Dawkins | 16 Aug 2012 9:46 a.m. PST |
link Well then, seems like every year there is always a new game that makes my wallet cry. For the sake of my wallet I hope the game sucks. :D Curious to see how this does. Previous Sparty games were "unique" Not many Steampunk navy games out there or Fantasy Games. A lot of spaceship games, but there large resin ships were wanted for other games as well. Interested to see how they do in the 28mm market. Warmachine is a steampunk Fantasy game, where as this game seems to a bit more "pure" (for lack of a better term) steampunk. Steampunk seems to be growing in popularity in the tabletop world. |
Mooseworks8 | 16 Aug 2012 10:39 a.m. PST |
I wish these were done in 15mm vice 28. Great looking models. |
Rudysnelson | 16 Aug 2012 10:53 a.m. PST |
I too am a 15mm fan. Skirmish in 28mm is popular. I am curious about he rule mechanics. My gamer groups like the naval rules but I have so few Land players that I do not stock the ground forces only the naval and air. |
ancientsgamer | 16 Aug 2012 11:00 a.m. PST |
I have always been surprised that GW never took this as another route for sales. Would have thought this would have been something where they could combine history with Sci-Fi. So many of the GW folks also do/did historical gaming too. |
1905Adventure | 16 Aug 2012 11:38 a.m. PST |
I'm all for more miniature ranges, but I really, really think Spartan needs to do an open beta test on something like this. For all three of their main games, their 1st edition of the rules was pretty much a beta you had to pay to be part of, with the rules really only solidifying with the 2nd edition releases of the three main rulebooks. Hopefully this time they'll realize that after three times of failing at getting game design right in the first publication, they'll release the rules for free as a PDF to get their much needed feedback. Unless ofcourse, their business plan involes selling a poor set or rules and then reselling everyone who bought them the next edition. I just don't have confidence in their ability to produce a 28mm skirmish game. I think the models will be cool and some will probably find a home in one project of mine or another. |
CPBelt | 16 Aug 2012 1:43 p.m. PST |
Well, I like VSF. Not sure how these figs will mesh with others that I have, fearing they will be 32mm or something. I like them whole bunches, I do. I think we'll never see another new line from GW ever again. They are stuck in that large corporate rut that doesn't allow them to take risks lest they jeopardize their two cash cows. Sad, really. Anyway, the world abhors a vacuum, so more power to everyone else! |
Jlundberg | 16 Aug 2012 5:07 p.m. PST |
I expect GW will see a boost in LOTR sales with the release of the Hobbit. I like the naval rules for what they are, some stuff is kind of goofy, but kind of fun. I could be very interested in the skirmish game |
Dice Monkey | 17 Aug 2012 12:56 p.m. PST |
They posted some renders link |
ARMY Strong | 17 Aug 2012 2:49 p.m. PST |
Now spartan has my attention! |
Mr Elmo | 17 Aug 2012 5:17 p.m. PST |
Ahh, the Spartan Games' 40K killer. Good luck with that. |
Dawkins | 17 Aug 2012 9:10 p.m. PST |
Wasn't GW suppose to be 40K's killer? Everyone says they are killing the game with price increases. Yet people who say they will quit and don't or quit for a few years and come back (at higher prices). |
cybrt54 | 18 Aug 2012 7:28 a.m. PST |
I am looking forward to this. Don't care about the rules as I'll be using whatever I purchase for my GASLIGHT games provided the price doesn't scare me off..(not like I need anymore figs to add to my lead pile) |
Parzival | 18 Aug 2012 8:57 a.m. PST |
