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"Economic Powerhouse" Topic

31 Posts

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2,621 hits since 21 Jul 2012
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Comments or corrections?

Mr Elmo22 Jul 2012 3:34 a.m. PST

I really noticed the economic effect of FoW at Historicon. The tournament area was buzzing. You had dealers with wares from MSRP to 30% off. There was also plenty of hallway talk about bad moves and ambushing M10s. I'm sure the fleamarket also had FoW items.

This leads me to wonder: why don't the haters just play FoW instead of Tractics alone in their basement?

Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Jul 2012 4:11 a.m. PST

Is it crowded under that bridge…?

Cardinal Hawkwood22 Jul 2012 4:25 a.m. PST

I am not sure I understand this thread

Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Jul 2012 4:32 a.m. PST

I think someone may have just landed the catering contract for the Dawghouse, and be aiming to maximise the revenue….

Mr Elmo22 Jul 2012 4:52 a.m. PST

I am not sure I understand this thread

it's observation on the overwhelming market share of FoW in terms of dealer shelf space, tournament players, and gaming banter. I mean, no other single games close.

Derek H22 Jul 2012 4:59 a.m. PST

I believe McDonalds is the most popular restaurant chain in the world.

Perhaps we should all stop eating anywhere else when we go out for a meal.

Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Jul 2012 5:25 a.m. PST

Yeah, hardly anyone eats at Michelin starred restaurants – they must be rubbish….

Patrick R22 Jul 2012 5:29 a.m. PST

Why don't you just throw away your figures and play chess like the majority of people ?

Derek H22 Jul 2012 5:42 a.m. PST

Or just give up playing any games at all.

Sit in front of the TV watching reality TV shows. It's even more popular than chess.

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Jul 2012 5:56 a.m. PST

I mean no other single game comes close…

Yeah that warhammer and 40k stuff is just a six month flash in the pan passing fad…

Rrobbyrobot22 Jul 2012 6:59 a.m. PST

I rather like Tractics. I no longer own a copy. Beware what you give to your nephew. I play Jagdpanzer for my WW2 obsession. I like those rules even more than Tractics. For one thing, theye're simpler.
I have spoken out in opposition to Battle Front and Flames of War. Mostly because I don't like some of their vehicles. I'm stuck with two of their PzIIIs that look very poor next to those from Quality Cast. Their infantry are just not that good. In every post I've seen showing games played with their rules I see tanks grouped fender to fender. As a former tank crewman this looks just plain goofy. How can they manuver like that?
Now I'll say what I like about their stuff. I like their Soviet vehicles alot. I have a full company of their T28s, another of BTs, a platoon of T35 heavies, among others.
When I speak, I try to do so honestly. If that makes me a hater. Please feel free to not associate with me.

Derek H22 Jul 2012 7:03 a.m. PST


Jemima Fawr22 Jul 2012 8:18 a.m. PST

This thread is almost a parody of sock-puppetry.

Lentulus22 Jul 2012 8:59 a.m. PST

why don't the haters just play FoW

I've not played the game. Is it particularly well suited to people who hate?

Guthroth22 Jul 2012 9:08 a.m. PST

Post + troll = stifle …

Mako1122 Jul 2012 10:37 a.m. PST

Tractics is better!

Rrobbyrobot22 Jul 2012 12:07 p.m. PST

I sure wish I had my old copy. A bit cumbersome. But really good rules. Covered just about every aspect, and were they clear.

11th ACR22 Jul 2012 12:44 p.m. PST

"Tractics is better!"
I still have two copy's of the rules.
(No I am not giving up one of them!)

"why don't the haters just play FoW"
Because it has a lot of unrealistic/unhistorical problems with them.
Plus they reminded me of a few other gaming company's (no names) that are out to build an Empire (don't get in there way) and make Mega Money as fast as they can. Oh and nice Glossy Pictures in your rule books don't do anything but raise the cost to the buyer.

A lot of pro FoW say "Oh FoW has brought new younger gamers in to the hobby!"
Sorry but maybe I don't want to have to teach children everything he should have to know about wargaming.
That was one reason I only played one or two games of D&D back in the mid 80's, and continued with historical wargaming.
I did not like dealing with all of the teenagers and pre-teen gamers.

11th ACR22 Jul 2012 1:22 p.m. PST

PS Parking Lots Of Combat Vehicles!

Rrobbyrobot22 Jul 2012 1:24 p.m. PST

You, you, bless you!

Formerly with the 2nd ACR.

D A THB22 Jul 2012 2:39 p.m. PST

Economics, no overtime so no money to keep up with the constant flow of new improved books and rules.

Still have plenty of other things to get on with which don't need constant refunding to keep up with.

Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP22 Jul 2012 2:54 p.m. PST

PS Parking Lots Of Combat Vehicles!

I used to point out that every other WW2 set of rules features the same thing, but I have been offended by Battlefront lately, so I will not bother. They are on their own!

darthfozzywig22 Jul 2012 3:09 p.m. PST

This thread is summed up in two images:



11th ACR22 Jul 2012 3:38 p.m. PST


Lion in the Stars22 Jul 2012 7:36 p.m. PST

Ok, enlighten the heathen. What's the groundscale in Tractics?

Flames has a telescoping groundscale, ranges from ~1"=12m at pistol/SMG ranges, to about 1"=20m for rifle range, up to about 1"=100m at artillery ranges. Those tanks less than 1" apart are close to 20m apart in ground-scale.

*every* game that has a distortion between figure scale and groundscale will have that visual problem.

Cardinal Hawkwood22 Jul 2012 8:56 p.m. PST

nope, I still don't understand it..or is it that my foot is itching and I have to take my sock off???

Caesar23 Jul 2012 9:50 a.m. PST

Well, you've certainly convinced me that all the fun I've been having with my friends has been a waste of time. We'll run out and jump on the FoW bandwagon right away!

captain canada24 Jul 2012 1:14 p.m. PST

I will look up the ground scale but it is linear. thus the distortion is linear, not logarithmic.

firstvarty197930 Jul 2012 6:35 a.m. PST

What's a good condition copy of Tractics selling for nowadays?

(Looks for it on eBay)


Holy crap! For THAT, it may be time to think about selling mine…

11th ACR30 Jul 2012 11:44 a.m. PST

And I have two copys!
I can buy gas to get to work this week!

Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2012 5:55 a.m. PST

That's the asking price, with no bids. Good luck on that! grin

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