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"Do you remember the movie Willow?" Topic

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Dropzonetoe Fezian06 Dec 2012 1:55 p.m. PST

I was chatting about the movie Willow at lunch yesterday with my wife and brother and was told I know more than any adult man should know about that movie.

So help me prove that I am not the only one who knows movies like this.

See how many you can answer without having to look them up.

1. How many children does Willow have?
2. Who is the best warrior in the village?
3. How many arrows are in Sorsha's quiver?
4. What color is Madmartigan's helmet topnot?
5. What is the magic phrase Willow chants?
6. Where is the birthmark located at on the child?
7. What are "Humans" called by Willows people?
8. How many applicants tried to become an apprentace wizard?
9. What is the tallest animal Fin Raziel transforms into?
10. What does Willows wife give him as he leaves the village?

Good luck and no cheating!

mjkerner06 Dec 2012 1:56 p.m. PST

Your wife and brother are very astute!

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP06 Dec 2012 2:15 p.m. PST

A great movie, but I admit I cannot answer a single one of those questions off the top of my head.

kreoseus206 Dec 2012 2:17 p.m. PST

2, the black guy
3 no idea
4 white
5 ?
6 hand ?

Chuckaroobob06 Dec 2012 2:22 p.m. PST

I remember a few good lines from that movie, but none of those facts.

MrsMiniatureships Sponsoring Member of TMP06 Dec 2012 2:25 p.m. PST

1. 2 kids (they found the baby)
6. birthmark is on her arm
7. Humans are dakinies (spelling?)
8. 10 applicants ???
9. Tallest animal was an Ostrich
10. She gives him her hair in a braid

I should know the rest but it has been years since I watched Willow.

GarrisonMiniatures06 Dec 2012 2:55 p.m. PST

Years since I've seen it, so can't really answer any of the questions. Thought he had more kids though.

GoneNow06 Dec 2012 3:00 p.m. PST

1: 2 kids
6: leg
8: 4 people (willow had 2 fingers left to pick from)
10: lock of her hair

Pictors Studio06 Dec 2012 3:01 p.m. PST

I haven't seen it in 20 years probably. I liked it at the time. Wasn't Val Kilmer in it?

I couldn't answer any of your questions. Well not with answers that are correct.

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian06 Dec 2012 3:10 p.m. PST

"Dust of Broken Hearts"

Patrick R06 Dec 2012 3:19 p.m. PST

Ages since I last saw it …


I had no answers either!

Rassilon06 Dec 2012 3:39 p.m. PST

Loved the movie, I saw it 4 times with my friends the summer it was released! LOL!

Unfortunately I could never answer those questions without looking them or throwing the DVD in. :D

Dan Wideman II06 Dec 2012 3:45 p.m. PST

I love Willow. It's one of my favorite fantasy movies, and is oft quoted among my group of friends, particularly Willow's line to Madmardigan, "You ARE great!"

I also read the two follow on books. It might have been interesting to see them as you get an older more jaded Willow trying to mentor Elora Dannan.

McWong7306 Dec 2012 3:50 p.m. PST

It's stood up far better over time than Krull, which when I was younger I loved more.

Now owned by Disney, I'd expect a remake in the next ten years.

ComradeCommissar06 Dec 2012 3:52 p.m. PST

3. Is it 3? Wasn't really paying attention to her weapons. wink

EDIT: Nope, I was wrong.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP06 Dec 2012 4:20 p.m. PST

1. Two
2. Vankar (not sure how it's spelled, though)
3. I haven't the foggiest. Six?
4. White, I think
5. Something with lots of "-ors" in it
6. Her arm
7. Daikini (sp?)
8. Three?
9. Shoot… Llama or something like that
10. Her braided hair

dilettante Supporting Member of TMP06 Dec 2012 4:22 p.m. PST

Love the movie. I have the DVD. I have to admit that I only got 3(?)answers right tho. (You need to put up an answer
sheet up) Some of those questions are rather 'expert level'too. How about:
1. Does Willow want to be a warrior,wizard,or cleric?
2. What other movies has the actor who played Willow been in?
3.The actor who played Madmartigan married the actress who played?
4.Why is the magical powder called 'The Dust of Broken Hearts?
5.What is the villanous warrior's Warcry?