There's no such thing as a "40K killer." There's merely another game on the market. Games aren't tech devices, they're pastimes. Some people will choose one, some another, some another, etc., etc.. Games will rise and fall in popularity in the same way that sports do, or music or books or film genres. And, quite frankly, it matters not one whit which game is perceived to be "on top." There is no top. Can Spartan Games achieve a high level of success, even as high as GW? Of course they could. Any game company could, provided it creates the sorts of products people want to buy and markets the same successfully. That's how it all works. (Just ask Apple.) Whether Spartan Games gains GW's level of success or better, or whether the Dystopian line is they key, remains to be seen. Either way, nice figures with a clever setting. Hopefully it will be another fun game to enjoy. |
Capt Flash | 28 Aug 2012 1:52 p.m. PST |
OOOOOoooooo, sshhiinnnyyyyyy!!! Time to sell the motorcycle
. |
freecloud | 01 Sep 2012 1:26 a.m. PST |
Oh noooo – more new shiny models to add to my VSF/Steampunk collection
. :) I wonder if the rules will be any good. |
kahunna | 13 Sep 2012 7:17 p.m. PST |
Rats I was hoping to use some for ACW by GASLIGHT but the long coats on the Americans just don't look right. Maybe the French, if they ever come out, will have short jackets and Kepis. I don't think too much of the Japanese either, a little too Oriental in styling, but the British and the Prussians look good (for special troops not rank and file). |
DLIinVSF | 14 Sep 2012 3:13 p.m. PST |
Shame they have fallen into "Buy the figs with the game" there are lots of games out there.Their strength is the figs that can be used for many different games. They need to think of units packs priced well without the game.Not just 6 figs boxes at silly prices. |
Syr Otto | 18 Sep 2012 9:23 a.m. PST |
$64 USD-68 for a box of 13-14 figures does seem a bit steep. At these prices I'll be giving this one a miss. |
Gorkathustra | 20 Sep 2012 9:23 a.m. PST |
Looking lovely so far. Dystopian Wars was the only spartan "universe"/game I actually liked, looking forward to some 28mm goodies. |
Falconius | 22 Sep 2012 9:20 p.m. PST |
They are shooting themselves in the foot. DW now contradicts DL on the subject of infantry. This is one way in which I have to say 40K is vastly superior: fluff is consistent enough to be immersive. At this point all I can really say about Spartan is that they have a very good 3D CAD guys. Every thing else is thoroughly average. |
essayons7 | 26 Sep 2012 2:05 p.m. PST |
I like the designs, and may give this a go
Dice Monkey | 28 Oct 2012 8:36 a.m. PST |
Did not see these posted anywhere but Spartan has been releasing previews of new stuff on their blog.
DLIinVSF | 28 Oct 2012 9:43 a.m. PST |
All very nice but I still think they have got their pricing wrong.£15.00 for six figs,you can get more for less bucks from other companies. |
emoteuk | 04 Nov 2012 7:03 a.m. PST |
Prices look ok to me for Pewter/ Resin 28mm Figures. Rules are available as a free PDF on the Spartan Website now. |
DLIinVSF | 04 Nov 2012 7:46 a.m. PST |
£15.00 GBP for 6 plastic figs come off it.You can almost buy a whole unit for that price from other companies. |
emoteuk | 05 Nov 2012 6:06 a.m. PST |
Plastic where does it say they are plastic? On the sites I have looked at ie: Spartan games themselves it says the majority are pewter with some not many being resin. |
DLIinVSF | 05 Nov 2012 6:26 a.m. PST |
Resin/Plastic mix call it what you will,finecast even its all the same.The cost of metal has gone up on the open market because of China stockpiling but it has been used as an excuse to put up prices. Plastic/Resin is not equal to metal and 6 metal figures at £15.00 GBP is still a rip off. Greed I tell you ,greed.I wasn't going to get worked up about it till you made your first statement.Correct me if I'm wrong but it does sound a bit like company speak? The artwork and sculpts are great but with reference to my first post on prices they have got it wrong. People like to buy figs for other games but they seem to be only thinking of their own game.That's up to them in the end but I for one won't be buying any at that price not matter what they are made of. They will get people to buy it no doubt and after they move onto something else I may get some a lot cheaper on ebay in the future.I said my bit know and will go and lie down in a darken room :) |
