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3,246 hits since 13 Aug 2012
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grambo14 Aug 2012 1:20 a.m. PST

Latest unit off the painting bench is this base of British Hussars, Baccus 6mm as usual. Two 28mm Victrix French infantry look on, ready to stamp on them!

I now have a dedicated Gallery page added to my blog of some of my favourite 6mm units, some of which have previously been posted here, but here's just a few for those like myself who just enjoy browsing pictures of 6mm miniatures.
















plutarch 6414 Aug 2012 5:23 a.m. PST

I really like the look of these – they look crisp, and the colours stand out nicely.

Mollinary14 Aug 2012 10:24 a.m. PST


They are fantastic! It really shows what can be done in this scale. I won't identify a favourite, they all make me want to get my paints out and try and do the same – fat chance of achieving that! Not surprising then that I don't have a lot of tips but……. Have you thought of trying a bit of highlighting on the dark brown on the bases? The contrast between it and the light green of the flock looks a bit stark to me, and I thought perhaps a dry brush of something like Vallejo's Stone Grey (70.884) might add a bit of variation. But that is all I could suggest, I could look at your work all day!



kev196415 Aug 2012 10:04 a.m. PST

Excellent work Lee, love looking at your pics, i,ve still not painted any baccus naps yet but am working on some adler brits at the moment so will hopefully put some pics on at the weekend.


Dr Jeckyll15 Aug 2012 10:39 a.m. PST

Arrrrghhh, I feel myself drawn to this scale, and that is bad news for my hobby budget!! Your work is truly inspirational Grambo. Keep it up!
Just a quick question from someone pondering on getting in to this scale (as well), in your opinion are the Baccus figures superior to Adler?


LeonAdler Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Aug 2012 12:31 p.m. PST

What a question! lol
I for one couldn't possibly comment…….


Dr Jeckyll16 Aug 2012 2:05 p.m. PST

Oouch! I've stepped in it now havent I:)

But like I said, I know very little about this scale….

Gazzola17 Aug 2012 7:15 a.m. PST

Dr Jeckyll

Adler and Baccus have their fans. I'd go for Adler everytime, but that's my opinion. I came to that decision by obtaining samples from both Adler and Baccus, painted and based them up and Adler won hands down. They certainly contain enough detail for the 'wow' factor and sometimes it is hard to think you are painting up 6mm miniatures.

But it is like the miniatures in any scale, wargamers will have their own preferences, no matter what criticism others might throw at them. I would suggest you obtain some samples, paint and base them up. That way, you will see for yourself in the flesh, rather go on other people's opinions. Even good photos can be deceiving.

grambo17 Aug 2012 8:11 a.m. PST

Dr Jeckyll – perfectly reasonable question which I would have answered (given the chance), in my usual impartial manner by saying that both ranges are great figures, we are lucky to have the choice and we must make our own minds up.

I really don't get why every time I post pics of MY figures of choice – Baccus – that it provokes this silly and perpetual argument about 'which is best'! I find it childish in the extreme and yes, I'm somewhat irritated that Mr Adler sees fit to post an image of HIS figures in my thread, why not start your own thread? I for one would not dream of posting pics of MY Baccus figures in your thread.

There are plenty of other threads and blogs by guys using Adler figs and I respect that, they are lovely figures. PLEASE can we we drop this nonsense?

Mollinary, I took your advice and gave a slight drybrush to one of my new ECW bases and I think you are right, it does indeed slightly lift the bases so I'm going to highlight all of my Napoleonic bases now, so thank you :-)

Off topic I know, but just to show the highlighted base style ……and YES they are indeed Baccus but I'm really not out to make a meal of it:-) …..


Gazzola17 Aug 2012 1:03 p.m. PST


Nice work and yes, the 'these are better' claims are really silly, and you do wonder why some people feel they have to say 'They're Baccus of course' etc. Why not just say they're Adler or Baccus or any other 6mm make. It does not mean that if you use Baccus and others use Adler, you have made the wrong choice and have the wrong miniatures. We all have our own tastes and preferences and each to their own and all that. But we all love and defend our own miniatures, expect when we lose a game of course, then it is their fault!

LeonAdler Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Aug 2012 2:20 p.m. PST

Seems something of an over reaction. One might even suggest a little over the top…………
Well as someone was asking how the ranges compared I thought having pics of both ranges in the same thread ( didnt know there was any ownership of threads) would be informative. Sorry if you think thats rude but just assumed it was an open forum so all could join in. I shall remember in future not post anything on YOUR threads. Is it ok if I post on threads that you might have made a comment on? Just checking.

LeonAdler Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Aug 2012 2:33 p.m. PST

Dr Jeckyll,
You havent stepped in anything or on anyones toes just asked a perfectly reasonable question. The answer to which is no range is 'superior' its just that some styles of figures suit each of us better or not. Depends on what you demand of your figs and most importantly its whether the design style suits the way you like to paint.
Get as many samples as you can from all the different makes, they all have plus and minus points.

