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"Best choice on AT-AT for 28mm gaming?" Topic

11 Posts

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matgc8328 Jul 2012 4:31 p.m. PST

So, I'm starting a 28mm-30mm army of Stormtroopers. My idea is to use it to play with whatever 28mm rulest my local gaming club folks are into at any given time (40k, Dust, etc).

The At-At would make a good heavy tank, and there are lots of options on e-bay. What company makes the best model for this scale?

Mako1128 Jul 2012 4:52 p.m. PST

The big, full-sized, $100 USD one, meant for play with the larger 3 & 3/4" Action Figs, in my opinion.

matgc8328 Jul 2012 5:03 p.m. PST

Do you mean this one:


Or this one?


Those are both on the U$80.00 – U$120.00 range.

matgc8328 Jul 2012 5:04 p.m. PST

I suspect any of them would be just too big for a 28mm game table, wouldn't they?

StarfuryXL528 Jul 2012 5:46 p.m. PST

The second one is the one Mako11 is suggesting. The first one is made to go with the plastic SW figs, but then again WOTC's attention to scale was sometimes lacking. However, that first one would fit better on the tabletop. The Kenner model is a brute.

John the OFM28 Jul 2012 5:58 p.m. PST

We used both the "Action figure" model and the "10mm model" in a memorable GASLIGHT game.
The smaller one was a wee ankle bighter, tricked out as a Spar Toropedo Uhlan. It blew out the knee of the bigger one, which promptly collapsed on top of the wee one. grin

It was NOT a Star Wars game, though.

Mako1128 Jul 2012 9:08 p.m. PST

Actually, the one I was thinking about is the larger one, to go with their action figures.

Seems perfect to me, based upon scenes from the movie, to go with the 32mm figs.

The foot of the walker can stomp an entire Snow-speeder, so should be really large when compared to the figures on the table. Of course, your gonna need a large table to use them, but that's the beauty of the assault on Hoth.

BigNickR28 Jul 2012 10:45 p.m. PST

I actually have one of the starwars minis ones i'd trade for some 28mm moderns…

my user name on google's mail service

Dropzonetoe Fezian29 Jul 2012 6:55 a.m. PST

Mako I convinced my wife to let me buy one for my grandson it was the starwars heroes AT-AT for $50 USD(I think).

I took a few pics if your interested to see the scale differences.




And it should be large enough to be stompy to any speeders.

vojvoda29 Jul 2012 3:56 p.m. PST

I have four here with me and six in storage of the Star Wars Miniatures line. I can put five on line on a six by twelve foot table and still have room for 18 snowspeeders. I use the 20mm (approx) from Galoob. I use the 25/28mm Star Wars Miniatures with them and yes the table is busy but it plays fine. I have access to others in different sizes that I can use but those from the game work best.
James Mattes

Cergorach23 Sep 2012 11:58 a.m. PST

If you assume the AT-AT is ~22.5 meters tall then:
The WotC AT-AT actually comes very close to being to scale with 28-30mm miniatures, its ~1:67.
The 24" tall Hasbro 'mega' AT-AT is way to tall, it's ~1:37.

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