emoteuk | 08 Nov 2012 2:33 a.m. PST |
Wow take a breath, please take a breath. We shall have to wait and see if they have got it wrong if the game fizzles out then they got it wrong, if it continues and is succesful then perhaps they got it right. And no I have no connection with them at all except I play Uncharted Seas. |
DLIinVSF | 08 Nov 2012 8:10 a.m. PST |
Breath taken ;) "And no I have no connection with them at all except I play Uncharted Seas" then I stand duly noted and corrected on the matter Sir.Thank you. I've no doubt some will buy them as many buy GW at their costs.However many in the hobby don't fall for GW prices game anymore nor will they for Dystopian Legions. They would make more sales (and money in the long term) if their pricing was more balanced and reflected the raw materials at source. |
Trencher | 11 Nov 2012 2:00 a.m. PST |
I think, as nice as some of these miniatures are, they are sizewise 40mm. They wouldn't mix with other 28mm
link A wasted chance
DLIinVSF | 11 Nov 2012 4:31 a.m. PST |
"Dystopian Legions DYSTOPIAN LEGIONS is a fast-paced, action-packed 28mm scale tabletop game set in the exciting world of Dystopian Wars, where Victorian super science fiction has created a fascinating and brutal arena for a deadly world war." taken from their website. link Naughty,naughty! But looking at the link you have just posted Trencher they are not 28mm and no good to players in that scale.Good to see them in the 'raw' for scale. Oh well guess that squashes them altogether. |
Eclipsing Binaries | 16 Nov 2012 10:46 a.m. PST |
I was looking forward to reviving my VSF army after seeing those, but then after seeing the size of them
I won't be spending a single penny on these. |
DLIinVSF | 16 Nov 2012 12:54 p.m. PST |
Beasts of War (On the table) are saying they are 28mm still.Not sure if they have compared them to other 28mm let?They are big if they make GW Space Marines look small. |
Lion in the Stars | 16 Nov 2012 8:04 p.m. PST |
Wow. Almost a full head taller than a current-generation plastic GW Marine (with an old-style helmet). Nope. Not as a unit. Maybe one or two for characters, but that's it. They really should have gone with 15mm. |
DLIinVSF | 17 Nov 2012 3:17 a.m. PST |
It would be hard as characters I would of thought.Space Marines are genetic super humans which accounts for their size plus armoured suits.The Prussian infantry for example is just a bog standard human. Their Teutonic Knights in suits could be used but as for the rest of the range they have missed out on sales outside the game from what I can see.Don't think you could even get away with using as a unit on its own on the table unless they were the 'giant people'.No chance of mixing them in a unit of 'regular' 28mm. If they had gone for 15mm would it of been 15mm or their own idea of 15mm? They are pretty much restricted to the Spartans game world. |
abdul666lw | 17 Nov 2012 3:44 a.m. PST |
Most vehicles can be used with 28mm minis, but they look more 'weird WWI / radiumpunk' than steampunk. |
DLIinVSF | 17 Nov 2012 4:29 a.m. PST |
The vehicles look like they could fit with GW Death Korps of Krieg? |
streetline | 17 Nov 2012 4:52 a.m. PST |
My word, he's a big lad. To quote Dragon's Den, I'm out. |
freecloud | 18 Nov 2012 8:39 a.m. PST |
Far too big :( Pity, I was looking at adding some of their stuff to supplemement my VSF British on Mars (using mainly GW Praetorians and Eureka) and Venusian Germans (again mainly Eureka). I think I'kll use some of the vehicles though, depending on price. |
79thPA | 21 Nov 2012 11:14 a.m. PST |
The size is certainly disappointing. Even if people with collections are not their target audience, they should be aware of the cross-over potential and increase in sales if they made them in the 25-28mm range. |