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"15mm GZG Vehicles - any good?" Topic

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Boa09jw06 Jul 2012 6:28 a.m. PST

Hi all

Thinking of buying some GZG vehicles; but its hard to tell from the website how big they are. Are they too small, or are they big enough to look realistic on the battlefield?

Poi00006 Jul 2012 6:42 a.m. PST

That all depends on what you are comparing them to. What are you planning on mixing them with?

nazrat06 Jul 2012 6:43 a.m. PST

All the ones I have are plenty big compared to the infantry. They were all cleanly cast in metal and weigh a LOT. My Xmas order last year included a bunch of the big heavy tanks (quite literally) and the package weighed well over ten pounds! I think the mailman had a hernia with that one…

nazrat06 Jul 2012 6:45 a.m. PST

But then, almost all the photos of the 15mm vehicles on the GZG site have an infantry model standing next to them, so what more are you needing?

Rodrick Campbell Fezian06 Jul 2012 6:46 a.m. PST

I love mine. I stick to the chunkier tracked/ wheeled near future looking models, though.

They all assemble fairly easily and securely. The only drawback is that they weigh a ton.

GregFarrell06 Jul 2012 6:54 a.m. PST

I love mine too – I have the grav APCs, the octo-pod walkers and the smaller bipedal Crusty walkers.

Size wise they look correct to me.

All excellent IMO.

Fantasyfish06 Jul 2012 7:24 a.m. PST

The models are well cast metal models that are realistically proportioned in my opinion to modern day vehicles.

Again this is just my own opinion, but I find that they mix well with vehicles from Brigade Models, Peter Pig, QRF etc. But they do seem to be somewhat small when compared with vehicles from Old Crow for example.

Go with your gut and decide if like realistic proportioned vehicles against your infantry, if so these are a good fit. Otherwise check out a larger vehicle manufacturer like Old Crow, etc.

I happily use GZG on the table with any other 15mm Sci-Fi and modern stuff, I just don't generally mix manufacturers in the same force for aesthetic reasons.

Only Warlock06 Jul 2012 7:40 a.m. PST

They are absolutely Superb.

streetline06 Jul 2012 7:52 a.m. PST

They're good.

Samulus06 Jul 2012 7:55 a.m. PST

They're pretty good, I have two of the tracked SLAM carriers. Castings aren't bad but mine needed quite of bit of filing and trimming as their were some mouldlines and some of the edges could be straighter. Also, they sit slightly wonky, a problem I also found with some Old Glory vehicles of mine.

Boa09jw06 Jul 2012 8:23 a.m. PST

Thanks for all the feedback. Guess I'll be making some purchases in the near future!

Jeff W06 Jul 2012 8:37 a.m. PST

In general very good stuff, I have to echo Samulus in that I've had some rough castings as well. Mold lines haven't been too bad, but the acute angles on my advanced grav tanks were in pretty rough shape, some pitting on a Mantis VTOL and my large crusty walker needed a lot of filing.

None of it is work I'm unused to doing, so no reason to stop buying.

(I make fun of others)06 Jul 2012 8:48 a.m. PST

Because they were very much the old guard in 15mm sci fi for quite a while, they have a build-in fan base that is very supportive. Perhaps just a little too supportive for the gamer who wants a rough and ready assessment.

For that, take a look at these blog posts, which include photos. For your specific enquiry the second link is better.



Jeff W06 Jul 2012 8:57 a.m. PST


In the second link, showing the air pocket some distance down the page- I had those on both fan intakes on the Mantis as well and was somewhat baffled how they formed. There appeared to be a cavity underneath. I was able to cover mine with epoxy, but I wan't sure if I filled the hole completely.

Farstar06 Jul 2012 9:15 a.m. PST

Still slamming the customers, eh, PR?

I've had casting lines, gaps, warps, and thin spots, and Jon's high-wheeled vehicles are not models I would slam around a table too heavily (not that *anyone* should be that cavalier), but the tracked stuff is generally pretty rough and ready. I've had relatively few casting flaws I couldn't either cover or work around fairly simply, and I'm very much an old school type: GZG 15mm is for gaming. If I wanted display models to ooh and aah at under a microscope, I would be in another scale and another company.

nazrat06 Jul 2012 10:24 a.m. PST

Boa-- you might want to think about making an order before the 9th of this month-- GZG is having a Summer Sale and everything is 20% off.

WJAL2106 Jul 2012 11:05 a.m. PST

Troops are a little too far in front, but give reasonable impression of the size of the hi-mobility trucks.


And yes, I'm a long time GZG fan. :)

infojunky06 Jul 2012 3:23 p.m. PST

Ground Zero Games vehicles are just fine. If you order and have issues with a model Jon is very easy to deal with.

Size wise they are fine as well, heavy industrial is the word for style.

