Jo Jo the Idiot Circus Boy | 25 Sep 2012 6:58 p.m. PST |
The recent 28mm Teutonic Order figures dislayed on the news page has inspired me a bit. I need a new "knight army" for FoG and have always liked the sinister reputation that the Order has (mostly thanks to Eisenstien's movie). So a FoG "Early Teutonic order" army might be in the works for me. With that in mind, does anyone out there, aside from Minifigs, make Teutonic Knights sporting those ahistorical helmet crests ala "Alexander Nevsky"? I know several 28mm companies do, but am not aware of any in 15mm. In a pinch, I supose I could buy Minifig knights and do head swaps with other brands, but I'd rather have purpose made pieces for obvious reasons. Martin who now needs to figure out how to build a camp vignette showing Teutonic Knights tossing babies into a fire! ;-) |
yorkie o1 | 25 Sep 2012 9:10 p.m. PST |
have a look at the Legio heroica feudal range here – link Steve |
Steve64 | 25 Sep 2012 9:16 p.m. PST |
Got some here : link
15mm figs from the "Dragon Fantasy", supplied by Warrior Miniatures. link Good value figures :) |
timurilank | 26 Sep 2012 12:38 a.m. PST |
I second Legio Heroica, but would add Demonworld for your personality figures: link Cheers, |
vexillia | 26 Sep 2012 1:05 a.m. PST |
Keraunos | 26 Sep 2012 1:23 a.m. PST |
those Mirliton ones are lovely. I used them for a small HoTT project – they were just too good to not paint. |
The Man With Two Bryans | 26 Sep 2012 2:55 a.m. PST |
I have an uncontrollable urge to go "Ni!" |
stenicplus | 26 Sep 2012 3:44 a.m. PST |
These chaps are quite nice and may suit:
From the Museum Miniatures' Late Crusader Cavalry range. The trebuchet comes from them too. Afraid that's the best picture I have of them. They are fun in FOG, trouble is most players don't kindly roll over for you. I tend to use a mainly mounted version as any foot troop are too vunerable as there aren't enough of them. Mind you, since my record is bad my advice is likely suspect ;) 4 TCs certainly, Mounted Xbow are a must as they are armoured and can see off pesky LH and stand their own ground. Every time I've taken the Average Drilled knights they end losing to Superiors ones so I prefer the Sup Undrilled. |
Yesthatphil | 26 Sep 2012 5:34 a.m. PST |
Mirliton for me, if I had to pick one range
ancientsgamer | 26 Sep 2012 6:10 a.m. PST |
Mirliton are awesome and they have more poses than shown in the picture above. Can't recommend them enough. I have every pose ;-) Museum has a great range for Crusader period troops both early and late. They are some of their best sculpts IMO. They will be large and not mix on the same base. We use different size miniatures all the time, just not on the same base. Essex and Gladiator should mix well with Mirliton on the same base. Khurasan are nice figures too but I don't remember if they do these knights in particular? |