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Tango0112 Sep 2012 12:33 p.m. PST

"On September 22nd, a brand new exhibition of artwork from James Gurney's imaginary world of Dinotopia will go on view at The Lyman Allyn Museum in New London, Connecticut. Unlike Gurney's recent exhibition, The Fantastical Art of James Gurney, which was exhibited at the Norton Museum of Art in Florida and at The Delaware Art Museum, Dinotopia: Art, Science, and Imagination will include a special selection of the preliminary work Gurney utilized in the making of his popular and successful Dinotopia book series. This is an opportunity to see "behind the curtain," and learn how this fantasy wizard creates his beloved images. Along with Gurney's sketches, maquettes, photo reference, and plein-air studies, there will be actual dinosaur specimens on display through a loan from the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. This exhibition, with 135 works, is by far, the largest and most comprehensive show of Gurney's original artwork to date."





Maybe of possible interest for scenic and fantasy?

From main page with more.

Hope you enjoy!.


Glenn M12 Sep 2012 4:15 p.m. PST

I love the Dinotopia world, it is so bright and imaginative. Makes me happy.

Eli Arndt12 Sep 2012 9:04 p.m. PST

I have this weird idea for building a Dinotopian regiment that fought in WW2 in the Pacific theater.


abdul666lw13 Sep 2012 4:09 a.m. PST

There was still so much to discover in the Pacific Ocean by the time of Cook and La Pérouse wink




(note that the 'dogmen' show a striking sexual dimorphism, in the same way as the inhabitants of Burroughs' Opar link)

so… why not Dinotopia?

Eli Arndt13 Sep 2012 10:03 a.m. PST

Man, a Dinotopian army in a Lace Wars game would be neat.

billthecat13 Sep 2012 10:16 a.m. PST

Needs more skulls and gatling cannons.

abdul666lw25 Sep 2012 12:42 p.m. PST

Each of us has limitations to his (not many 'hers' along us, unfortunately!) 'willing suspension of disbelief'. While loving the poetic beauty of Dinotopia paintings, I'm… uncomfortable with the widespread intelligence among Dinosaurs.

"Normally" (to associate 'normality' with Dinotopia? old fart!) there would be only one sentient dinosaurian species there, fulfilling several basic anatomical and behavioral requirements. Free manipulating 'hands' for using tools -hence a bipedal- probably descendant from social predators (collective hunt was instrumental in 'human' psychic evolution), not too specialized so that the evolution of the line was not yet 'channeled': a primitive raptor is the best candidate. Thus the sentient Dino of Dinotopia would look ± as a velociraptor link with a larger brain, and frontal eyes for precise manipulation of tools.
'Theoretically' feathered (at least down, looking ± like fur on miniatures) but given the fair climate of the island one can suppose adults would dispense with feather as, reportedly, did the T Rex.
huh? Of course no miniature figurine, of gaming scale or otherwise, looks like that. So much the more as, if the Raptor sapiens does not wear clothes (likely, rather hot weather and no obtrusive genitalia) it would at least wear a kind of harness not unlike the one given to Barsoomian warriors in the books, but with attached pouches.



Would someone kickstarter the range laugh?
All other Dinos should be domesticated or wold beasts, sorry…

Another, but minor, point worrying me is the diversity / heterogeneity of human dresses. I understand the human population of the island comes from many shipwrecks along the centuries, but a 'patchwork' of fashion is unlikely. Inter-group marriages are required to prevent degenerative inbreeding, and they would bring cultural exchanges leading eventually to homogenization.
Dinotopian costume would probably be original yet shoving a combination of disparate influences and traditions. For 18th C. Dinotopia the uniform of Freebooter Minis Arqubusieres link indeed combine 'Renaissance' slashings with more 'recent' features:


Similarly this beautiful 'Tudorpunk' pirate lady, whose dress combines 'appropriate Elizabethan with a bit of Napoleonic':

(professional painting from: link )

abdul666lw27 Sep 2012 4:00 a.m. PST

I don't pretend to know all 'Lizardmen / Serpentmen' minis in 25 – 33mm size, but for me the Tékumel Shens are the 'most credible' sentient "reptiles":


TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP30 Sep 2012 10:59 a.m. PST

Found one of these, sans rider, at a thrift store. Without the t-strap, it's difficult to motivate, but possible, and impressive stomping across the floor.


Needs more skulls and gatling cannons.

Definitely applicable to my lad, though I've yet to start.


abdul666lw01 Oct 2012 4:08 a.m. PST

Needs more skulls and gatling cannons.
Are skulls really fitting for the general Dinotopian 'atmosphere'?
A swivel gun (possibly backed by 2 heavy jezzail bearers) would be more in accordance with the apparent technological level of Dinotopia.

(from link)

Tango0101 Oct 2012 12:50 p.m. PST

Those are great!.


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