It really comes down to what your taste is in vehicle styles…

Krazy Ivan06 Jul 2012 3:51 p.m. PST

I have a ton of GZG heavy tracked vehicles. The did have some serious mould lines, but not so much that I was put off. In terms of size I would say that if you want realistically sized vehicles they are spot on. If you are used to the Games Workshop vehicle to figure size ratio then they will seem small. Whether that issue good or bad thing is up to you.

Micman Supporting Member of TMP06 Jul 2012 5:38 p.m. PST

I also have a bunch of GZG vehicles – Grav, Walkers and GEV. Love them. Will get more.

But having said that when you put them on the table next to some of the other manufacturers, the GZG tend to be smaller. Not a bad thing, just wanted to mention it.

darthfozzywig06 Jul 2012 6:08 p.m. PST

I like them. They have a great hard sci-fi feel and I think are very realistically proportioned.

Wolfprophet06 Jul 2012 6:15 p.m. PST

Yes. and I'm not a rapid GZG fan. I like their stuff, but their vehicles are a bit pricey for me at times as they're still all metal. On the upside, I'd not ever had an actual product issue with them, but Jon's customer service is great.

John Treadaway07 Jul 2012 3:16 a.m. PST

I concure with pretty much what everyone else said. Examples of vehicles with their own infantry standing next to them:






The vehicles are heavy (my Kaiser bags struggle with the sheer weight of the Gauntlets I just bought from GZG: I had to glue the foam into the bottom of the card boxes to stop them moving about!). That's not suprising because – as has been said – they are entirely metal and despite how hollow Jon sculpts things (some of those trucks came in a dozen pieces and most of that is to save weight and metal, I suspect) they are still four or five times the weight of a solid resin item of the same size.

And – talking of size – I think they are fine. I want a selection of different sized vehicles and many 15mm SF resin vehicles are quite big (probably too big) and definately rather cinematic.

The GZG models all require a fair degree of cleaning up, as do most* resin vehicles: mould lines and so forth and – me being lazy – I keep finding one's I've missed (to my great annoyance) but that's more a comment on my attitude than GZG's moulding…

And, sure: they are not cheap but are commensurate in price with the likes of Critical Mass vehicles, I would say.

And in a world that includes GW pricing structures, they are plenty cheap enough and Jon's a good guy to deal with.

John T
*Though not all

Moqawama07 Jul 2012 4:13 a.m. PST

"I'm not a rapid GZG fan"

Don't worry Wolfprophet, we also like slow-moving GZG fans!


Lion in the Stars07 Jul 2012 6:12 a.m. PST

Some of the models are a bit rough on occasion, but they are solid chunks of metal.

Besides, Jon has the 'wormhole' for shipping.

badger2207 Jul 2012 6:44 a.m. PST

Yes he does! I get stuff from him faster than any of the people I deal with in the US. If I order on a monday, most of the time I get it by thursday, friday at the latest. That is to west coast USA. The only other person that is close to that is Scott Washburn of Paper terain, he is just about as fast, but he is closer.


(Jake Collins of NZ 2)07 Jul 2012 2:08 p.m. PST

Given the price charged for international shipping in comparison with some other sellers, I'd be disappointed if it was not wormhole quick.

darthfozzywig07 Jul 2012 6:21 p.m. PST

Given the price charged for international shipping

…which is offset by not having to pay VAT, of course…

combat wombat07 Jul 2012 7:58 p.m. PST

love em

SpleenRippa08 Jul 2012 3:05 a.m. PST

I recently placed an order for 27 'pounds' (sorry, not sure how to do the proper currency symbol) worth of infantry and GZG charged 11 'pounds' for shipping across the pond to NS. Worth it, IMO, but I did choke a little ;-)

link hunter 9908 Jul 2012 3:23 a.m. PST

gzg vehicles are good design and size, proper 15mm not almost-20mm of some others.

badger2208 Jul 2012 4:11 a.m. PST

SpleenRippa, that is not to bad for pond crossing. I found some really great 15mm vietnam buildings and was ordering a fair bit of them until I got to the 50% postage notice. Very nice buildings, but not at that postage rate. GZG is much better than that.


artbraune08 Jul 2012 6:47 a.m. PST

@badger22 – which Vietnam buildings?

Boa09jw08 Jul 2012 8:17 a.m. PST

Thanks for all the advice everyone; just contributed somewhat to the GZG coffers…

badger2208 Jul 2012 2:50 p.m. PST

Timecast, range 30. If you are in the UK, a reat looking line. If the US and have a lot of money again great. All of them are taken from period photos and have a real, used look to them.


Etranger08 Jul 2012 6:18 p.m. PST

Timecast do sometimes have 'sales' so worth watching out for. Their Vietnam buildings are lovely, I must finish mine off!

Some comparisons of GZG vehicles

From left Old Crow X2, GZG, Brigade Models.

GZG Survey ATV. Figures are GZG too

Mixed figures including Splintered Light & GZG.

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