Another way to prove your knowledge? List some more good questions.





is this far enough?

I can never tell.

1. Wizard
2. Return of the Jedi,; and every Harry Potter movie(as a professor or as a goblin.
3. Sorsha
4. The effect of breathing it in is like a love potion,but the effect is not lasting.
5. No Mercy!

Grimmnar06 Dec 2012 5:22 p.m. PST

Holy crap i couldn't answer a single question.
You sir are on your own. :-)


Cke1st06 Dec 2012 6:10 p.m. PST

I knew 1,2,6,7, and 10. I have often used Madmartigan's line when he falls free from the cage -- "I… Feel… Better!"

Personal logo enfant perdus Supporting Member of TMP06 Dec 2012 6:40 p.m. PST

Great movie.

Two lines I've gotten a lot of mileage out of over the years:

"I don't love her, she kicked me in the face!"

"Traitor child. I must despise you now."

galvinm06 Dec 2012 9:18 p.m. PST

Have not seen it, since it was released.

I forget my birthday nowadays. No way I would remember anything about the movie.

What was the question?

John the OFM06 Dec 2012 9:31 p.m. PST

I was busy at the time…

raylev306 Dec 2012 9:39 p.m. PST

As much as I enjoy the movie, I think your wife and brother are right….sorry, dude. (BTW, I only knew one.)

Augustus07 Dec 2012 1:08 a.m. PST

Man. Got every single one of those questions.

I was happy.

Now I know more than another adult male should.

Now I am sad.

Jovian107 Dec 2012 8:13 a.m. PST

1. How many children does Willow have? Two
2. Who is the best warrior in the village? I can describe him, but don't remember his name. He was the only dwarf of color in the village – ???? step back!
3. How many arrows are in Sorsha's quiver? 5
4. What color is Madmartigan's helmet topnot? white
5. What is the magic phrase Willow chants? which time? He chants at least two different phrases, one when attempting to turn Fin Raziel back into a person with Shayalyndria's wand, and the other when he is faking sending Elora Dannon to a place where evil cannot touch her.
6. Where is the birthmark located at on the child? On the arm, right arm IIRC.
7. What are "Humans" called by Willows people? Daikynie
8. How many applicants tried to become an apprentace wizard? three attempt, including Willow Ulfgood.
9. What is the tallest animal Fin Raziel transforms into? Full transformation? The goat. Partial transformation – the Ostrich.
10. What does Willows wife give him as he leaves the village? A braid of her hair cut from her head.

Yeah, I own the film too, and my kids like to watch it once in a while.

Old Slow Trot07 Dec 2012 8:39 a.m. PST

And remember;the magic lies within.

richarDISNEY07 Dec 2012 9:29 a.m. PST

I love that flick!
Best fantasy movie made so far, IMO…

StarfuryXL507 Dec 2012 10:11 a.m. PST

Willow seemed to be Lucas taking his big hit Star Wars and converting it into a fantasy film. Why strain the brain coming up with an original idea when you can recycle a hit?

Dropzonetoe Fezian07 Dec 2012 12:38 p.m. PST

I have watched it a few times over the years – It might have been the first VHS movie I ever got!

Oh my family is spot on with me – but there are few movies that I can recall like this one.

Jovian, I was thinking of the Fin Raziel spell. I didn't even think of the other one when I was thinking up the questions.

It is of course, as stated above, Vohnkar who needs to step back

If it makes you feel better we can share the honor :)

Kevin in Albuquerque10 Dec 2012 2:39 p.m. PST

Oh, look, it's a Pec … with an acorn.

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