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08 Oct 2012 3:44 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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WNT Blog08 Oct 2012 3:43 a.m. PST

Hi, I just found this game and was wondering if somebody has some more information as it looks cool and goes about Star wars!

"As Galactic Empire expands in influence, more and more people are forced to the fringe. Before they were law abiding citizens, now with the Iron Fist of the Empire grasping more star systems; many are turning to a life of adventure. From Smugglers escaping dangerous Bounty Hunters, to brave Rebel operatives fighting off Imperial Stormtroopers; Edge of the Empire allows players to take on a role in the Star Wars Universe. "

The game seems to be sold on Wayland Games link for only £22.49 GBP so maybe I will buy it if somebody has some more information about the gameplay.

Cheers and thanks in advance.

captainquirk08 Oct 2012 4:01 a.m. PST

The game is being sold as a beta test version at present. Beta test feedback is being collated here:


As far as I can determine, this is at heart the Star Wars version of FFG's Warhammer Fantasy RPG system, with the special dice and so on.

Cherno08 Oct 2012 4:56 a.m. PST

Interesting, I haven't heard of this one. It isn't even listed at yet.

So I suppose the concept of this boy is similar to the Pathfinder Introductory Set, with everything that is needed to play, including pre-generated characters, simplified rules, (cardboard) figures, maps, and a sample adventure?

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian08 Oct 2012 5:13 a.m. PST

Worth mentioning that while the current book is a beta playtest of the Star Wars RPG they're doing, it is a very professional looking product, and from a brief read-through seems fairly complete. I'm sure the eventual full release will have more material and be even slicker, but as a teaser package it's a beauty and it is an interesting way to get feedback from the part of the community that cares most – the ones who are willing to put their money behind it even in the beta stage.

The box set there looks like a finalized version of a starter box, so it may be a while coming out yet.

richarDISNEY08 Oct 2012 7:42 a.m. PST

I have the beta.
It it NOT a beta. They called it that, but from FFG themselves, they said that it is the final, just without the purdy graphics, fluff and dice…

I have played it a few times.
Didn't like it. When I have more time, I will give you a good summary.

CPBelt08 Oct 2012 9:29 a.m. PST

Sounds like another way to milk the SW crack babies, making them buy a product twice. GW can only dream of pulling off such schemes! grin

captainquirk08 Oct 2012 9:56 a.m. PST

I don't have the Star Wars game, but have tried the WHFRPG version. The strange dice take some getting used to; they are supposed to prompt narrative storytelling. Perhaps the system gets faster with practice, but it seemed very plodding when we tried it.

The Star Wars version is supposed to be one of three interconnecting rules sets.

I think richarDISNEY is right, the product is meant to be almost the final cut but without the graphics. However, the FFG forum has released several PDF files with rules changes so far, so it seems that rules tweaks are still going on.

I suspect a lot will depend on whether the WHFRPG dice mechanisms are stuff you like or dislike. Not personally convinced that this is going to produce a game which reflects the movies, but YMMV.

billthecat08 Oct 2012 10:34 a.m. PST

Yawn…. Star Wars is one tired horse….

Anyway, this looks more like a boardgame/CCG than a RPG. Given the 'trend' with D&D 4th edition and the WFB 'RPG' box thingy (what this new game seems to be) perhaps my idea of a 'RPG' is on the way out? (Video gaming being the main culprit of course)… Why does one have to have glossy cards, counters, special dice and booster packs, etc… to play a game of imagination? (rhetorical question).

Greenfield Games08 Oct 2012 2:21 p.m. PST

A: It's not on because it's not a boardgame. Check

B: It may look like a boardgame/CCG to you, but it's not. It's a roleplaying game. I've actually read the rules. I can confirm this.

C: Although the rules system feels like a close cousin of the last version of the WFB game, it's not identical to it.

Privateer4hire08 Oct 2012 4:12 p.m. PST

So…Is the version being sold a beta or not?

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