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"BARRAGE XVI Wants You! Gamemasters, Vendors, and Gamers" Topic

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1,186 hits since 25 Jun 2012
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Chris Palmer26 Jun 2012 1:41 a.m. PST

Barrage XVI is now actively seeking gamemasters, vendors and gamers. Mark your calenders for September 15, 2012. Barrage is a one-day mini-convention run by the Harford Area Weekly Kriegspielers (HAWKs). It will be held at the Havre de Grace community hall, in northern Harford County, Maryland, convenient from I-95. In the past we've had a half dozen dealers, as many as 200 attendees, and thirty or more games. We hope to greatly increase these numbers this year, as we have moved Barrage to an even bigger and better location than before. Bring your friends! Run a game!


Gaming begins at 9:00 AM and runs until 9:00 PM.

The overall convention organizer is Geoff Graff (, 410-557-2456). Please contact him for more information about the convention. Also contact him if you are interested in renting dealer or flea market space.

Buck Surdu ( is the events coordinator. Contact him if you are interested in running games. We are always interested in game masters other than HAWKS running games at Barrage.

Game masters get reduced admission rates.

The Barrage website is now up and running, so check there to see more information and to see the PEL once we start getting game submissions:



surdu200505 Jul 2012 4:56 a.m. PST

Game masters are beginning to submit games. I'll begin posting an event listing on the Barrage Web page soon. In the meantime, if you want to run a game, contact me at

Buck Surdu

firstvarty197905 Jul 2012 6:34 a.m. PST

Sorry for the hijack, but I couldn't help myself in creating an alternative caption/image.

surdu200509 Jul 2012 3:35 a.m. PST

Very funny!!!!

Chris Palmer09 Jul 2012 5:48 a.m. PST

That's great! grin

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