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Armiesarmy19 Sep 2012 7:49 a.m. PST

Hi all

Just to let you know I am working on the next releases with Black Hat and I have not gone MIA! We will hopefully have the new sets out by next week. The stumbling block so far has been the heavy weapons teams. We simply have so many options we are trying to work out whats best. We have 3 guns – a HMG, Grenade Launcher and a Gauss/Rail ATG and 3 different tripod/mounts. We are just making some metal copies to check out and then all 3 sets will be released. Support Weapons, HQ and Heavy weapons.

Following on, we will have the upgraded troopers with superior weapons and also the open helmeted versions for lower tech troops. These will probably have a gasmask troops and open helmet troops.

Also coming out will be the grav support carrier. Its simply a grav sled, with options to have med evac, MRLS type launcher, heavy weapon or simply left as a grav sled for supplies.

And that's not all…. I'm working on other forces and I have a test sculpt to see what people think. Its the Royal Commonwealth Forces.



feedback welcome !




AVAMANGO19 Sep 2012 7:56 a.m. PST

Now they looks to be well worth saving up my loose change for, that single figure looks superb the uniform and the assault weapon look really cool and it has to be said very British, i am even prepared to hold off buying the RUSKIE force that i was planning to purchase for these guy's. But please if you go ahead with this range of new Royal Commonwealth Force figures please hold off selling them until you have enough troop choices so that we can create a reasonable size force, i just cant bare all the waiting around….

Eli Arndt19 Sep 2012 7:57 a.m. PST

Looks awesome!

My only feedback might be that perhaps not futuristic enough to really stand out against currently available Commonwealth troops.

Perhaps something a bit more hi-tech on the helmet, even as simple as a visor (visors are cool). Maybe add some elbow armor and/or a pack denoting an onboard micro computer for the helmet systems?

Just some thoughts.

In any regard it's looking good and is a solid sculpt.


artbraune19 Sep 2012 8:02 a.m. PST

I rather like these! Very nice!

AVAMANGO19 Sep 2012 8:06 a.m. PST

I second Eli's idea for a small back pack other than that i would pretty much leave it alone in my opinion this is about as good as it gets, and i honestly cant wait to start building a Royal Commonwealth force. I am really excited about this upcoming range, superb work Keith now stop slacking and get back to your work bench…

Eli Arndt19 Sep 2012 8:09 a.m. PST

Please don't get me wrong, either.

This figure is solid as is. If anything, my suggestions were meant as possible considerations if you were trying to find ways to move the design a little further into the future in its depiction.


Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP19 Sep 2012 8:14 a.m. PST

That's awesome! I will buy a couple squads of those.

The only suggestion I would have is to add a couple of "armor plates" Like shoulder pad/elbow pad, etc…

Something like this:


Armiesarmy19 Sep 2012 8:45 a.m. PST

Cheers all
Good feedback. I am going to add a backpack and a felin type system. Some will have the felin eyeset over the face and some in the up/off position over the helmet.

Maybe they are to small, however they have shoulder and elbow pads.

They are still far far off, so please don't wait, I have to fund them through selling my sovs! :)If I have enough takers I may try other funding options, however I will wait until I have a full squad, hq and support before release this time. That was one of my lessons learnt!




Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP19 Sep 2012 8:52 a.m. PST

Ah… I can see the pads now! They look good!

Eli Arndt19 Sep 2012 8:58 a.m. PST

Yup, me too!

Moqawama19 Sep 2012 11:29 a.m. PST

the commonwealth guy looks MUCH MORE detailed than the basic hooded ruskie,

a different sculptor perhaps?

Eli, I, for one, look the commonwealth trooper exactly as is, even if one could say he's more in the realm of ultramodern/near future than of out-and-out sci-fi, after all I always pictured my future troopers jumping out of whirring rotary-wing ornithopters and dropships and pulling thrown tracks from underneath treaded vehicles rather than prancing around in grav- and repulsorlift thingamagiees.

Hooded ruskies were more like 2020-2050 kind of guys so it's natural that ArmiesArmy wants to keep some equivalence in their OPFOR.

Lead Space20 Sep 2012 6:20 a.m. PST

Looks good and very detailed but are the body proportions right? Head looks a little big compared to the shoulders. Also the hands look small lenght wise as do the legs compared to the torso. This could be just the angle of the shot :)

Very nice sculpt !

Armiesarmy20 Sep 2012 7:41 a.m. PST


Its the same team as the RUSKS's. Me and the sculptor :) Sculptor does all the hard work and I do the easy bit and add any extras or conversions.

They are indeed a little more future war than sci fi, same as the RUSK's. Its more my style to be honest, however I always look at converting them later, with updated amour and weapons.

It is an odd angle, Ill get some better pics to post



Moqawama20 Sep 2012 7:43 a.m. PST

"They are indeed a little more future war than sci fi, same as the RUSK's. Its more my style to be honest"



Lion in the Stars20 Sep 2012 9:11 a.m. PST

Silly question: Why three different tripods for the support weapons?

The M2 and Mk19 use the same tripod.

Moqawama20 Sep 2012 9:24 a.m. PST

I guess the weapons can be placed on different kind of mounts:

a static tripod,

a wheeled base,

a self-propelled one,

or something like that,

am I wrong?

Moqawama20 Sep 2012 9:24 a.m. PST

I guess the various weapons can be placed on different kind of mounts:

a static tripod,

a wheeled base,

a self-propelled one,

or something like that,

am I wrong?

Armiesarmy20 Sep 2012 11:16 a.m. PST

Spot on

I have a wheeled mount
A static tripod for remote defense, think mini turret
and if people dont like the wheeled mount (I really do:)) then you can have a fairly normal tripod mount. So you get more for you money I guess

The gun crew can also be multi used, gun crew, grid operator, forward observer, droid commander etc. You simply need to clip off the tablet device (very easy to do) or leave it on. They also fit nicely as a tank crew, one observing and one firing any HMG on it

multi tasking is my middle name…..however thats not what the mrs says….

Barks120 Sep 2012 8:39 p.m. PST

I really like these.

jeffbird27 Sep 2012 5:42 a.m. PST

What about some berets and bush hats for the commonwealth troops?


Armiesarmy28 Sep 2012 4:30 a.m. PST


Nice idea and I have been thinking about them. More news to follow soon!



jeffbird28 Sep 2012 5:51 a.m. PST

Fingers crossed then. Lol.


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