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"New Hammer's Slammers 15mm painting project" Topic

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dwartist03 Aug 2012 10:02 a.m. PST

Inspirational stuff – as always!

Eli Arndt03 Aug 2012 10:26 a.m. PST

Love the mob of civilians. Those baseball caps look like they would paint up as hard hats just as easily.

I have been wanting something similar for colonial unrest or colony vs invader scenarios.


Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP03 Aug 2012 8:39 p.m. PST

Do you do any cons in the US? I just got The Crucible today and im loving it so far! I want to give it a thorough read-thru so I can post a thoughtful review.

Now I just need to corral some 15mm hammer's slammers opponents!

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP04 Aug 2012 1:03 a.m. PST

Oh, and I mean conventions… not, uh, cons as in snake oil :)

John Treadaway04 Aug 2012 3:34 a.m. PST


I'd love to do a convention in the states but my last two trips involved riding a bike through Nevada, Arizona and California and – while my wife tolerates me taking her on it to visit air museaums, I might be stretching it on the wargames shows front grin

I mean I'd love to but it might be a while!

Thanks for the other kind comments people: much appreciated.

John T

PS – MrHarold: I have a gallon of snake oil I've just stuck on ebay – I'll send you the link wink

PPS – glad you're enjoying the book MrHarold – don't miss all of the web stuff too (extra forces, scenarios, 3 supplements and other gear) on the web site

commanderroj04 Aug 2012 6:55 a.m. PST

Just been looking at the website pics John and i particularly liked the look of the recent club night game. Noticed a few things:

On Diabetes technical i dont regognize the stowage, and it looks particularly good on that vehicle.Any reason why i shouldnt recognize the source of the stowage? or do you have some new stowage painting tips?

On the Goannas you have used a 25mm rocket pod (presumably as an MLRS). Would it be feasible in your opinion to mount the 25mm pod in the standard configuration mount for a whopper of a weapon mount?

Finally, I have it in mind to make a 6mm destroyer out of an old kit for beachead/estuary games. I dont think there are naval units in Slammers, so admittedly not cannon, but ho about doing a very large 15mm gunboat/corvette for fun, (if you can find a river/beach-head larg enough)Might be a good scenery option for a very large table, and could provide naval fire support.

Unfortuantely i wont get pics of my forcs up until i have a game at the club in due course as my camera isnt up to it!

John Treadaway04 Aug 2012 8:34 a.m. PST

On Diabetes technical i dont regognize the stowage, and it looks particularly good on that vehicle.Any reason why i shouldnt recognize the source of the stowage? or do you have some new stowage painting tips?

The stowage on that whole set of Sincanmo vehicles is gleaned from 1/72 scale vehicles or suppliers. As it happened I thought I would cut some corners and try to buy some ready painted stuff so I bought some Hobby master stowage from Amazon and ebay ( link is an example ) as it was a reasonable price for what you got, I thought, and was painted by, er… someone else!


When I was looking around for something to stick on his big vehicle I also noted that I have a fairly substantial collection of pre-painted 1/72 scale WW2 and modern vehicles (by various manufacturers including Forces of Valour and Dragon) which largely sits in a glass cabinet in doors and, to be honest, I robbed a couple of vehicles which had loads of kit on them (and that I had duplicates of). So the Chiefs wheels has a piece of stowage from the back of a Grant M3 and – along the sides – some stowage from the bins on a modern US Bradley. That, some extra oil drums from the source I mentioned earlier and some gerry cans.


Lastly, I made up bedrolls/tarps from green stuff ribbone putty made into sausages with detail sculpted on with a scalpel. They're useful for filling in gaps as – obviously – they are just putty and can be forced into whatever shape is convenient and – as they are green – I didn't even need to paint them, just add inks and highlight before they all got their over all Army painter dip.

On the Goannas you have used a 25mm rocket pod (presumably as an MLRS). Would it be feasible in your opinion to mount the 25mm pod in the standard configuration mount for a whopper of a weapon mount?

I wanted to represent some bigger missile boxes with medium sized ATGWs and that seemed a good way to do it. In 28mm Kevin Dallimore is a big fan of big missiles on small vehicles representing the (even heavier) ATGWs, like this:



I think it's all doable – some of the stuff I've seen recently on the news footage of Libya tells me you can mount all sorts of things on a light vehicle if you're careful (and take the corners quite slowly… grin )


Finally, I have it in mind to make a 6mm destroyer out of an old kit for beachead/estuary games. I dont think there are naval units in Slammers, so admittedly not cannon, but how about doing a very large 15mm gunboat/corvette for fun, (if you can find a river/beach-head larg enough)Might be a good scenery option for a very large table, and could provide naval fire support.

I think – scenario wise – almost anything is a goer. Dave Drake seems to be a fan of unusual transport vehicles in the Slammers stories: there's dirigibles, monorails, ekranoplans and (in Forlorn Hope) broadcast power vehicles on (effectively) powered roads. Armed naval stuff sounds good to me!

And don't worry about cameras and lenses – if you have a digital camera that takes pictures to any decent modern size (ie anything more than 5 megapixels) you can selectively crop the bits you need to get a close up and still get a decent enough image if the lighting's right!

I look forward to seeing your stuff Commanderog!

John T

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