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"Reminder - 15mm Topgun Grav Armor Sale Ends Oct. 15" Topic

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Mako1111 Oct 2012 7:00 a.m. PST

Just a reminder that our 15mm scale, Topgun Grav Armor Oktoberfest Sale ends at midnight, on the 15th of Oct.

Save 10% – 20% off on all of your Grav Armor needs, for crushing enemy forces on the tabletop, and/or conducting those rapid planetary assaults, direct from orbit, at Mach 3.

We've got an extensive range of: Light to Heavy Grav Tanks, APCs and IFVs, vehicles with Anti-aircraft Point Defense Weapons; Rapid-firing, Rocket Assisted Mortars; Scout/Recon Vehicles; Tank Destroyers, and other models to provide the Grav Armor support your troops in the field need too.

The hulls and large turrets are made of a durable, polyurethane resin, for light weight, and easy cleanup, with metal weapons and other accessories.

Since they are lightweight, they can hover low down, in Nap of the Earth flight, or be mounted onto telescoping flight stands, for pop-up attacks at treetop level, or for high-speed flight at higher altitudes, as desired, in order to outflank your enemies.

They match up very well sizewise, with most other 15mm Sci-Fi manufacturers ranges. Our Heavy Tank and APC/IFV hulls are 85mms long by 55mms wide, and our Light/Medium and Scout hulls are 75mms by 43mms in size.

Due to the unique magnetic turret attachment system we use for our turrets, you can customize your forces as desired too. The turrets can be mounted centrally in the hulls, or more towards the rear of them for a more sleek, rakish look.

Here's more info on our sale:

TMP link

See here for more photos of the vehicles we offer in our 15mm Grav Armor range:


E-mail us, at the following address, if you'd like to place an order, or want a copy of our MS Word catalog, that lists all of the vehicles we have for sale, suggested TO&Es for your forces, and photos of all the vehicles (13 different models, in two surface finishes – Smooth-hulled and AADS models) from our range:

topgungrav AT yahoo [dot/ com

Don't forget to mention Oktoberfest, when ordering, in order to get the discount.

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Oct 2012 10:00 p.m. PST

Won't be able to make the sale… but I will be picking some up when I order the new GZG DPRG troops…



I'm thinking at least three type 9's and type 22… and those type 7's a really slick too!

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