18 Dec 2012 9:30 p.m. PST

Javelin98, Getting back to the VTOL Gunship, would it be a huge hassle to scale it up to a point where the fuselage is about 40 to 50 mm long? that would make it a nice 6mm size , looking at the proportions :)

jeffbird19 Dec 2012 2:11 p.m. PST

Love the wheeled vehicles. Potential use as a ultra modern/near future South African force.

javelin9819 Dec 2012 2:52 p.m. PST

No problem, my stealthily tusked friend! I'll work on that this weekend.

commanderroj08 Jan 2013 2:59 a.m. PST

Any updates Javelin? How has the finish on the printed minis been? Thats has been my major problem with Shapeways so far. And any progress on white metal releases?

javelin9816 Jan 2013 3:15 p.m. PST

Hi, commanderroj! I'm still waiting on my Shapeways order to show up -- I had to make some tweaks and re-upload the sampler pack, so it's taken a bit longer than usual. Once I have those in hand and have QC'ed each piece, I'll be sending them to the caster to get his input.

I do have some progress made on the 6mm-ization of the VTOL, but I need to figure out something on the tailfins that is causing them to disappear when I upload it to Shapeways. Not sure yet what is going on there. I may just have to delete the tail and re-draw it from scratch, but that won't be hard.

jeffbird22 Sep 2013 8:13 a.m. PST

Any updates on the Infantry?

Covert Walrus07 Jan 2014 6:03 p.m. PST

Also inquiring about infantry? :)

commanderroj08 Jan 2014 1:17 p.m. PST

Any news on the proposed metal versions?

javelin9813 Jan 2014 2:09 p.m. PST

Sadly, I haven't heard anything back from the manufacturer in a couple of months. The last time I touched base with them was November 8th. I know they're busy, so I hate to harass them.

On the infantry, I'm still having problems getting them to print. Shapeways is tricky when it gets down to the fiddly sizes (such as 0.1mm) and I keep getting thin wall errors and whatnot. Still very much a work in progress.

On the upside, I put together a walker force based on the EU walker from Battlefield 2142. I'll snap some piccies of it and post it up soon.

Zakalwe6414 Jan 2014 3:08 a.m. PST

Build some 4,5mm battlesuitt infantry instead, of the "walking egg" variety. That will give you more body mass to work with AND fill an important gap in 3mm sci fi.

commanderroj20 Aug 2014 5:43 a.m. PST

Still hoping these become available in metal. Otherwise, would you consider allowing me to mould my own metal pieces from Shapeways pieces (not for sale)?

commanderroj20 Aug 2014 5:44 a.m. PST

Still hoping these become available in metal. Otherwise, would you consider allowing me to mould my own metal pieces from Shapeways pieces (not for sale)? Not done any casting before, but up for giving it a try.

javelin9828 Aug 2014 8:06 a.m. PST

Commanderroj, drop me a line at javelin98 AT lycos DOT com and we'll work something out!

javelin9828 Aug 2014 8:10 a.m. PST

BTW, here are some newer items that I'll be sending off to the caster soon, along with updated sculpts of the existing minis. I had sent off some of the older sculpts a couple months ago and some of the detail didn't turn out so well, so I did some extensive retooling of the designs.

Hypersonic Bomber and Stealth Recon plane:


Drop Pods:


Heavy Cargo VTOL:


Attack Helicopter:


There are more pics of those here on my blog:


davesimpson01 Nov 2014 2:06 p.m. PST

Looks like Thaddeus Blanchette has painted up some of your vehicles, Javelin. They are on his blog and he has a rather nice review of them, too!


davesimpson09 Nov 2014 7:22 a.m. PST

More stuff up at Lead Doesn't Bleed blog. This time the grav and hover forces.


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