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1,898 hits since 30 Oct 2012
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wartopia30 Oct 2012 5:02 p.m. PST

Ok, I've done this completely backwards. Tonight I saw a Y-Wing at BN and bought it on a whim. Figured that even in the absence of the main game the model looks nice and it is my favorite Star Wars fighter.

In the meantime, what's the optimum playing area for 4-6 fighters? I'd like to make a star mat for the game when I buy the main boxed set.

richarDISNEY30 Oct 2012 5:25 p.m. PST

We had no problems on a smaller kitchen table with that many ships.

Riverbluff Wargames30 Oct 2012 5:30 p.m. PST

The missions in the core rule book all call for a 3'x3' play area.


Wartopia30 Oct 2012 5:38 p.m. PST


Just ordered main game from Amazon at nice discount and free shipping.

ming3130 Oct 2012 6:55 p.m. PST

Rules are a free down load on FFG

nazrat30 Oct 2012 6:59 p.m. PST

Yes, 3 x 3 is the standard table. We played the other night on an approximately 4 x 5 cloth and loved the extra room for maneuver, though.

Delthos30 Oct 2012 10:33 p.m. PST

This product makes a great play mat. 2 yards of it will give you a 6' x 44" playing surface. More than enough for a big game and you can just fold it in half for smaller games. Works great.


doug612531 Oct 2012 3:25 a.m. PST

More importantly when the B wing due out???

nazrat31 Oct 2012 7:45 a.m. PST

Next year some time. The A-Wing, the TIE Interceptor, The Millennium Falcon, and Slave 1 are all due out on December 23.

Wartopia31 Oct 2012 9:46 a.m. PST

Will the falcon be in scale with the fighters or "box scale"?

Ming, thanks for the lead, read the rules and they look great! Much better than Wings of War (we enjoyed that game and own many planes…this system looks deeper).

Riverbluff Wargames31 Oct 2012 10:07 a.m. PST

They are supposed to be in scale with the fighters.

nazrat31 Oct 2012 10:10 a.m. PST

In scale! The bases are about twice the size of the ones being used for the fighters. It looks great, too…


Somewhere there are photos of it with fighters beside it, but so far I can't find them.

Wartopia31 Oct 2012 10:51 a.m. PST


Very eager for some epic attack-defense games on a 4x6. Loved bomber, balloon defense, and photo recon missions with WoW. More interesting than simple dog fight imo.

Some creative use of deodorant containers might also allow one to play convoy missions with these rules. :-)

Anyone remember this Star wars-like micro game from TSR?



XRaysVision02 Nov 2012 6:25 a.m. PST

Delthos said: This product makes a great play mat. 2 yards…

Thanks for the tip! Went and got this last night. It's kind of cartoony, but you can't beat it for the price. The fabric is muslin so it will fold up small. It is kind of light, though (think bed sheet) so I'll tape down the corners when I use it to keep it from getting indavertenly dragged.

It will fit nicely in this: link

Or here for about half the price link

I've got two of these that I got for a couple bucks each at a going out of buisness sale. I bought two basic X-Wing sets, two A-Wings and an Interceptor. All of this fits in one of these handy cases. I had no idea how expensive these cases and what a good deal I got until I looked them up on Amazon for this post.

Delthos02 Nov 2012 7:15 a.m. PST

XRaysVision, while I agree it is just a bit cartoony, it's easily over looked once you get playing. You don't notice it at all and it gives the feel of battling in space. At right around $11 USD for a 6'x44" playing mat, you can't do much better for the price.

One thing though as this is cloth and will likely have two cut edges, you'll want to do something about the edges to keep them from unraveling. If you have a sewing machine it's easy, just run a zig-zag stich down the edges a couple times, with black thread. If you don't have that you could put a little bead of white glue along the edge and let it dry. There are other things you could do, but those are probably the easiest and best ways. If you use glue, just don't fold it up until the glue dries!

As for taping it down, we really didn't have any problems with it moving around. It does tend to hold the folds from folding it though, so taping it down could help with that issue.

Last week I played it at work during our lunchtime game session of the GGPA (Graybar Game Players Association). Lots of people walking by the conference room stopped in to tell us how cool and fun it looked. There is no better testament to how good the mat looks when people who never stop by to comment on our games go out of their way to stop by and comment on this one.

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