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"Knight Models to do a Batman game?" Topic

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tnjrp26 Sep 2012 3:11 a.m. PST

Or so they have lead Beasts of War to believe:

Holy smokes indeed! Now to wait for the KickStarter (or other crowfunding project) to start…

WarrenB26 Sep 2012 10:50 a.m. PST

Watch absolutely no-one buy it because the price goes through the roof.

richarDISNEY27 Sep 2012 7:25 a.m. PST

On their Facebook page too.
I dunno. Knight may make some pretty models, scale is ALL over the place, in my experience. And at a pretty penny too.

I guess we now know why they dropped their other licenses (Star Wars and Marvel). To nab that license, they needed LOTS of capitol.

I think they may have a hard time at it, but I wish them luck.

Are they gunna try to compete against the HeroClix games?

Manflesh27 Sep 2012 10:22 a.m. PST

Looks like most of their stuff is 60-70mm. Depending on the exchange rate they might be competitively priced when they get the project underway if the scale goes to 30-35mm.

I'll keep an eye on this one. The quality of their sculpts looks awesome.


tnjrp27 Sep 2012 10:59 p.m. PST

Their "35mm scale" Batman is about 15 € at their shop as I recall. One assumes that's going to be their game scale. What it means exactly I can't say. Could be the same as the currently fairly popular "32mm scale", or not.

As for the licence, this is even more sheer speculation of course than the above but I'd think Batman is way cheaper than Star Wars. And they've had a DC deal for a while now anyway so maybe making it in a new scale and doing a game around it isn't going to cost them much extra.

tnjrp23 Oct 2012 3:23 a.m. PST


Looks like the scale is officially "30mm" now so the minis should be a little smaller than that current Bats fig of theirs. Should be good 'cuz it's easier to find "cannon fodder" for the heroes and villains to kick around. Not that it looks like you need huge masses of 'em in any case, but still.

tnjrp30 Oct 2012 5:59 a.m. PST

KM continues to publish information on Facebook only, here's (most of) their post about the mechanics:

Batman Miniature Game is a skirmish turn-based miniature game.

The first thing is band creation, you will love this part because there will be a lot of possibilities. […] The idea is that there will be bosse like the Joker, Penguin, Two-Face …. and they can fight each other as well…. On the other hand many characters of the Batman Universe are not so important to form their own band, these are called "free agents" and will ally to one side or the other according to that point of the story and their background. Each boss can have sidekicks and lackeys, or be replaced by one of them, these sidekicks will modify the way you play with that band.

Each character will have a Reputation value (is the equivalent to what other games call "cost" or "points"). Also some characters will cost USD because they have some special rules or expensive equipment. Dollars will be used to buy additional equipment for your lackeys as well.

Turn will be divided in several phases, first Plan Preparation. The Motivation score will determine the number of actions each character can take each turn, in this phase you will distribute this tokens forming your plan. The plan is open so the opponent can see where you place your tokens, making a very tactical and deep game.

Then comes the activation phase of the miniature, eachn player take turns activating the habilities of the characters following the previous plan, p.e. Batman can use the Batclaw or throw a Batarang, Bane can use a Titan dosis, a Clown his Insane Laughter… as we release figures you will discover the potential of each character and their rules. Each character will be special and charismatic so the player can feel the resemblace to comics, video games and movies of this wonderful world.

After activation phase the turn is over and any effect or recovery of the characters is resolved (yes!, characters can recover from KO or heal injuries).

Here are the latest pix Tabletop Gaming News has picked from the Fb (seems like):

Killer Croc looks pretty nifty, now that I can see him a little better…

Manflesh31 Oct 2012 6:12 a.m. PST

I look forward to seeing this develop further. I can't check the link (or Facebook) at work, but will be interested to hear about how this will be sold. A Kickstarter/Indiegogo crowdfund would be good for me on this occasion.

I'd love to paint a Harley Quinn.


Manflesh31 Oct 2012 2:37 p.m. PST

Oooh they ARE pretty, aren't they? First releases November, apparently. Stuff the money, I'll find a way to afford these even if they are just for my display cabinet.


tnjrp01 Nov 2012 11:27 p.m. PST

KM is quite enamoured with Fb unfortunately. They put up a projected release list there as well… Those of you not fond of Fb can it quoted verbatim here:

Manflesh09 Nov 2012 12:03 p.m. PST

First set of releases up now on their website.

Prices are a bit surprising. The single figures work out, at the current exchange rate and after their tax calculation, at about £14.50 GBP each. For a very nice model (which these uniformly are to me), I'd consider that at the upper limits of acceptable, for a model I'd only need once.

The starter pack, though (of which there is only one so far), works out at about £28.50 GBP. This is just over £7.00 GBP per model, which is really pretty good.* All of the figures are extremely nice.

If only I knew what P&P came to, I might take the plunge right now. Unfortunately I'd have to create account etc to do so, and I can't be bothered right now. I'll see if a UK stockist picks these up first, me thinks.

* I know £7.00 GBP is actually quite a lot for a single model in any format, but these skirmish games tend towards the top of the scale.


tnjrp12 Nov 2012 12:41 a.m. PST

It was somewhat to be expected this is not going to be a cheap game, per model.

tnjrp04 Dec 2012 11:51 p.m. PST

Unboxing the Joker box:

(I've no affiliation with the shop itself)

tnjrp06 Dec 2012 11:14 p.m. PST

And here's a comparison shot with Pulp City minis:

Doesn't tell me much but I suppose the PC stuff is "real 28mm" based on what I hear about the KM stuff.

tnjrp27 Dec 2012 3:38 a.m. PST

Spanish version of the rules and special abilities are up. Also, Nightwing and Penquin's Gang get into mugshots.

Manflesh27 Dec 2012 5:49 a.m. PST

I know- saw them and ordered straight away from The Supply Drop. Will be pics of everything I bought in the first wave going up somewhere on the internet soon.

I'm hoping for more releases based upon the Dark Knight Trilogy. And the English translation of the rules too.


ChristianLindke17 Jan 2013 12:08 a.m. PST

The minis do look expensive, but they also look pretty detailed. The small surfaces on the Joker figure make me wish I had more skill as a painter.

Manflesh17 Jan 2013 5:37 a.m. PST

The figures are really nice. I have had lots of fun. Just wish they'd ship the models out sooner. Some rules would be handy too.


tnjrp15 Feb 2013 12:31 a.m. PST

The English rules are available for free download:

You still need the minis or at the very least the character cards to play, but the latter don't seem to available except with the former (as yet anyway).

Manflesh15 Feb 2013 6:00 a.m. PST

Got'em. Downloaded 'em. Now need more models to play! Annoying that Knight Models has put wave 3 up for order, when wave 2 hasn't even been sent out. Not that one could order direct from them anyway, as the log in system to get to one's account on their website is presently broken.

Once all of the currently announced models are available, however, it looks like one can play a decent variety of games. The rules look pretty robust- memories of my early Confrontation days coming back, trying to work through the translation errors. Clearly a labour of love, considering the number of pages for a set of free downloads.


bluebirds4023 Mar 2013 5:16 p.m. PST

download my copy of free rules, next month get batman, and joker and crew.

tnjrp24 Mar 2013 11:06 p.m. PST

The stat sheets are also free nowadays (from KM shop under each miniature or box set) so you can actually mock up a representative game without having the official minis. If you happen to be one of those people who's buying decisions can be affected by the rules.

Manflesh25 Mar 2013 6:01 a.m. PST

I've played the game and it is awesome.

Can't wait to see Riddler and Two Face


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