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1,264 hits since 21 Nov 2012
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Anthon21 Nov 2012 6:42 p.m. PST

Now, I love my son, but I can't just let the lad win, it would not be fair to him. That being said, he has not had much luck in this game in the half dozen or so times we've played so far, the worst defeat him losing 6+ Tie fighters to Luke, Wedge, and Red Leader without me suffering a loss. The Emperor(wife) was NOT pleased. Still, he troopered on. Last night we played the first mission (Political Escort) with me as the Imps w/ 4 Academy pilots, he had a Y-wing and a X-wing + upgrades.

For those that don't know, the objective for the rebels is to get the shuttle off the opposite board, only being able to move a max of 2 per round. For the Imps, easy, destroy the shuttle which takes 6 hits plus a few shields.
Long story short, the shuttle was 2 inches from freedom, but I had maneuvered one of my fresh Ties 1" behind it, the shuttle only having 1 hull point left, it looked bleak for the rebels. His X-wing barely scraped the 3 on the range ruler, he had one shot at my TIE. I, with mixed emotions, but also with a unconscious eye towards sleeping in my own bed that night methinks(wife/emperor), reminded him he had proton torpedos and a target lock…So, he grabbed his 4 dice, (protons), and rolled ….3 hits. I grabbed my 4 green die needing only 1 evade and I rolled…

Now I'm not going to lie, part of me was REALLY looking for that squiggly evade icon to pop up, you know, the part that doesn't think about future repercussions (Emperor/Wife)…but it came up 4 blanks, he one shotted me…end game, he won.
I don't wish to wax rhapsodic, but if my 11 year old son had just hit in the winning run he could not have been more thrilled…he's still smilling and talking about his victory…

Me ? I'll get him next time….
Great game, it really is… and I may unground him next week.(Empire) ;)…
Kind Regards

RazorMind21 Nov 2012 7:23 p.m. PST

Excellent, and a life lesson not forgotten. Great to read this.

Mako1121 Nov 2012 7:42 p.m. PST

Sounds like a fun game. Thanks for sharing.

Always stay on the good side of the Emperor. Even Darth Vader knew to always try to keep his leader happy.

Cincinnatus21 Nov 2012 8:45 p.m. PST

Nice when things work out like that. I appreciate hoping he wins but not giving him a win. It makes the real ones all the more sweeter.

richarDISNEY21 Nov 2012 9:54 p.m. PST

Glad he won!
Everybody needs a 'win' every once in a while, and that was an honest 'win'!

vojvoda21 Nov 2012 10:18 p.m. PST

My sons are both big time video gamers but unless I am around the 12 and 14 year olds do not do miniature gamings. They have been to conventions and like to go and play but have no mentor when I am not home.

X-Wing is a big hit with both and my oldest is really interested in Force on Force for modern. I even picked up to Ospreys on the M-15 and M-60 guns for him this week at Barnes and Noble.

We are off to Maryland for Thanksgiving and both boys asked that we take the X-Wing game with us. We have about 12 ships now and are working several scenarios with the system. The oldest even wants to get a model of one of the fighters in bigger scale to build over the holidays. Sounds like my Xmas shopping is going to be easy this year.

James Mattes

Thorfin1122 Nov 2012 3:13 a.m. PST

Cool report, pleased for your son!

My 11 year old son had a similar victory in our very first game when he "one shotted" my last tie fighter as I was lining up on the shuttle which only had 2 points left and was almost off the board – I honestly thought I had it, but I was pleased to lose!

Good times.

Airborne Engineer22 Nov 2012 6:23 a.m. PST

When I play my little guy, I play Imperials and try to play even numbers. Kids get 'fair' in the numbers rather than the points. Though he is figuring it out and trying to let Daddy win, by offering me more Tie fighters.

Chris Rance22 Nov 2012 7:03 a.m. PST

Had a game of Parents vs Kids last weekend.The Dads were in TIE fighters, kids in X-Wings, as we had a mum present too, so numerical advantage to the Empire. All 3 children ended up killing their own father – quite apt for Star Wars I think. In the end it was my son vs the mum (not his) – he in his X-Wing, she in a TIE Advanced. With all shields blown and both down to one hull point, my boy finally got the winning shot in. While I may be pleased for him, revenge will be sweet… grin

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