Dr Jeckyll17 Aug 2012 7:08 p.m. PST

My question should in hindsight probably have been put differently. But thanks for the feedback. I will follow your advice and get some samples of different manufacturers and make up my own mind.
I will start of with the two brands in question above, since these seem to be the choice of figures I see most people post pictures of, and take it from there.


Gazzola18 Aug 2012 2:47 a.m. PST


I think your posting images of some Adler miniatures would have been a help, since the potential buyer seems unsure of which range to go for. And most threads showing images of miniatures generally display different makes, scales and manufacturers. I can't see a problem with that, so I'm sure any images you wish to post, possibly in any thread, will be very welcome. I'm an Adler fan but I enjoy seeing images of others makes and other scales.

kmahony11122 Aug 2012 1:50 p.m. PST

Lovely work!!!


jabbadabbadan25 Aug 2012 6:18 a.m. PST

If you paint them for me I'll buy either! And I agree show your pics in your own blog, although I got a kick out of Leon slipping his product in to yours,


Robert Kapa27 Aug 2012 9:08 a.m. PST


This is not grambo's blog. It's a public platform to connect and share images and opinions. Leon made a discrete apparition, without even mentioning who he is or what he offers. Grambo is very talented, hands down, but I don't mind Leon humorous contribution.

jabbadabbadan28 Aug 2012 5:19 a.m. PST

I agree, that it was funny. But who do you think his company is with a name like "Leon Adler"? And I can't seem to find his address on line to buy his figures, all kinds of "Adler" there but mostly outdated. And now Stone Mountain in the U.S. A. is not carrying them anymore. Any help with that? Jabba

isttexas28 Aug 2012 6:36 a.m. PST

try this link

jabbadabbadan28 Aug 2012 12:43 p.m. PST


That worked most xcellantly. Thanks.

You sure have a nice collection of figures. I really enjoy it when you post your pictures to the blog.

Thanks again, Jabba

isttexas28 Aug 2012 3:45 p.m. PST

Thanks, you are welcome. I have had many battles over the last 28 years with 6mm. My latest had 13,000 figures on the table. Made for the real "feel" of battle. Lots of depth, use of reserves, flanking and ebb and flow. But I must admit that 28mm are beautiful! But I paint to play!

jabbadabbadan28 Aug 2012 8:41 p.m. PST


That sounds like fun (13,000 figures). I think I read in one of your blogs that you use 1/10 for scale. That really gives you a real feel for what a sight a real battle must have been like. You have huge divisions and squadrons. I like that idea in 6mm.

Thanks for your input and I'm looking forward to chatting with you in the future, Jabba

grambo29 Aug 2012 6:56 a.m. PST

Well that stirred things up a bit :-)Leon, I apologise, but I'm sick of this same old Baccus v Adler issue and I have never once made any comment beyond both ranges being excellent. I only link images of my figures here from my blog because a lot of guys here don't like clicking external links, so I post a few here and offer a link too, nothing wrong in that surely. I paint Baccus so of course my threads need to acknowledge that, just as most 28mm painters do surely? I'm not out to 'sell' Baccus, I have no link with Baccus beyond enjoying painting their figures. Adlers are great, there I have said it, lovely detail, fine castings, I recommend them. As for 'show your pictures in your blog' well this is the GALLERY thread I believe? Maybe I'm losing it but I always thought a gallery was for showing pictures? …. and you wouldn't hang a Constable in a room full of Turners now would you?

All good fun chaps, lovely basing job Leon, prefer it to my own!


jabbadabbadan30 Aug 2012 6:38 a.m. PST

Hey lee,
I have been out of the hobby for years now. I'm just getting back into it, and have no 6mm figures as of yet. I've ordered both after seeing your blogs and others. I think that both ranges are great looking when painted up and intend to use both. I want to see how compatible they are together size wise. If they are close no problem, I'll base them myself so maybe I'll use a thicker base if the size difference is to much different.

Thanks for your photo's, Jabba

heavytrack130 Aug 2012 10:47 p.m. PST

Sucked in!!!
Just put in an order for some Adler figs, tried to resist……but it was futile…..

LeonAdler Sponsoring Member of TMP07 Sep 2012 7:33 a.m. PST

I thought everyone knew that this is my company presence on the forums. If you click on a name to see the profile if they are a company their advert comes up at top of page. Lets you know who is who.

jabbadabbadan07 Sep 2012 10:00 a.m. PST

That's good to know. Now quit fooling around and get my order together! Yes and I asked you who Leon was. LOL

LeonAdler Sponsoring Member of TMP08 Sep 2012 6:33 a.m. PST

Oh should mention that the picture is of a unit painted and based by Martin Straka of Austria. He does a LOVELY job and makes a designer feel very priveleged to see his work so well finished.

LeonAdler Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Sep 2012 12:17 p.m. PST

….even if said designer cant spell………….Privileged even.

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