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"Ebor miniatures FREE WORLDWIDE shipping offer" Topic

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1,350 hits since 17 Nov 2012
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eboracomb Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Nov 2012 10:37 a.m. PST

Here at we are having a FREE worldwide shipping offer no matter how big the order,this offer will last until the 21st of December.

cheers Nick

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP17 Nov 2012 11:09 a.m. PST


Maddaz11117 Nov 2012 11:48 a.m. PST

Gotta get some of those,

Must be popular four postings!

Anyway do they fit in with old style foundry or are they more modern foundry?

Front rank?

(probably will not matter if I am doing 5 battalions for 4, as the whole battalion will be ebor?)

question is it worth getting two complete deals?

Where are the Mattrosses (I really need the non uniform crew for the guns!) I want to do more realistic crews for my guns than the normal 4 or 5 figures hanging round looking busy I want 12 figures, or more, some manhandling the gun into position, some bringing powder, measuring, priming, lighting, ranging, adding chock and hammering it home etc. ramming, sponging, holding shot. the full works!

Cardinal Hawkwood17 Nov 2012 2:33 p.m. PST

They are very nice figures and thank you for your kind offer.

eboracomb Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Nov 2012 3:22 p.m. PST

Here are some comparison shots with foundry on the left ebor in the middle front rank on right also wargames factory plastics,hope this helps.

cheers Nick

Maddaz11117 Nov 2012 3:44 p.m. PST

That is really great…

Now to work out what I need for my continued bathtubbing the War of the Spanish Succession game.

(only 400 figures painted so far…. and over 360 plastics to put together, and over 720 plastics to paint, and only 140 ish metals left to paint.)

I hope to have the terrain finished for the first game by Easter!

Justin Penwith17 Nov 2012 5:29 p.m. PST

I used Ebor officers and standard bearers in several of my Wargames Factory units. They are superb models!

EagleSixFive18 Nov 2012 8:23 a.m. PST

Saints preserve me, I'm dooomed!

Big Red Supporting Member of TMP19 Nov 2012 9:58 a.m. PST

"I used Ebor officers and standard bearers in several of my Wargames Factory units."

Great idea Justin! Thanks.

Love the useful comparison shots too.

Cheriton19 Nov 2012 1:38 p.m. PST


Here are some comparison shots with foundry on the left ebor in the middle front rank on right also wargames factory plastics,hope this helps.

This shot of the two Ebor flanking the WF figure confirms my feeling that the WF's necks could stand a bit of shortening. Not a big modification with plastics at all.

Very helpful comparison, thanks…


jammy four Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Nov 2012 2:46 a.m. PST

good looking figures for sure

and expanding 28mm ranges

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