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"X-Wing: TIE Swarm Counter?" Topic

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Wartopia02 Nov 2012 10:12 a.m. PST

Over on the official forum there's much discussion on 8-ship, 100 point, TIE swarms being very, very effective.

I have two core sets and a Y-Wing and will be focusing on decelopment of a 100 point rebel force re-painted to represent a rogue mercenary squadron.

Recommendations for handling swarms-o-TIEs? :-D

kallman02 Nov 2012 10:19 a.m. PST

Lots of y-wings with Ion Cannons perhaps?

ming3102 Nov 2012 10:23 a.m. PST

high rated pilots shoot first . stay out of the shooting arc . x wings are better than y's in that they have more fire power and can destroy disable ties easier .

thosmoss02 Nov 2012 11:18 a.m. PST

Make the guy with the Swarm upgrade your #1 targeting priority. Three hits and he's usually gone, no matter how clever he thinks he is.

I read the "Swarm" card and have to confess I don't see this as a game-winner … probably have to have it done unto me to learn the hard way. That's how I learned calculus, after all.

emckinney02 Nov 2012 1:51 p.m. PST

It's not the Swarm upgrade that matters, it's the sheer number of TIEs.

Nothing but Y-Wings seems to be a losing strategy for the Rebels.

CorSecEng02 Nov 2012 2:14 p.m. PST

I'm going to a try double Y-wing combo with wedge again.

Y-wings criss cross the field with a the lead y-trying to ion cannon incoming ties and his wingmate finishes them off with guns or protons. The wingmate needs to be a few inches behind the lead so when they cross in the center he can clear off a tie that is following the lead.

Wedge is playing cleanup taking out ioned ties and far enough back to discourage the imp player from Koiogran turning.

i don't know if it will work. The Y-wings will be chewed up really fast but leaving wedge in reserve allows him to get as many shots off as he can. Restricting the Koiogran turn is big. He either has to leave the ties exposed with a stress token or take two turns to get back around.

Wingman will probably be Horton. Lead will be generic.

EDIT:I build the squad really quick.

Total Squad Points: 99

Pilot: Wedge Antillies

Proton Torpedoes

Pilot: Horton Salm

Proton Torpedoes
Proton Torpedoes

Pilot: Gray Squadron Pilot 1


Great little site for making squads.

CptKremmen02 Nov 2012 4:16 p.m. PST

8 Tie fighters would be unbeatable at 100 points. I can usually win with 6.

Wartopia02 Nov 2012 6:44 p.m. PST

MCkinney and Kremmen get it. It's sheer numbers that seem to be the problem.

I love the Y-Wing but in this context players are saying it doesn't do well. They say it's one of the weakest ships in the game at the moment the key problem being the low maneuver rating…too easy to hit.

Like CorSec I'm building my squadron around a Y-Wing using Horton and a fully loaded ship. Other fighters are X-Wing/Skywalker and a Rookie Pilot in another X-Wing. It seems that moving first can have certain advantages if you want to jam enemy ships.

Will be playing our first game tomorrow but only 66 points as we only have four imperial ships. Looking forward to the TIE Interceptor's release in December.

richarDISNEY02 Nov 2012 9:54 p.m. PST

Holy smokes Cor Sec!
That is a WONDERFUL site!!!

Mick A03 Nov 2012 4:06 a.m. PST

Thanks for the link CorSec! :)


vojvoda13 Nov 2012 12:04 p.m. PST

Using the Rebel and Imperial Fleet builder I am shooting for 150 point battle with 9 Tie fighters and 6 X Wings. Seems to be a good starting place for some nice size battles. I am holding off on the swarm until we have some mastery of the basic set with just a butt load of fighters. Then I will beef up some smaller scenarios with added capabilities.

James Mattes

Wartopia13 Nov 2012 10:37 p.m. PST

We just played 5 TIEs and 1 Advanced vs two X Wings and one Y Wing (100 pts per side).

My sons (Imperials) had two TIEs remaining. I lost all of my ships.

Both Vader and Luke were shot down.

Great fun! :-)

Mako1116 Nov 2012 10:17 p.m. PST

Read on the FFG Forum, but haven't tried it.

Assault missiles.

Serotonin19 Nov 2012 8:14 a.m. PST

Wartopia we played exactly the same game the other night, and the Imperials got slaughtered! Just goes to show although what Im not sure ;p!

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