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"Would Old Glory 15mm match up in size with Blue Moon 15mm?" Topic

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3,383 hits since 8 Aug 2012
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GROSSMAN08 Aug 2012 2:17 p.m. PST

Found a lot on ebay from DJD painters for some 15mm old glory colonials and wondered if they would look ok with the other new figures form Blue Moon.
Any comments?

Thanks, guys.

ancientsgamer08 Aug 2012 2:21 p.m. PST

Blue Moon are slightly bigger… but they should be okay….

skinkmasterreturns08 Aug 2012 3:24 p.m. PST

I have both and think they match up fine.

Sundance08 Aug 2012 3:56 p.m. PST

From what I've seen, the Blue Moon are really more 18mm while the OG are closer to true 15s. Their buildings especially seem more like 20 than 15. They are very nice figures, though.

rmcaras Supporting Member of TMP08 Aug 2012 4:18 p.m. PST

not in the same units. OG 15s are noticeably smaller IMO.

But I would have no problem putting them on the same table in separate units, the same as I do with OG15s and ABs.

I'm waiting however, for Blue Moon to get around to the lesser powers, like Danes.

I suspect at the glacial release rates, I'm in for a long rate. Sadly it appears they get a bigger bump in sales from releasing new periods than completing the ones they have started. That's the cost of having 18 separate figure lines, not including buildings, tents, play sets etc.

I am sure Danes will be about the bottom the barrel and they have not even released any cavalry for the major powers or artillery crews, English artillery [single trail] etc.

that's life.

SonofThor08 Aug 2012 4:30 p.m. PST

Here's a link to MacPhee's Miniature Men comparing ACW OG and Blue Moon. link

As I understand it, BM started scaling down with the Napoleonics so they may be a good fit.


GROSSMAN08 Aug 2012 7:13 p.m. PST

Thanks for the link SonofThor, I think they will work out fine with OG.
rmcaras, it does seem that Blue Moon has spread themselfs pretty thin on ranges. I have their AWI figures and think they are the best figures around, well sculpted and great detail good faces and they paint up easy. I would suggest if starting a new project go with them.

Old Glory Sponsoring Member of TMP08 Aug 2012 10:22 p.m. PST

"Glacial release rates" -- ??? I do admitt we have not gone as fast as even I would of liked -- but still --if you look at what has come out next to anyone else -- I do not think it that slow -- AB has been at it for years???

That being said --by the end of the year we will be finishing out the smaller ranges and then the Nappies will become the major priority and the releases will become way more frequent.
Russ Dunaway

rmcaras Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2012 4:52 a.m. PST

Russ, my bad choice of words. The releases themselves are not not slow, the net effect on COMPLETING ranges however is.

In the past your reputation for releasing about 80-95% of a complete range set Old Glory apart from all other miniature manufacturers, IMO. One could rely upon the ability to order most all of the combatants of all types in a short period of time. I don't see that now, at least not with the Napoleonics, where they have been out for a while and still no listing for cavalry, artillery, guard, et al for the major powers, much less the minors powers.

I have no doubt OG will get them out eventually, as I believe in your commitment to the range and scale.

SonofThor09 Aug 2012 1:53 p.m. PST

I was going to say that it seems like OG/Blue Moon are going at break-neck speed with their releases! Every time I turn around there's a new range. Great stuff, I need to add some of the Darkest Africa and possibly the Gauls to my Hyboria project.

Old Glory Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Aug 2012 3:01 p.m. PST

rmacras, As always thanks for you interst and while I can appreciate your desire to have the Napoleonic Danes I do not think small ranges such as the TWI,FFL. CGW can be compared to our undertaking of the Napoleonic range we plan. While those smaller ranges are "in and out" 15-20 pack ranges the Napoleonic range we envision will be 1000s of codes, unreasonable to think it would take just months? I think most people will be very pleased with what 1-2 years of releases will accomplish -- yet even then we will still be on the march with this massive range.
The goal at this time is to get the major armies out for 1805-1815 -- As the infantry is the major part of each army we have concentrated on that -- if one would notice the greater part of the infantry for those armies are completed so the gamer can begin to paint the bulk of his force waiting for the cav, art, etc,. These Infantry packs are extensive and take a great deal more time (the inf commands are very labor entensive) then the art,cav,etc so things will speed up.
This range will become "the standard" for all future ranges and is not intended as a "fill in" for what has not been already made so will be very extensive-- thus we are committed over the long haul to see the project through.

All that being said -- we do intend to speed up and not add any smaller ranges for a while --The artillery guns,limbers,wagons,cassons, forges, ambulances are all done and eagerly await their crews --next in line -- the cav will begin to show up in reasonably large numbers before years end.
Once the major powers (1805-1806) are "complete" we will then do the spanish and portugese and then do the smaller powers one at a time to completion – so Bavarians, Wurtenburger, Danes, the Guard, poles, Etc,Etc,Etc,etc will come along as complete armies.
Once again --this will not take months --but some years --but not 15 or 20 years --so in my book anywy -- it will be fast considering the size of the project.

rmcaras Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2012 5:21 p.m. PST


Thanks for the insights into the production schedule. Very appreciated and confirms my estimates. I figured on late 2013-2014 for something like Danes.

Since I already own Napoleonic armies in the original Old Glory 15s, I would in fact choose only BM figures that are not available elsewhere, primarily with OG 15s. As it does not seem they will be adding missing components of the Napoleonic armies, one is left with…..Mini-Figs from the UK. Sorry, I sold off everything that was not OG, BH or AB from my collection.

So I will sit and wait. Just don't keel over on us!!!

I remember when we talked decades ago, I believe you were in Pontiac, Michigan then? You had some Napoleonics to sell, but I was too slow [ad in the old Courier]…looks like you have a LOT of Napoleonics to sell now!

urbinoprince213 Nov 2012 3:56 p.m. PST

I went to the Old Glory site and found only Blue Moon figures? Where are the bags of miniatures for sale? Are Blue Moon and Old Glory the same?

Old Contemptibles13 Nov 2012 4:50 p.m. PST

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