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1,336 hits since 16 Nov 2012
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vojvoda16 Nov 2012 11:06 a.m. PST

Played the first game of X-Wing with the official rules, maneuver templates, and star fighters from the game. Played solo so I could learn the game while the boys are at school.

Planning on playing a game against my two boys when they get home from school this afternoon.

I have two basic sets, picked up the second on clearance at Target in Champaign Illinois before flying here to North Carolina. Will check Target in Fayetteville for another set or two. Have not seen the expansion modules anywhere as of yet.

I am very impressed with the box and components. I have some observations and comments, which I will post on later. I am working at figuring out how they developed the turn maneuver templates, ranges and other mechanisms of the system.

I put the ship cards in hard case baseball card holders and I see a need for more components such as markers, chits, dice and maneuver templates etc. I plan on at least four to six of the basic sets down the road and I will make my own templates and range sticks as they are pretty simple.

I hope to turn the game into more of a three dimensional (3D) game after I master the game system. Many of my ideas will translate well and I can see some advanced rules not far down the road.

Anyway my first game was Luke Skywalker against Night Beast and Dark Curse. A bit out matched for the X-Wing but it was to only playtest the system and have a basis for playing my two sons later. First game I used the Barrel Roll often and the Koiogran turn were used quite often as well. Luke was able to engage and shoot down the first Tie fighter in a few turns while avoiding being double teamed by the two Tie Fighters. Night Beast was the first to die, and the X-wing only lost one of its two shields. Pairing off against the second Tie Fighter (Dark Curse) was a slug fest. Numerous runs at each other and lots of hit that were countered or avoided. Tracking is a big help for the X-Wing. Using the Barrel roll on the second Tie fighter I was able to stay just out of the firing arc of the X-Wing yet still manage to do some damage without being fired on in return.

Game was called for lunch with both fighters still in pretty good shape. It is very easy to get locked into head to head runs at each other but trying to get around behind the opposition will take a lot more games and better tactics.

I was able to play solo as I often do at chess where I know what the other side is doing or going to do and try to play each to my advantage. After one game I see that it is much more complex of a game then I first envisioned. What actions to pick and plan for makes some interest outcomes.

The different individual pilot skills made the three fighters quite unique. I can see developing other addition skills for home made pilots down the road. Similar to what the Pirates of The Spanish Main series did with individual ships. I think the sky is the limit on things that can be developed and add more spice to the game.

Will keep the same match up for the boys this afternoon but when we add an additional ship each making it a two X-Wing vs four Tie Fighers I am going to balance the forces point wise.

I have not played any of the additional five upgrade cards yet, and do not expect to use them until we are playing a larger battle. Perhaps with each player having 3-4 ships each.

Now time to play another game solo with less experienced pilots.

James Mattes

ming3116 Nov 2012 12:13 p.m. PST

Feel the power of the dark side .

laager5016 Nov 2012 12:28 p.m. PST

Thanks for the report.
Please let us know how you get on with the boys and their learning curve.
I know you have only just started, but I've heard that Luke is unbeatable, please give you are impression after a few games.

Mako1116 Nov 2012 12:36 p.m. PST

Sounds like fun.

Thanks for sharing your report.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP16 Nov 2012 12:40 p.m. PST

FYI, Barnes and Noble carries the game and the expansion sets at slightly below retail. If you're on their e-mail list, you might soon get a discount coupon that will help with the price (they send these out during holiday seasons a lot).

vojvoda16 Nov 2012 12:59 p.m. PST

Thanks I will check out Barnes and Noble here in Fayetteville!

Just did a second game with One Red Squadron X-Wing and one each of Black Squadron and one Obsidian Squadron Tie Fighters, The Red Sq X-wing got stomped as I divided the Tie Fighters and did a coordinated attack on the X-Wing. Played on a large area 5 by 7 foot table (the Korean coffee table in the living room) as I hate small maneuver areas. It worked out to 27 points to 23 points. The black Squadron pilot is a 4 and the Obsidian is a 3 pilot skill ratio. So movement was Imperial, then Rebel then Imperial.

Will use these three ships as the introduction game or two. If they get the hang of the game will add for me (Rebellion) Biggs Darklighter, and the boys will add The Night Beast, (a five pilot skill) and an Academy pilot (a 1 rating) that will make 48 points for me and 54 points for the Empire players (27 each).

I am a long time gamer and they have played wargames before but know almost zero about strategy.

James Mattes

Thorfin1116 Nov 2012 5:22 p.m. PST

I just gave this game to my son for his eleventh birthday. We had our first game a couple of nights ago and had a blast. We love it!

We played the first mission with an X-wing escorting the senator's shuttle out of the area whilst 2 tie fighters try to prevent this. I let my son take Luke as his pilot whilst I had 2 academy pilots. I lost a tie fighter early on to a single burst from Luke but then managed to severely damage the lumbering senators shuttle. I shook off the X-wing and almost managed to down the shuttle but it just snuck off the board in time, granting my son victory! To add insult to injury we played on and I was blasted from the sky 2 turns later.

Superb Dad and Lad gaming fun – a truly great game and one that will be hitting the table often in our house. We picked up the rules very fast and found we preferred the mechanics to Wings of War which we also rate as a great game.

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