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AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 2:16 a.m. PST

To any Necromunda fan.
A I am waiting for them patiently I will by gathering any photos that show up !
I hope they will start float soon in greater numbers

Thees one looks a little gimpy, S&M style but head/arms change will be really easy!

And in starter box they should be 8 with autoguns, one with heavy stubber, one with flamer, 8 with autopistol&ccw and 2 gang leaders (err cult champions or what)


War is the H word

nvdoyle17 Aug 2012 2:45 a.m. PST

I'm having trouble expressing how excited I am about this. Between that and the supposed Genestealer Cult plastic customization kit – I've almost forgiven them for Finecast.

Almost! grin

Plastic cultists, Genestealer Patriarch & cult kit, plastic Sisters! Things are looking up.

AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 2:52 a.m. PST

Yes, I want those genestealer cultist too, and some arbitrator models that were mentioned.

Actually with conversion parts, finecast could be better than metal.
As long as legs will be from plastic/metal model it should not warp from temperature, and is very light..

(Necromunding, =I=munding warhammer and 40k stuff in finecast is a lot easier than metal.. normally i am hunting older metals as i had bad experience with finecast quality and Urien Rakrath dancing in the summer – really he is bending forward and backward during the day..), unles i want to cut them up..)

Off course plastic would be better but hey as long as they release them i will be happy !

Now I am rejoicing cultist :>
Oh how I will have to get loads of them..

Personal logo Dentatus Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian17 Aug 2012 3:47 a.m. PST

I'm likin' that. Thanks.

WarrenB17 Aug 2012 3:54 a.m. PST

Wait, are these new 40K models? Like, official ones?

That's pretty cool.

AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 4:00 a.m. PST

They are from new starter set to be released at 25th August (or around)

Photos were leaked today, with two Dark Angel guys that are less intresting.
(+ those 3 Chaos dudes on blog)

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian17 Aug 2012 4:21 a.m. PST

Boy, you ain't kidding, those are a godsend for all sorts of projects. Right at home for post-apoc too.

nvdoyle17 Aug 2012 4:26 a.m. PST

Hey, AWuuuu, who makes that 4-armed snakeman on your blog?


Thomas Whitten17 Aug 2012 4:29 a.m. PST

Plastic cultists, Genestealer Patriarch & cult kit,

Ok, I knew about the Chaos cultists, but Genestealer cult kits? I will forgive finecast if that is true.

AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 4:37 a.m. PST

Its GW Ssylth from Dark eldar range with two arms replaced by Dark eldar plastic wych arms (models are compatible)

Its great model, unfortunately sold only as Finecast so you have to look very closely on his detailed tail


There is list of alleged GW releases planned for 2013 where among tons of space maries, eldar and sisters of battle stuff* are:

Imperial Agents Enforcer with Heavy Stubber Finecast
Imperial Agents Obsideo Assassin Finecast
Imperial Agents Deathwatch Kill Team Plastic
Imperial Agents Deathwatch Librarian Finecast
Mechanicus Battle-Servitors / Khorne Caedes Engines

Cabal Tarellian Cotor with Dragontongue Finecast
Cabal Alpha Psyker Finecast

Cult Hybrid Upgrade Pack Plastic
Patriarch Dumas, The Veiled Fiend

Last two sound like genestealer cult name.

But we really know nothing about it beyond names, and we even don't know if they are real list..
but we really hope :>

*full list and tons of unfounded speculations are on Warseer

Thomas Whitten17 Aug 2012 4:53 a.m. PST


>Cult Hybrid Upgrade Pack Plastic
>Patriarch Dumas, The Veiled Fiend

Yes, those sound very much like genestealer names.

>Mechanicus Battle-Servitors / Khorne Caedes Engines

Oh, that sounds neat as well.

Thanks for pointing this out.

nvdoyle17 Aug 2012 5:37 a.m. PST

Wow! I *really* like that snakeman! What a fantastic =I=/Necromunda enemy he'd make!

AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 5:44 a.m. PST

Yes, snake is great both as 40 k miniature and as conversion components donor.
One of the Guys on Inquisitor Invitational had some mechanicus murder tech priest based on this snake..


pic is from his Dakka blog

Caesar17 Aug 2012 6:18 a.m. PST

Always found the cult forces to be the most interesting, but it's hard to convince oneself to invest in them since GW consistently drops them from the game.

AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 6:22 a.m. PST

I suppose they are appealing mostly to older gamers that expect more than huge guys in power armor fencing with chainswords both from game and from fluff..

Sooo are by no means top priority for GW ;(

Redroom17 Aug 2012 6:58 a.m. PST

that is a cool looking naga/yuan-ti

Garand17 Aug 2012 7:40 a.m. PST

If cultists get a plastic kit (beyond what is in the starter), then I would be reasonably sure they'll be here to stay. Plastic is a big investment, and I'm sure the corporate types will dictate that if it is in plastic, it stays in the book. This also seems to be borne out with them historically, for the most part…


Space Monkey17 Aug 2012 7:47 a.m. PST

Those cultists look kinda cool… though they've got a bit of that 'look' to them that GW's plastic kit minis tend to have… bulgy arms extended away from the body. Makes them look like action figures IMO.
Still… I'll be wanting some… but I still won't be buying Crapcast or 'forgive' it.

the trojan bunny17 Aug 2012 8:54 a.m. PST

Finally, chaos cultists are back! And possibly even genestealer hybrids? And the rule changes I have read about sound quite good too. Man, I am really tempted to get back into 40k…

Farstar17 Aug 2012 12:29 p.m. PST

Genestealer Cultists returning as a distinct army choice might help explain why the 6e allies rules don't allow Tyranids and IG to ally. They knew there was a missing piece between them that was on the way.

AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 12:52 p.m. PST


more photos

Cultist are just bets Necromunda asset in 40 k line

but Chaos guys are superb too.

Photos are big so if you havent seen them they are in update on the blog

War is the H word

Space Monkey17 Aug 2012 1:09 p.m. PST

Oooh! Those are nice… and they're all plastic? I'm for sure getting them if they are.

AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 1:23 p.m. PST

Yes. Starter set will cost 65 pounds and will have small rulebook (full rules without art and hobby sections apparently)

Personal logo Dentatus Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian17 Aug 2012 1:28 p.m. PST

Cultists are a must now. Thanks for the info.

Personal logo Dentatus Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian17 Aug 2012 1:30 p.m. PST

That's the most interesting starter set I've seen in a long while.

AWuuuu17 Aug 2012 1:50 p.m. PST

Agreed, I think its most intresting 40k starter ever.
(2ed had boring one pose orks/grots and sucky single pose marines, 3rd cool at this time Dark eldar but another batch of sucky marines with a little more more pose variation and land speeder + ruins, 4th had bets terrain piece – downed shuttle – and multi purpose navy pilot model+ some extras but main component was boring marines and few Tyranid grunts, 4th was great but nowhere this level of detail and uniqueness)

Pity that terminators are not at the Space hulk level, but well, chaos marines and chaos dread are stars here, they are absurdly detailed and make normal CSM looks as poor cousins from another age…

But still cultist will see most use in the coming years.

There are two full gangs for Necromunda here, and that are easily convertible !

IronMike25 Aug 2012 2:22 p.m. PST

Man, I am seriously digging on these cultists…It may be enough to get me back into 40k, depending on my finances…

AWuuuu26 Aug 2012 12:11 p.m. PST

Look in at prices they reach to play 40k with them (units of 30 probably with similar weapon loadout, they could be quite pricey.. They are highest priced part of this starter.. ;(

But I hope prizes will lower soon

shaneypops26 Aug 2012 7:41 p.m. PST

Just an observation, but I find it very odd that GW are not referring to the new boxed set as a "starter set" anywhere.

Eli Arndt04 Sep 2012 5:56 a.m. PST

Now, if I can only find out if it will be possible to field an army of JUST CULTISTS.

I would love to see a force that allows you to field Chaos without terminators, dreadnoughts and other "Marine" ttype stuff.

The Chaos Cultists are what are luring me back to 40K but I'd love to be able to field them as something other than reskinned Orks or Imperial Guard.


clkeagle04 Sep 2012 10:46 a.m. PST

Just an observation, but I find it very odd that GW are not referring to the new boxed set as a "starter set" anywhere.

Oh, it's definitely a starter. GW suggest 2000-2500 points per side for a standard game these days. The forces in this box are probably 350 points at the most.

Still… perfetly usable for In The Emperor's Name or Forge of War or FUBAR… nah, still can't bring myself to go back down that road. The Cultists are great figures though.

-Chris K.

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